Do you really think I’d make for a dangerous/intimidating school teacher?

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    December 7, 2022 at 10:37 am #1117078

    I think when you’re younger all of the rules in place seem so stupid and pointless. And maybe when you get older you see that some of these rules are stupid. But you realize that people are stupider. That for every stupid rule that exists, it’s because someone did something stupid and now there is a rule.

    Work in food service and vomit at work? Well now you have to take off 5 days unless you go to the doctor and confirm that you don’t have a transmissable disease that could infect all the kids some of whom could end up in the hospital due to dehydration. Why? Look up Typhoid Mary. Some people don’t give a shit if other people get hurt because of their actions. The rule is not to punish you, Hunter. The rule is to protect the kids from illness and the school district from lawsuits.

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    December 7, 2022 at 10:53 am #1117079

    Yeah, you’re probably on to something there, @Lisforleslie.

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    December 7, 2022 at 1:39 pm #1117080

    There are many many jobs in the world you can do while being a weed fan but working with kids isn’t one of them. You say some of the other teachers also partake but they obviously have it much more under control and less a huge part of their lives/personality.You have to decide if you want weed to define your personality or not, and if you do, then don’t work with kids. That’s as big a responsibility as driving a car and you don’t do that stoned. ( I hope). And you probably wouldn’t think it was okay to turn up at work drunk. Am I right in thinking you sometimes have a little one before you go to work? You can’t do that in this job. Apologies if you never ever do that, it just seems likely given what you said. You are pretty young to be letting a habit limit your choices but thats up to you, if you are determined to keep this lifestyle the job’s not compatible.

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Do you really think I’d make for a dangerous/intimidating school teacher?

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