Is it Perimenopause or Just the Reality of Being Conscious These Days?”
The other day I Googled “cute sneakers for plantar fasciitis” and realized that if ages had phrases, that one would belong to 48. That’s how old I am – old enough to need support sneakers and young enough to still care that they’re stylish. Over the summer – back when I was only 47 and still technically mid-40s, not quite stepping on the toes of 50 yet – I developed plantar fasciitis for the first time and spent the next two months rolling the sole of my foot on a hard pink rubber ball that I kept in the freezer wedged between a bottle of vodka and a bag of frozen gyoza.
I posted about my predicament in an Instagram story and right away, lots of people shared tips and advice for dealing with plantar fasciitis, including the recommendation to wear indoor shoes, which everyone said was an absolute must. Until then, I’d only ever been barefoot or worn slippers at home, never shoes, but then I turned 47 and got plantar fasciitis and spent an entire summer hobbling around in pain in a gel-bottomed foot wrap and I’ll wear shoes indoors for the rest of my life now if it’ll prevent that from ever happening again.
I probably got the plantar fasciitis from rage walking last summer in shitty sandals that I bought for a few dollars at a sports supply store in Southwest Missouri. That’s where my parents live, and back in June right after school got out, Drew and I took the kids to visit them. While we were there, Trump and Biden had that disastrous debate, which I didn’t even watch live because I just couldn’t stomach it, but I heard all about it online later and I was so full rage that I pounded my feet all up and down the wooded walking paths of my parents’ subdivision a couple of hours every day for the rest of our visit. A few days after we got back to Brooklyn, I developed a cramp in my foot that was so bad I couldn’t walk and now I’m a person who wears shoes indoors.
It took months to heal but by November, I was mostly there, right in time to increase my rage-walking again, which I was doing a lot of after the election. I was also reading up on astrology and following witchy mystic subgroups on social media – mostly Threads – trying to find any crumb of hope that something – anything – might happen to save us from Trump actually taking office again in January. In many of the threads I was seeing, there was a collective discussion about how so many of us had jolted awake at 3 am on the morning of November 6th, all with the same gut feeling that something was really “off.” Well, yeah, no shit – the election went to Trump, that’s what was off.
But waking up at 3 am isn’t anything different for me. Since starting perimenopause in my mid-40s, I’d been waking up at 3 am almost every night, sometimes lying in bed – or, ok, scrolling my phone in the dark – for an hour or more until falling back asleep (if I was lucky). Almost every night! No wonder I was feeling a lot of rage. Just a few weeks before the election, I started hormone replacement therapy to treat the insomnia and other peri symptoms (Did you know plantar fasciitis is a symptom?! Yep, along with about 199 other random things, like “frozen shoulder” too.). The HRT seemed to be helping; I found myself waking up only two or three times a week instead of nightly, but then the election happened and Trump won and how can anyone with a functioning brain sleep soundly after that?
When my HRT provider checked in with me in December to see how I thought the dose was working for me, I told her I didn’t know whether it was a hormone adjustment I needed or a better reason to believe that the guardrails of our democracy are strong enough to protect us from all the predictions I was reading about in the astrology threads at 3 am every night. And now here we are at the end of January and I’m still waking up in the middle of the night four or five times a week, still scrolling my phone like I know I shouldn’t, still unsure whether I need to adjust my HRT or whether my reaction to *all this* is normal and maybe putting my phone in a different room at night is all the treatment I need.
For what it’s worth, the astrologers and mystics are predicting something huge – potentially earth-shattering – in March. So far, no one has been able to indicate whether it’ll make me want to do more rage walking or less but I’ll have some cute supportive sneakers, my frozen pink rubber ball, and a bottle of vodka ready, regardless.
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Hi dear Wendy! Thank you for being so real! Real, honest, smart, literate! You can’t imagine how much this means to me in this new world where the others have, apparently, become the majority. Thank you.
So, just regarding perimenopause– I think that I was ankle-deep in blood for about 5 years from age 54 to 59– had huge periods about every two weeks that each lasted two weeks– yikes. But it was worth it all in the end 🙂 Since age 59– the best years ever! No periods, no PMS, no pads, no tampons. After you achieve menopause, it is a new freedom. It is like the years while you were a little girl, with no periods, except now you have already been through all of that and a great deal more life experience, so it is maybe even better?
I mainly wish to thank you for being a light in the darkness that has settled upon our country recently.
Oh, I cannot wait for that!!! I was having the kind of periods you describe, but they’ve calmed down a bit since I started HRT a few months ago.
So good to see you here, an old familiar name I’ve missed. 🙂
Good to see you, Classic!
I am happy to see you, too!
Plantar fasciitis is no joke. No longer walking on hard floors with bare feet. It’s now wearing cushy Croc slides (or a knockoff sold on Amazon). The boot prescribed by my podiatrist, although extremely clumsy to wear, got me mostly pain free when the pain was the most severe. Also had a frozen shoulder a few years beck. A shot of cortisone and several weeks of PT fixed me. Best of luck with your impending bout with menopause.
I’m glad the cortisone shot and the PT worked!
I’m not sure menopause is really that much better. Suddenly sex is painful and you don’t want to do it anymore anyway… but I digress. HRT helps. Some. But then you get to the age (55) where you are worried about your parents living to the next day, let alone the next 4 years. Luckily no MAGAs in my family to contend with. So that’s a plus. I am constantly on the lookout for the positives. I can’t stay in the state of hyper vigilance like the last time. I’m hoping to deal with my rage in doses. 😉
You may have tried this already but topical estrogen might help with the painful sex, though if you don’t have the libido you might not care anyway. Sorry it’s been a drag. But, yes, that’s a positive that you don’t have maga family members. We should all be so lucky!
The only reason I don’t have MAGA parents is that I’ve been a double orphan since pre-Trump. Have MAGA cousins, but we don’t speak much anyway. I’m actually have a much harder time understanding those who either didn’t vote or went for third party candidates. The number of non-voters in this country is disgraceful.
I agree that it’s disgraceful how many people didn’t vote. I also recognize we have a real
Voter suppression issue in this country. I hope we get a chance to vote again…
Menopause is great. Perimenopause was not! I was 50 when I started having trouble with dryness which is how I found out that I had achieved (haha!) menopause. Glad to be on this side of it all. Passion, a water-based personal lubricant, is what made sex fun for us again. It’s reasonably priced also.
I originally thought I had plantar fasciitis, but it turned out to be Achilles tendonitis. My feet were so incredibly sore that walking was pure agony. I underwent shockwave therapy on my Achilles – it was painful not going to lie – but after about five sessions over a year ago, the pain was completely gone. Now, I only experience normal foot fatigue after long periods on my feet. Totally worth it!
That sounds intense! Glad you feel better after treatment.