Guy friend confessed his feelings hours after my breakup

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    March 1, 2019 at 10:39 pm #834213

    “A backhanded compliment is a remark which seems to be an insult but could also be understood as a compliment. A backhanded compliment is also a remark which seems to be a compliment but could also be understood as an insult.”

    @Themiddleway- Can you please explain to me how making a general statement intended to express vague disapproval was intended to be received by the general public? Was there a specific reason you included your disapproval when paying BGM a compliment?

    How was coupling criticism to a compliment not qualification to label the comment as backhanded as defined in the Collins dictionary?

    I actually really liked the rest of your post so the negativity really threw me off.

    To me it seems to clearly indicate disapproval or dismay towards the very forums you chose to comment on. If you’ve been a loyal lurker, perhaps you’ve come across our host’s requests that commenters don’t insult the site. Could you clarify why it was important for you to include that comment?

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    March 2, 2019 at 9:01 am #834249

    That’s fucking hilarious. You insult the site, someone points that out and then you insult us more… and we’re escalating?

    I appreciate your attempts at trolling.

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    February 18, 2020 at 3:53 pm #875572

    Ugh, it’s never easy when it’s like this.

    I’m not even gonna touch the Nice Guy creepiness cos others have explained that.

    If a friend who has declared feelings can’t keep it to themselves and maintain a respectful friendship when you tell them their feelings aren’t reciprocated, then the safest thing to do is to give them space to move on. It’s often hard for people crushes to move on whilst they are still close to their crush, so complete distance is usually best.

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Guy friend confessed his feelings hours after my breakup

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