Reply To: Am I being too pushy on dates? I could use some advice.

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May 11, 2023 at 9:41 am #1120267

Hahaha. I’m with Leslie on this one – Jeff’s date decided he wasn’t quite grown up enough to handle his drinks and act like a gentleman. Women looking for a serious relationship in their late 20s/30s, in general, will see a red flag in an invitation for sex on a first internet date. A flag that says “this guy is not interested in a long term relationship, he is mostly only after sex”. Also, this hasn’t been brought up at all and could be totally irrelevant, but if you’re bringing women back to your place, I’d encourage you to take a good look at your environment and make sure it’s presentable. If there are dirty dishes, grime, smelly socks all around, a mattress on the floor, AND the sex is bad? Yikes.

Jeff is giving “young Robert” (iykyk)