On Going Home and the Passing of Time
“My kids – one in 8th grade and one in 4th grade – were on break from their NYC public schools last week and we spent the time off in…”
Don’t Forget to Self-Regulate
“I was watching an AOC Live the other day on Instagram – the one where she’s knitting – and she was talking…
“How Can I Trust My Lying Sibling?”
When their lies are intertwined with addiction, how do we begin to heal and trust again?
Don’t Let The Bad Guys Steal Your Joy
“One thing – ok, two things – I keep hearing since the election, and especially since the inauguration last month is to…
Is it Perimenopause or Just the Reality of Being Conscious These Days?”
The other day I Googled “cute sneakers for plantar fasciitis” and realized that if ages had phrases, that one would belong to…