Reply To: DW Community Catch-up Thread

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March 28, 2024 at 2:27 pm #1128645

@Copa – I was catching up on the thread and reading your posts and thinking to myself that I hope there’s a happy ending (a job offer) before I get to the end of the thread. I feel like it ended on a cliff hanger lol :). In all seriousness, I hope you find whatever you are looking for job wise!

My partner has been with his current company 20 years. There’s another company trying to get him to come work with them and he said he would talk/do an official interview. Then they asked for a resume-y’all he has never done a resume. He is a new construction plumber and has licenses in several states with a masters in one state. In the construction world, he’s never been asked for one. He called me up this morning in a panic since he doesn’t really know how to do one. So, that’s what we will be doing tonight I suppose. But he is excited for a new opportunity!

Also, Alaska cruise is only 47 days away!!!!