Internet stranger knows where I live, I’m scared

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  • January 20, 2025 at 11:13 pm #1134535

    A guy appeared seemingly out of nowhere on an online forum I use. He was kind and told me he lived in my neighborhood (like , he said we live close by and mentioned my neighborhood). I had never mentioned an address online, neither a neighborhood. It was bizzare. I ignore this message. Another one comes from a different account. He claims he has diabetes like me and that if I want to talk we can etc. I ignored that as well. He sent a how are you etc. I responded. Lo and behold, he says he lives in my neighborhood.

    While talking to him, I comment on other posts and he messages me about what I commented one minute ago – it felt threatening. He was clearly stalking. He gave me other indirect hints he was stalking, too. It’s like he knows every comment I make. By the way, he knows where I hang out daily. I have no idea how. But he can clearly come and find me. He insists on meeting him there, like literally keeps asking me all the time. He knows I take care of strays and he uses an excuse that he wants to search for a spot to make a shelter for them. He indirectly asked me about details of the place I hang out and I tried lying about them.

    I told him I was in pain today and he still kept asking to meet me. I am scared because he knows where to find me either way. I told him I’m ugly and he got angry that it’s an excuse. He gave me his phone number.

    I am fucking scared. It’s like, I will either meet him by will or by force.

    What should I do?

    January 21, 2025 at 7:09 am #1134539

    This is probably not an internet stranger, this is probably a person who knows you in real life. Think very hard about who you know (male or female) who knows enough about you to join a forum you’re on and mention the details they mentioned.

    It’s really concerning that you would keep engaging or chatting with someone behaving like this online, rather than IMMEDIATELY blocking and reporting them. Do that now. Block these accounts and do not engage. Report them to the moderator. I’d go make a police report as well since they seem to be stalking you.

    January 21, 2025 at 1:34 pm #1134547

    Check to make sure you don’t have an air tag on your car or anywhere that this person would be able to keep tabs on your where abouts. Immediately report it to the police.

    January 21, 2025 at 5:16 pm #1134549

    Of course, follow Kate & SM’s advice. I would also review your habits. Change where you hang out daily, and revise what you to help stray cats. Tracking down stray/feral cats may quickly lead you to lonely, quiet places. Check and strengthen your privacy settings on all your social media; create new accounts but don’t delete just inactivate the old ones. Does this person have your phone number? If yes, you may wish to change it. You’re right to be concerned.

    January 22, 2025 at 10:58 am #1134556

    This is the most bizzare thing I’ve ever seen. He always asks me how I’m doing, I told him I feed some strays and he bought food for the strays so I can keep going to feed them. He wasn’t where he left the food. I do not understand.

    January 22, 2025 at 11:16 am #1134558

    Girl. Stop trying to understand and just block and report this creep. You need to be more careful online. His behavior is unacceptable and you need to be treating it as such, not continuing to engage with it and attempting to make sense of it.

    January 22, 2025 at 11:44 am #1134559

    He trapped me. I am trapped.

    January 22, 2025 at 11:45 am #1134560

    He followed me.

    January 22, 2025 at 1:11 pm #1134561

    Ok, use your phone to call the police?

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Internet stranger knows where I live, I’m scared

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