We’re thrilled to introduce our daughter, Joanie May Condell, born at 8:26 PM on 7-7-15, 5 lbs. 13 oz. She’s sweet as can be and can’t wait to meet her big brother later today and more family and friends soon. Everyone is healthy, happy, and tired. More photos and details to come.
AHHHH Congrats Wendy

Congrats on completing your family Wendy!
Congratulations Wendy! Ahhhh ^_^ (Hope you both are getting good rest).
Congratulations! Love the name!
I just yelled a big “awwww!” at my computer. Congratulations and all the best to you and your family!!
Congratulations Wendy! She is so precious!
Welcome to the world Joanie!
Congratulations Wendy and Drew!
Such a cutie!!! Congrats!
Congratulations to you and Drew!!! Rest up!
yay!! Congrats
Have lots of fun with the new baby!
congrats!!! what a beautiful name for the new addition to a beautiful family.
Woo hoooo! Congratulations!
Oh my gosh, congratulations to you and your family! Her name is so cool. This is way better than any celebrity baby news!!!!!
I thought Wendy was a celebrity? (I love my big sister, her husband, and her beautiful, smart, and fortunately healthy children!)
Good point! Tsk, tsk, ktfran.
Well, I meant celebrity news that shows up in all the magazines and bazillion blogs and tv. THIS IS WAY BETTER.
Yay! Welcome, Joanie!
Congratulations! Glad everyone is doing well!
Congratulations!! You both look amazing!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOANIE!!! Congrats mom & dad! What wonderful news to see.
She’s beautiful! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! Joanie May is just precious!
Congratulations!!!! <3 the name!
Congratulations to you and your family! Wonderful news! Happy Birthday, Joanie!!
So beautiful! And you look great, Wendy! Looking forward to hearing about Joanie’s adventures
Congratulations on Joanie’s arrival! She’s a beauty!
Congrats to you and the whole family. Rest up and enjoy some quiet time.
I can’t believe she’s here already! Well, I can believe it; Condellberry babies come quick. But still! It means the rest of us are up next – and that’s scary! (I took a parenting class the night before last, and it kind of freaked me out; I know nothing about babies. And I’m terrified I will kill mine.)
We can’t wait to hear the details, Wendy! Like, was Drew home when you went into labor? Any problem finding a sitter for Jackson? Did Joanie hold off long enough so you could get an epidural this time? Has Jackson met her yet? What does he think of his baby sister? Does he realize the world as he knows it is forever changed? (Dun dun dun.) Who does she look like? How was it this time around v. last time? Easier? Harder? Ok, that’s all I have (for now).
Congratulations to you all!
You’re not alone in the whole terrified that you’re going to kill yours thing. I’m honestly not worried about labor or anything like that. Its the after part when there’s a tiny human completely dependent on me to keep it alive. I can’t even keep plants alive (but I do ok with animals, so that’s something?)… And in our birth class, almost everyone had the same worry. So join the club
We’re all getting closer and closer!
I will answer all questions in better detail soon, but real quick: yes, made it to the hospital in time! Got an epidural! What a difference! Real labor was about 1 1/2 hours and I pushed for 15 minutes. It was an agonizing 15 minutes, but still… only 15 minutes. I feel incredibly relieved, happy, and fortunate.
Your turn soon!!
WOW – You are a labor god. I think it means you were meant to have, like, two more. Congratulations, again!!
Ha! My OB said I should have five more.
When I had my first, I couldn’t believe they were letting me just walk out of the hospital with this baby! What in the world made them think I was capable of keeping another human being alive? But off we went. I got her home, sat down, laid her next to me, and just stared at her. Then I asked my husband, “What do we do with it?” He didn’t really seem to know either. LOL But we managed to figure it out and you will too. Babies are pretty good at letting you know when they need something.
Haha “what do we do with it?” … that sounds about how I feel.
Congrats, Wendy!
Yay! Congratulations! I love her name.
So sweet!! Congratulations, Wendy!
Congratulations!! July babies are the best, if I do say so myself
Close. August babies are obviously the best. Unless of course mine comes in July like he’s supposed to… then its a tie
You’re up next, girlfriend! DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then you
So ha! We should have a baby get-together while on maternity leave.
Congrats!! I love her name, she’s beautiful.
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
Congratulations to all! She’s beautiful. Enjoy that margarita now, Wendy
Two down, two to go. I’m looking forward to twins in about a year. J&J need younger siblings to harass. What? No? In any event, Grandma and I are thrilled.
I support this.
Congrats, Grandpa!!
Congrats to you all. Such a happy occasion. So happy mom and baby are healthy and doing well!
Congrats!! Glad you had a quick labor!
Congrats to you and your family, Wendy. Joanie is beautiful!
Congrats! July 7th babies are the best (as my brother and my niece can attest).
My ‘nephew’ was born on the 7th too!
Great day for a birthday!
Congrats little family. Joanie is perfect!
Congratulations, what a sweet little girl!
Congrats Wendy!
Yay! So happy for your family, Wendy! I love her name, too, it goes perfectly with Jackson.
Congratulations! She’s perfect.
YIPPEE congrats Wendy and family!! She is beautiful!! I also love Wendy’s dad’s comment, seems like you have a really wonderful family all around
I definitely count my blessings!
Congratulations! She is so beautiful. Love the name.
Yay! Welcome, new little Condleberry! Congrats to youz guyz!
Thumbs up for “Condleberry”!
Thank you so much, everyone. Your well-wishes make my heart feel even fuller.
Congrats! So excited for you.
Congratulations she is beautiful! Get some rest!!
That is just so incredible! Congratulations to you and Drew and everyone else in your family! On behalf of the DW community, I think we would all like to see Addie Pray write a guest column while you are recovering. Have you received any questions about breakfast burritos? Or shoes?
I fully support this.
Congratulations to everyone in your family! I LOVE her name.
I forgot to ask the most important question of them all: DOES SHE HAVE RED HAIR???
I can’t believe you forgot to ask that!
I know, I’m off my game.
Alas, it looks like she will be a brunette like the other 3/4 of the Condellberry clan.
Drats. Well, at least she’s still super cute! And there’s always hope for some red-headed grandchildren, especially if J&J choose their life partners wisely.
I’m so excited for you all!
Probably, but plenty of light-haired kids are born with really dark hair and then it falls out.
My brother managed to do the complete opposite, he had bright red hair for around 18 months (I think, there are photos of him looking toddlerish with carrot coloured hair) then went completely black. I’ve never checked if that’s a normal thing.
It’s a recessive gene, so we gingers will likely be phased out within a blink of evolutionary time. All the more reason to celebrate us now!
Gingers are going to take over the world.
My friend just had a baby (ok… “just” means back in February) and we were hoping for red hair, but she was born with shit tons of brown hair… its starting to take on a little bit of a red tint, but won’t be the same flame red as her daddy and big brother. I told my friend that it was ok, she’d just have to try again
Wendy there’s still time! I was born with brown hair and you’d never know it now! The red came in around 3 months according to mom. My fingers remain crossed.
Oh yeah, that’s true, hair can definitely change drastically like that when you’re a kid. I was a blond kid and everyone thought I was the outlier in my brunette family, but my hair turned dark around 10. Turns out my dad had the same thing happen to him, same time frame. So if anyone in your family wasn’t born a red head, maybe she’ll change the same as them?
Congratulations! What a tiny little nugget! I hope we get frequent updates. I’m excited to hear all about her as she grows up and into her personality.
Awesome, congratulations! So glad everything went well. She’s a super cutie!
Congratulations!!!! What an amazing name!
Congrats Wendy!!
Hooray! Congratulations to the Condellberries! And perhaps her hair will grow in red?!
Hurray!!!!!! Welcome to the world little Joanie. You have a wonderful family =)
So teeny and cute. Congrats!
Joanie May shares her b-day with Ringo Starr, Kirsten Vangsness, Jim Gaffigan, Michelle Kwan, and Jorja Fox (most notably).
Congrats, Wendy & family! Such exciting news. Enjoy your time off!
Yaaaaaaay congrats!!
Wowie! Congratulations to the new parents and the new big brother!
Congrats Wendy. I’m so happy for you and your family
She is beautiful! What a perfect face! I love the pictures of you with the baby and Jackson. Congratulations to all of you.
I’m so glad things turned out well. The photos of you, Joanie and Jackson are adorable. Rest up. Congratulations!
Congratulations! She looks lovely
Sorry I’m late on this, but congrats!!!!!
Mazel tov Wendy!!! What a beautiful family you have, you are so blessed! Ah when I first came to the site and saw the pics I got chills of happiness for you and I don’t even know you!
Congrats! What a sweet little girl!!!
Congratulations for you and your family!!!