“My Mother-In-Law’s House is Too Dirty To Bring Over My Baby”

I’m 23, recently married, and 21 weeks pregnant with my first child.
Throughout my whole relationship with my husband, my in-laws’ house has always been always disgusting. My mother-in-law is a hoarder and addicted to shopping. In addition, there are three dogs and two cats in the house, and one dog goes to the bathroom in the front living room and leaves a mess that won’t be picked up for days to almost a week. The very second you walk in the house you smell it. The bathroom is indescribable, the kitchen is a disaster, and now my in-laws are talking about my child visiting once she’s born and I don’t know how to handle that.

My husband and I have talked to his mother for months about cleaning and de-cluttering the house and even said that we would help, but she refuses to see or hear what we have to say — she always have excuses or she will say, “You’re not having the baby tomorrow.” Then she will try to shift the conversation. She gets so defensive and feels like we are attacking her, but we aren’t. Unfortunately, I am at a point where we have to give her an ultimatum to clean the house or the baby will not come over and visit. I don’t ever want to get to that point, but I don’t know what else to do. Please help me. I am desperate. — Hoarder’s Daughter-in-Law

First, congratulations on your marriage and your pregnancy. This is an exciting time for you and I know how easy it is to get caught up in the desire for everything to be perfect as you begin this new life. But the fact is, life is messy (literally and figuratively), and navigating your in-laws’ house and lifestyle is but one challenge you’re going to face as a wife and mother (and adult, in general, regardless of your family status). The fact is that you can issue an ultimatum to your hoarder in-laws, but it’s not going to do any good, especially BEFORE your baby is even born and the incentive to clean up is still just an idea and not something that can be held and seen just yet. And you can offer to help clean up but if the situation is so bad that there’re animal feces and urine regularly on the floor and furniture, it’s going to take more than some well-meaning family members to turn things around.

Your in-laws (or, at least your MIL) likely needs professional help, and not just in the way of professional cleaners. The lifestyle you describe is often a symptom of some mental issues that don’t just go away when there’s an incentive, like a grandbaby, to clean up for. And getting your in-laws that kind of help really isn’t your job. They have to WANT the help in the first place. They have to accept and admit there’s a problem and they can’t face it alone. They have to want to get better. If they aren’t sharing those kinds of revelations or having those kinds of discussions with you, there’s not much you can do at this point.

Obviously, you can’t bring your child into their home (and I’m surprised you would even want to go over yourself). Rather than issue an ultimatum, it would make more sense to just tell your in-laws that you don’t feel comfortable bringing a baby into a home where there are so many germs and, if they want to see the baby, they’ll have to come to your place or meet in a neutral space. And this will just have to be the way you conduct your relationship(s) with them from now on. If you frame it as “I’m not comfortable,” or “I’m worried about germs,” rather than “You’re so dirty” or “Your place is too filthy” or “You need to clean,” (i.e. use “I” statements that reflect your feelings, rather than making “you” statements that convey judgment or demand action) this will minimize your mother-in-law’s feelings of being attacked. That doesn’t mean she won’t be defensive and hurt — she probably will be — but you aren’t responsible for her reaction; you can only control your own behavior and words.

Finally, these are your husband’s parents, so whatever communication you have with them regarding their living environment and how it affects you and your family should be communicated by your husband (after you both agree what should be said and expressed). Let HIM be the one to navigate this relationship. That will also go a long way in minimizing your MIL’s feelings of being attacked and will help protect you from the more direct reaction from her, whatever that reaction might be.


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If you have a relationship/dating question I can help answer, you can send me your letters at wendy@dearwendy.com.


  1. Yeah it’s hard to navigate things like this when they aren’t YOUR parents. I’m planning my wedding right now and I had the question of how much my future in-laws wanted to contribute to our wedding. Now they HAD discussed with us and told us that they wanted to contribute so that wasn’t the issue, but we were trying to budget and that was hard without an exact number. There was no way I would have been comfortable with that kind of conversation, not to mention it wasn’t my place to discuss it with them. Anyway, I digress.
    There IS a possibility that when your in laws realize that you will not be bringing your baby around their house that they may be motivated to get help. They are probably expecting that you will bring your baby to their house and once your husband has a conversation with them explaining the situation that *may* help them get the kick in the pants that they need. However, it’s not guaranteed. Stick to your guns. Invite them over or meet them at a neutral location like Wendy suggested.

    1. Lyra, you always have really thoughtful stuff to say, but referencing your fiance or wedding or something else about you that is only tangentially related to the issue at hand distracts from the helpful stuff you have to say. I wouldn’t have commented but I’ve been noticing it for a while now.

      1. Gotcha. I didn’t realize that until now. Ugh, sorry guys!

      2. It’s cuz you’re super excited.

      3. That’s true! 😀

      4. But seriously, I’ll be more mindful from here on out.

      5. Avatar photo Addie Pray says:

        For what it’s worth, I don’t mind – I like hearing your wedding planning sagas! I also understand Ella’s point but… fun tangents are… fun. I say keep on keep on – until you start showing signs of bridezilla, ha.

      6. As you should be! Maybe a forum thread about wedding planning or something would be interesting?

      7. Yeah I really didn’t even notice I was doing that! We’re already 6 months out so it’s on my mind more than I would like…

      8. Avatar photo juliecatharine says:

        I’ve been lurking for a bit but decided to register today and this comment thread is such a great example of why this community is so awesome: heartfelt insights and adult responses. SO nice to read. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! 🙂

      9. Avatar photo Dear Wendy says:

        I concur. Lyra’s response to constructive criticism (given in a thoughtful way) was mature and not what you usually see on the interwebs.

      10. Anonymous says:

        Sarah B, if you’re reading, THIS is a great example of how people should respond to constructive criticism.

      11. I’m new to the website and just wanted to say how impressed I was by the way both Ella & Lyra handle yourselves. It’s nice to see someone who knows how to offer constructive criticisms with out making snide or nasty comments. It’s also nice to see someone who can respond in a positive manner to such criticism. Very impressive ladies!

      12. Rosacolleti says:

        Thanks for saying this, I couldn’t work out what that 1st paragraph had to do with the problem, especially as it didn’t include the resolution that I’m guessing would have made it relevant

    2. tbrucemom says:

      I thought your comment was relative to the story and didn’t think anything about it. I think when you can relate to these letters in a personal manner, even if it’s not EXACTLY the same situation it helps put things in perspective. I think most people tend to interject their own experiences. Unless it literally had nothing to do with the topic, like you were promoting your business or went off on a tangent just to create controversy, I like to hear about them. Anyway, your comment was super classy.

  2. Sunshine Brite says:

    You and your husband need to stand together and set your boundaries. This is absolutely mental illness and the defensiveness and behaviors will continue without ongoing, likely intensive, professional help. Help like this usually is not accepted right away.

    I would suggest that your husband discuss the boundaries decided upon for the baby as soon as possible and repeat as needed. After the first discussion if she brings up having the baby over he can repeat the boundaries, discuss the behavioral changes needed, and have resources in their community that he can offer his parents to assist them. A call to the local social services line to discuss resources or United Way 211 should be able to give you a few places they can start looking into when they’re ready for help.

  3. Avatar photo Crochet.Ninja says:

    I would drop it for now and wait until the baby is born. once the baby is here, you can make it clear, nicely, that once the house is clean you’d be happy to bring the baby over. just keep repeating that. it’s possible they will never ‘get’ it. see if you can find someone in your area that can help counsel hoarders. this is not something they can do on their own. and just cleaning the house won’t work – it will go back the way it was pretty quickly. invite them to visit the baby at your place.

    and talk to your husband, who hopefully understands.

  4. This sounds like a tough situation. I would just wait until after the baby is born and then say you’d rather have them visit you and the baby at your house. If their house is to the point where there’s dog poop on the ground for weeks, it probably isn’t healthy for anyone to be there, let alone a baby with a really delicate immune system. Like Wendy said, I’d make sure you and your husband are on the same page and he is with you on this one about communicating this to his parents.

  5. WWS. People can change when presented with circumstances like these, but a disorder like this doesn’t change without a lot of work (not just cleaning). Although hoarding and smoking are not at all the same, my grandmother, stopped smoking once I was born because my parents made it clear she needed to in order to spend time with the baby. Even then, she didn’t stop until I was actually born, so definitely drop the topic with them for the moment. And start talking this out with your husband to make sure you are a united front and that he is prepared for taking to his parents about it when the time comes.

  6. RedroverRedrover says:

    Please stop going over to their house if there is cat feces around. And make sure you get tested for toxoplasmosis. It’s no joke. The baby can be born deaf, blind, mentally retarded, etc. My best friend got it while pregnant and it was terrifying. She was lucky and her child didn’t have any birth defects, but it’s a high-risk condition.

    1. Mr. Cellophane says:

      What RR said. Toxoplasmosis can cause blindness and serious birth defects. It is the reason that pregnant women are not supposed to clean litter boxes!

    2. It is very serious, however, my Dr explained to me that if you have been around cats all your life, you have probably been exposed already & won’t have a problem. No reason to not take precautions (such as no litter boxes), but don’t panic either.

      1. RedroverRedrover says:

        My friend has had a cat for over 10 years and she didn’t have it. I’ve also had cats for years and I didn’t have it. If your cat doesn’t have it, you won’t get it, so it depends on that. Anyway, I certainly wouldn’t risk it if I were her.

  7. Yeah – you can’t go there. Quite frankly you’re pregnant – maybe start the boundary laying now. Tell them no and offer an alternative so that they know you aren’t rejecting them just their house. “Sorry we aren’t comfortable coming over given the state of the house. I’m afraid it just isn’t safe. Would you like to meet up for brunch instead?”

  8. Avatar photo something random says:

    WWS. Rather than issuing an ultimatum to you MIL, I would focus the discussions with your husband. It wasn’t so long ago he was living there and he might have built up a tolerance to the hoarding. I could see your MIL putting the animals in one room or keeping one area “clean” and expecting that to be enough. I think you should both be clear that baby is only going to meet in neutral places or your house until his parents are in control of themselves again.

  9. Avatar photo juliecatharine says:

    I’m not sure I see the value in pussyfooting around the issue so that her MIL won’t go on the defensive. She knows what the problem is and she’s in denial. ‘I’ statements are a must but I think that the MIL is likely to continue brushing off their concerns until it’s necessary to lay it out in explicit terms. If this is an addiction (and I believe it is), I think approaching it ‘intervention style’ might be the way to go. Ex: I love you Mom, but it breaks my heart (and nose) to see how you’re living. You’re always welcome in our home but we won’t be going to yours until you’re ready to accept help. And stick to it. You can be kind while being brutally honest. Spending time in a place that disgusting enables this woman to pretend things are normal in her home-they’re not and it’s ok to proceed accordingly.

    1. Thank you for your comment, I completely agree with “you can be kind while being brutally honest” and everything else you said.

  10. Avatar photo muchachaenlaventana says:

    This seems like a fairly clear cut situation. I don’t think you need to issue an ultimatum I think you just need to stop going over and let your husband know or your in laws know that you will not be bringing a baby to their house. Not only is it not safe for a newborn with a fragile set of lungs and immune system but as soon as your baby starts crawling and then walking, it will be terrible as they will be even more exposed to that level of filth. Your in laws may be in denial but likely they know there is a serious issue going on. Set this boundary now and make sure your husband is on board with you not going. I don’t see any reason why he couldn’t go on his own, sans you and baby when it arrives, but you definitely need to just set that boundary. I wouldn’t hold out hopes an ultimatum would make them change their ways, so like Wendy said don’t even issue one. Regardless if they want to see their grandchild just let them know it will be at your house or a neutral space. I agree it may be best coming from your husband, but if it were me I would probably want to have that conversation on my own.

    1. That was my first thought too – it’s bad enough with a delicate newborn, but at least you can hold them in your arms. This house would be a horrific ordeal with a toddler.

  11. findingtheearth says:

    Hoarding is a symptom of a mental illness. She needs to know why she hoards before it gets better. Also, I know as someone who has depression, cleaning is hard when I am depressed. I don’t like to do it when I feel well, so when it’s bad, I don’t clean. However, children can be incentives. Knowing my daughter needs a clean place to play has helped me a lot. Also, my grandmother is a hoarder, more a shopper and a clutterer than anything gross. When my daughter was born, she wanted to take her for the day while I worked sometimes. Her only guest bed is super super full of stuff all the time. I told her, “Aspen needs a safe place to sleep, especially when she outgrows the crib.” She keeps the guest room cleaner now and bed clutter free.

    I wish you luck in dealing with this. There is no guaranteed route or easy solution. If your MIL doesn’t see she has a problem and your FIL encourages it, it will take a lot of work for them to get to a point where you might feel comfortable. Don’t feel obligated to do anything that could harm your child or put your child at risk

  12. absurdfiction says:

    Ugh, this hits close to home. My father is a hoarder, and his late sister and parents all were hoarders, and it has had wide-reaching consequences. My poor mother has had to learn to choose her battles for the sake of marital harmony, and it’s no joke that something like piles of old newspapers can become so emotionally fraught. Fortunately, there is no food/animal filth involved in the cases in my family, but it’s still really, really tough to deal with.

    It’s good that you and your husband are having conversations about this now, because this will probably always be a problem that impacts your family, new baby aside. Please read up on OCD and how you and (primarily) your husband should handle this. Someone upthread mentioned United Way, and that’s a great starting point – also look into NAMI, they have great resources for families. This will be important for you two to understand now, because as his parents age, especially if your husband is an only child, this will become more and more your problem. Think about who will be responsible for all that stuff if they have to move into nursing care, or after they pass. No need to panic now, but even if y’all just decide to keep baby visits to neutral territory, this won’t just go away. That doesn’t mean you guys jump on them to fix this RIGHT NOW, just that you’ve got to have some ongoing conversations and really educate yourselves on the best way to handle this. Don’t pretend it’s not an issue just because you find a workaround for your kid(s)!

    Good luck, and congrats about your pregnancy! 🙂

  13. bittergaymark says:

    Eh, hoarders are most often hopeless. Stop worrying and fretting about this. Doing so is a HUGE waste of time. Tell her instead that until things change — and they won’t, so be ready for that — she will simply have to visit you.

    1. I am currently dealing with this situation with my young son and my in-laws and I found your comment very helpful. They really are hopeless. I’m not sure how old this post is but I just wanted to say thank you for your comment and my son and I won’t be going over there anymore. It’s hard during holiday season and stuff when there’s expectations to go over there and get the family together which usually just ends in me being disgusted, emotional, tired, and a whole lot of fighting between in laws. I will personally take your advice and not go over there anymore because of the impact on my son and I.

  14. My parents are hoarders, and I tried for years and years to help them in many ways, and I gave up. They’re not going to change. They think maggots in the kitchen sink is normal and that I’m being dramatic. I get sick every time I go there, which I actually haven’t been to their house in years. I don’t really have a relationship with them, but my husband and I talk about when we have a kid, if we will let my parents see them. Going to their house is out of the question. I’ve made it clear with my parents the conditions for me to be in their house (which sadly are quite simple) and they can’t meet them. They are aware their house is disgusting, but I know they don’t understand the seriousness of it. I can’t even let my parents in my house because they will make a mess of it so quickly. So, I have very strict boundaries with them and cleanliness.
    And your husband needs to set some boundaries as well. I think “I” statements are very helpful, but I also don’t think it’s helpful to be too gentle with them. His parents aren’t going to like it and since hoarding is a symptom of deeper issues, I’m sure those other issues his parents have are affecting his relationship and he needs to set boundaries there too. I’m sure it’s a really tough issue for your husband, especially growing up in that filth. It affected me socially for a long time because while I kept an immaculate place, I instinctively never invited friends over and they had to ask why they had never seen my place. There were a lot of things that took adjusting to. I’m guessing your husband might be sympathetic toward his parents, but it is important that he set some boundaries because this issue won’t just go away.

    1. RedroverRedrover says:

      Pretty sure my mom is a hoarder as well. She keeps talking about downsizing to an apartment, and I hope she does. Because if we were left with her house the way it is now… Jeesh. It’s going to take ages to get through it all. She’s a “clean” hoarder, at least. All of her stuff is nicely organized in those big rubbermaid bins, and stacked. Her house isn’t dirty. Just very, very full.

      1. Yeah there are so many varieties of hoarders. My parents rent so they move every few years or so and it’s amazing that they throw out so much stuff each time, yet always go right back to the hoarding again.

  15. Ah well I’m in this same boat myself. My wife’s mother lives alone and has some serious personal issues. Her house is small and PACKED with stuff! You can barley sit down, her furniture is over sized so moving through the house is a task. There’s so much stuff no cleaning is happening on a consistent schedule. Dishes in the sink… she would invite us for holiday dinner and I’ll do my damdist to keep us from going or pay any cost to eat out. We have a 2 yr old and I hate bringing her to visit, it’s a child death trap. The baby spends the night with my mother but I would NEVER allow her to stay with my MIL and that’s sad. I litterly get ill when we are there. We have offered to come down and help her clean, under the impression of visiting and talking and just spending time and she complains and says no she’ll do it. Of course it never gets done. She buys things for the hell of it for a need or not. “It was on sale so I bought 3 of them”, but you don’t need it… “well it was on sale, maybe I’ll just give them away at work”. — agh! SMH!

    It’s never gonna change. It’s a dam sad situation I tell you.

  16. My partner and I are in the same boat, only it is my mother. My mother is completely oblivious. She says often that she needs a bigger home, because her house (4bedrooms and several outbuildings) are just too darn small. Won’t even think about getting rid of things. She also has pets urine and feces on the floor regularly. Our baby will be walking soon, so visits will be short and no more over night stays. This all makes me very sad but I remember the Serenity Prayer and the fact she has made her own choices that have led up to this.

  17. I know this is an old post but I’m desperate to find anyone dealing with what I am right now.

    My son just turned one this week and my MIL has ruined most of the last year with him. She had 20 cats, now down to 11, 8 dogs of which 3 are closed off in the dining room and use the restroom there while the others are a pack outside and have bitten both me and my husband on the back of the leg multiple times, and two birds that poop outside of the cage onto the floor. She also has one bedroom with a screened door on it devoted to one cat that pees everywhere. She has bad knees and rarely cleans. We used to have a wonderful relationship, we just didn’t go inside her house as the stench hit you the minute you walked in. I dreaded speaking to her about our child not being allowed at her home since the moment I became pregnant. She is not the forgiving type and continuously writes family members off for years. She suffers from depression and I believe has bipolar disorder from her manic episodes. She started to plan his nursery in her home and I told my husband he had to speak to her about the issue. She got over it within a few weeks and she continued to come to our home and we went out with them very often. She brought it up a few months later begging us to let him come over. Again we said no you have too many cats. We left it just at that to minimize hurting her and upsetting her. She then brought it up just a day later and I was forced to go into further detail but still was as nice as possible explaining to her the conditions were not okay for a child as well as the dogs that have bitten us. She replied horribly and said she would never be a part of our lives again. I blew up. I have seen her do this repeatedly to her son and other family members and I had enough of it. I said some horrible things about her mental instability and the fact that she caused so much stress during his birth, crying to my mother in the waiting room because I wouldn’t let her in there (nor my own mother…) even though I spoke to her about it months ago. She doesn’t respect any of my wishes when it’s something she wants. Now she has turned the whole family against me saying I’m keeping her son and grandson away from her and my husband won’t stand up for me. Multiple other family members, even her own mother while I was still pregnant agreed with me that it’s not fit for a child and that she knew my MIL would never think it acceptable for a child to be in her home but now they are siding with her and not standing up for my son or me. They won’t even let me tell my side of the story. They just hand up on me. I feel so alone right now. I’m second guessing myself thinking maybe I am crazy. She stormed over to our home today unannounced and demanded to only speak to my husband to make arrangements to see my son every month. I feel sick to my stomach about all of this. My husband tells me it’s my fault that I should have just ignored her when she keeps pushing the issue. Finally her husband stood up for me today. He has always told me he understands and that some days the smell sickens him when he comes home. Her response to me today about her dogs biting us was well they’ve never drawn blood and my son never was bit by any of my dogs when he was growing up. Are you kidding me? I feel like my heart is going to explode from anxiety.

    Now the holidays are here and I don’t want to go to any of their family functions. Please tell me I’m not crazy for not letting my son go to her home. No one will stand up to her because they’re afraid she’ll get mad and ignore them for years. I just want to leave with my son and escape this horrible nightmare.

    1. Hello, I’m not sure how old this post either but I just want to say you are not alone and you aren’t crazy you are being a good mom. Hoarding is animal abuse, child abuse, and self abuse in my opinion. I am also worried about the holidays as they have everything set up for all the kids to be there but it’s so hectic and unhealthy over there that I don’t know how I’m going to get out of it. I just made a pact with myself to never go over there again and I’m going to try to stick to it. As for everything else you said, that’s just how mother in laws can be sometimes, I haven’t personally talked to my mother in law for almost two years now because she made my life hell and tried to turn everyone against me. My problem is with my step-mother in law who hoards and also everyone has communication with out of guilt of keeping the family together. Well sorry but I prefer quality over quantity in my relationships. My husband and Is relationship is strained because of all the family interference. My advice would be to focus on what makes you happy and keeps your family together and hold on as tight as you can, this crazy world will try to tear you apart but love will hold you together. Part of love is taking care of things for each other and if your in laws aren’t willing to do that then they’re not expressing love for you.

  18. I have the same problem and my husband also recognizes it. Before our child was born I told him that I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving our child at his mother’s house. Not because I do not trust her, but because of her unsanitary habits, and he agreed. I think you should also talk to your husband about it. My ML’s house has always been filthy and disgusting and I was afraid of telling my (then) boyfriend about it because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. I was afraid he would think I was judging his mother. To my surprise, he agreed with me and told me he and his brother – both very hygienic and clean towards their houses – talked to their mother about it several times and urged her to keep a clean space but she just doesn’t care.

    When I met my ML, she had 6 cats and didn’t clean or change their litter. There are rooms she doesn’t use that smell of cat urine. She remains the same even today. Her kitchen is full of grease on the walls and the trash basket is just disgusting. Her “garden” is no garden: is a pilled of leaves with trash all over. Once I went to her bathroom to wash my hands and I almost throw up: the bathtub was a disgrace full of hairs and dirt. She says she wants a “beautiful house” but instead she spends her money on clothes, manicures, hairdressers and eating out! There is nothing wrong with an old house but her lack of cleaning ruined the floors, the furniture, well, everything! My husband wants to keep the house after she’s gone and this is dreadful but he will only make renovations after his mother’s death because he knows she would ruin everything again because she doesn’t clean anything.

    After his father died (before he met me), my husband lived with his mother, but the house is big, so it’s like they were in separate houses. You could tell the difference! My husband’s space was clean and organized, while his mother’s was a filthy mess full with flies, dust and dirtiness. My husband even bought a new vacuum cleaner and he was the only one to use it! She has the best cleaning products in the house but doesn’t use them. I asked him if his mother might have a depression due to the departure of his father, but my husband clarified she was always like that: it was him and his brother that cleaned the house because they didn’t want to live in filthy conditions. She’s just unsanitary and lazy. His mother only does the laundry (but doesn’t iron, just washes and dries and leaves a huge pile of clothes in the hallway) and (poorly) washes the dishes. Seriously, there were times when my husband would cook dinner and eat on her side of the house, and he would leave the pan there for her mother to eat the next day. When she would return the pan, she “washed” it but it would still be filthy. He had to wash it again! When my husband would bake a dessert and his mother would come to his side of the house to eat, she would make a mess and didn’t clean it. Once, she left whipped cream all over his counter and didn’t even bother to clean it up. One summer, before our marriage, we had to clean her kitchen because of the flies. I couldn’t believe it. I knew it was bad but it was beyond anything I could imagine. There were bones beneath the fridge, there was grease and dirt everywhere, the inside of the cabinet smelled like something died in there, there were dirty plates inside, dead flies inside the microwave… The kitchen is medium size and we spend three days cleaning that mess! It’s been 5 years and she has not clean it ever since! Let’s make one thing clear: my ML always has the weekend off (the same as my husband’s) it’s not like she doesn’t have the time to clean.

    I will not leave my child in her house because kids touch everything and want to play. My daughter’s health is more important than hurting my ML’s feelings, and my husband agrees. My ML clearly has issues but she doesn’t want to improve. During my childhood I spent the summer at my grandparent’s house so it’s hard for me to make such decision. But my child comes before anything else.

    1. Since your husband plans on benefiting from his mother and taking control of her house when she passes, maybe he could pay for a cleaning service to come in once a week?

      1. Sorry but why would he pay for cleaning services when she is fully capable to clean for herself she is just too lazy to do it? So her own family can shell out money to cover other people’s irresponsibility? Also I’m sorry to break it to you but I doubt the house will be worth anything but the land it’s on once she’s done with it it will probably have to be rebuilt, though thats being said without seeing it myself. Also in regards to cleaning services, I think it’s less about not wanting to clean and more about wanting it to be dirty, so even if someone else did do some cleaning, it would be overpowered by her preference for filth.

  19. I’ve got every empathy for you, my mother in law is the same. Her house is filthy, she has cats that spray everywhere and dogs that moult,the kitchen is a complete filth hole, you can’t get into her bathroom,and she doesn’t look after herself. In fact her hair has been matted and she smells, so badly that even my dad noticed when she visited. Her sister was the same and even in her death she can’t see that the way she lives could lead to her death too. My husband is enabling her to continue to lead this lifestyle making excuses that you can’t force her to change. Even though it could potentially kill her, no exaggeration either. What can you do, I have had enough and said I Am not helping anymore and now causes friction between us. Even her daughters aren’t helping to clear the house, it’s just me and my husband, I fear he will collapse trying to help bu the won’t slow down, she is so selfish and narcissistic and it’s causing arguments. So I’ve drawn a line no more. Am I being unreasonable? I don’t think so. Take care of yourself first and protect your baby, after all they won’t. Get the, to come to you at every chance until they are prepared to accept you can’t take a newborn to their filth. That’s not fair or right.

  20. Never visit her house again with the child. That’s your boundary. You cannot help her until she accepts help. You can however, call and report her for animal abuse and have the pets removed. Unsanitary conditions count as neglect. Call the nearby shelters and put her name on the no adoption list. Not only is it cruel to the pets to remain in her care, by removing the pets, her house will no longer have feces and urine outside the bathroom. The germs will be that mostly contained to the kitchen and bathroom and hopefully other rooms will be more messy than unsanitary which would improve the health conditions living there.

  21. I work with new mothers and am a mother of three myself. I also have parents and in-laws with functional yet profound mental illnesses. I 100% get the hardship of navigating loved ones with mental issues, especially when those are your parents or your partner’s parents–children of mentally ill parents are quite often raised to tip toe around the problems to keep the peace and preserve whatever shred of normalcy may still exist. We’ve been doing it since birth so it feels really hard to put up boundaries. BUT…
    An amazing thing happens during new motherhood in which it really hits on a cellular level that you are the only person keeping this new being alive and safe. So many other things that were Big Deals before become non-issues once you are holding your new baby. Anything that compromises the wellbeing of your child becomes really easy to say no to! Please, OP, just embrace your biological urge to protect. It can present during pregnancy too. Mine did. Suddenly, I found myself 6 months pregnant and on the phone with my mother, who was attempting to manipulate me like she often did, and it was like a lightening bolt hit my brain and I said “No” to her insane (literally) demands. It’s important to note that she did not like being told no. 15 years later, she still does not respect our boundaries. After lots of therapy, these are the things I know:
    -We are not responsible for other people’s feelings. No matter how you or your husband were raised, other people’s feelings are not your job to manage.
    -People with functional mental illnesses, like hoarding, addiction, narcissism, etc, are GREAT at manipulating other people’s boundaries, and can do it sweetly with a smile on their faces. But when their manipulations fail, they are very unhappy.
    -The most dysfunctional relationships are usually the most stable. This means that everyone knows their role and plays along to “keep the peace,” but at great cost to their own wellbeing. Once someone steps outside their role, they are perceived by the ill person as “causing problems.” They try to punish the person stepping outside of the dysfunction, though that’s not how they perceive their actions. Expect it to happen, and you can be prepared. Quite often in these situations, you are going to “cause problems” no matter what. Yes, this is terribly unfair to you, but bracing yourselves for it can help you hold your boundaries because, remember, your biggest loyalty is to your baby, not to your in-law’s mental illness.
    -Let your husband navigate the interactions with his parents. Step back. It’s hard, because you have more objectivity as someone not raised by these people, but he needs to grow those skills and can’t do it with you in the middle. You can just tell him “the baby and I will NOT be going to their house” and let him handle the rest. He will probably not do this as well as you could in the beginning, but longterm, he needs to develop those skills.
    -Create a simple script and stick to it. “We can’t go there until the house is clean.” but, I cleaned off the sofa so you can sit! “Great, let us know when the whole house is cleaned and husband will stop by to take a look! Can’t wait to see your clean house!” but! I cleaned up the living room a bit!” Great! I bet that feels so good to make a dent! We look forward to seeing it when the rest is cleaned!” The less you say, the better. The less you explain, the better. There’s an acronym called JADE that the grown children of mentally ill parents often do that stands for Justify, Argue, Defend, and Explain. DON’T JADE! Just stick to your 1-2 simple phrases that express your boundary. Their hoarding is not a logical behavior, so no amount of JADEing can work. You can not unravel irrational behaviors/compulsions with logic.
    And once the new baby comes, you probably won’t have the energy to do so anyway, which is a huge blessing! Parenthood has such a great way of shining the light on things that are worth your energy. Other peoples’ problems are not worth your energy.

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