“My Boyfriend Blames Me For Everything Wrong in His Life”

I have been seeing a guy who’s going through a divorce and we were good friends before that. He is living with his mother right now. He talks all the time about our getting married, and when he is in a good mood, our relationship is perfect. He talks about how much I have helped him and how he wouldn’t be able to do things without me and how I am his life. But when he is in a bad mood, he completely shuts me out and makes everything my fault. It’s like he is a completely different person. He doesn’t care what he loses and doesn’t need help from anyone. How…

“After a Fight, I Don’t Know If I Still Want to Marry My Fiancé”

My fiancé, “Jim,” and I have been together for about three years now, and we just got engaged a month ago. Everything has been pretty much perfect, but last night we got into a big fight which ended with him leaving our room and sleeping on the couch. The topic of the fight sort of blossomed out of me having a problem at work where my boss put me on shifts when she knew I had school, to which he said that what I was worried about was “stupid” and “ridiculous” and he “didn’t get it,” which hurt my feelings because I felt it was important. I explained that this scheduling issue…

“My Boyfriend’s Misogynist Friends Call Me a ‘Whore'”

The guy I’ve been dating for over a year now is really sweet, there’s no doubt that he loves me, and everything has been good up until I started meeting more and more of his friends. The issue is that in his circle of friends I’m unable to point out any single person who is respectful of women, decent, or even faithful to his woman. Whenever we all hang out, I have to deal with non-stop banter about the sexual escapades of these friends and other inappropriate comments, which initially I let slide for the sake of getting along with the men. I have talked to my boyfriend about this issue, which…

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