Reply To: Turn Down That Music and Get Off My Lawn Moment?
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Merry Christmas everyone! It’s Christmas morning here and a gorgeous day. Waiting for big storms later but hopefully we can get to the beach first.
We keep a fairly streamlined Christmas, it’s pretty much just each other and maybe my mum and her partner if we find anything good.
This year I got my husband a stand up paddle board for like $150, then a cigar ashtray and stand for about $60.
He got me tickets to the Drag Race Snatch Game tour next year, a few board games and a copy of Uno No Mercy for today.
I found a really funny flag that says ‘beware of (mums partner’s name) so I got them that. Where they live is pretty much all grey nomads and they all have flag poles with novelty flags on them that they change out frequently. Apparently communicating like pirates is the hotness among our nation’s pensioners.
We’re having lunch at the unit mum has rented from my brother for the holidays (they run a block of holiday rentals) which is right on the beach, it’s nice and should be fairly low stress. God I hope so.