Olive Garden ruined my relationship

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  • This topic has 87 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Avatar photoTheHizzy.
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    April 19, 2017 at 1:20 pm #682624

    I think you can find the OG salad dressing recipe online, but I found a place in Oshawa* (Teddy’s Restaurant) that sells their homemade salad dressing and it’s damn close, and damn good. *for the fellow Canadians on here* 🙂

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    April 19, 2017 at 3:27 pm #682644

    I’m Applebee’s, which, ironically, is the last chain restaurant I’d want to go to.

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    April 19, 2017 at 3:37 pm #682645

    There was a bug in my salad at Applebee’s once, and I haven’t been back since.

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    April 19, 2017 at 3:56 pm #682649

    My Kroger in TN sells the Olive Garden salad dressing! My bf and I used to pig out on salad and breadsticks back in the day so that place holds some sweet memories for me. I don’t go as often anymore but I still love it!

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    April 19, 2017 at 3:58 pm #682651

    I’m Dave & Busters, which I’ve never been to.

    I used to like Applebee’s way back in the day. Until I learned that even my favorite salad wrap of theirs had like 1,400 calories in it. 1,400! For a salad wrap! I don’t think I’ve been to an Applebee’s in over 10 years.

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    April 19, 2017 at 3:59 pm #682652

    Also, I never understood the appeal of Olive Garden’s breadsticks. It’s not good bread!?

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    April 19, 2017 at 4:12 pm #682656

    I use the term ghetto all the time.(I have lived in the ghetto.) I don’t consider it stereotypical, but factual. It was originally an Italian term used to describe Jewish areas in Italy. Sorry, if I am not PC enough for you. There are definitely areas of Atlanta you do NOT want to go out to dinner in. Not if you’re not packing. (Olive Garden on Memorial Drive for example)I wouldn’t go there at noon.

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    April 19, 2017 at 4:30 pm #682659

    @Carol Ann
    Um, the Italian use of the term ghetto is just as racist when referring to Jewish people as it is when referring to African or Hispanic Americans. Just because you ‘use it’ all of the time doesn’t make it any less racist.

    The use of the term ‘ghetto’ implies people of color, so that in of itself is a problem. There are many places in the U.S. that are sketchy as hell, high crime rates, and riddled with poverty that are predominantly white. Yet the term, ‘ghetto’ is never leveled at those areas.

    And please don’t use “PC” as a flippant term to mean racially,ethnically, politically, or religiously insensitive.

    GTFOH with that non-sense

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    April 19, 2017 at 4:37 pm #682660

    She’s not the first white Trump supporter who’s come on here arguing that “ghetto” has nothing to do with race / isn’t a racially loaded term.

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    April 19, 2017 at 4:38 pm #682661

    It’s also just not nice to use because that’s someone’s neighborhood. For them (which it sounds like you know already), it’s not a bad place to go at night, it’s where they raised their kids, etc. So using a term that essentially is talking about what a dump it is, specifically one that has been used to describe a place that a specific racial or ethnic group may populate is not necessary.

    And I’d agree about the PC thing. What folks refer to as PC is literally someone saying, “Hey, that demeans a group of people, it’s rude” but because it gets called “PC” then it becomes something worth mocking.

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    April 19, 2017 at 11:13 pm #682725

    Actually they called certain areas of Poland the ghetto also.
    Btw IN the ghetto most ppl call it THE GHETTO and would laugh at your comments.
    Even THEY know it is a bad place to be out at night. If you were to accidentally (or on purpose out of ignorance)find yourself in one of these areas alone at night and something bad were to happen to you.(very high chance it would in my local ghetto) They would say you deserved it for being there.
    Most of the police officers here refer to it as the ghetto. Yes, the AA officers too…as they walk backwards to their cars.
    They would also tell you to get yo ass inside before something very bad happens to you.

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    April 20, 2017 at 12:00 am #682731

    For your info KATE. I have lived in the ghetto for most of my life until recently.Most of the people here(well,there because I am no longer there) believe that most of the people going on and on about racism are privileged whites who know very little about it and do very little to help. When is the last time you were in the ghetto doing anything to make it better? Btw, I am white, but my niece is black and I have two cousins who are black. Their dad was killed when they were little because of being in the wrong area at the wrong time. They do not care for the neighborhoods they are in.(most of the crime here is black on black crime, so they do not want to be out at night either)They know how bad it is, but it is hard to ever be able to save enough to move anywhere better. The nicer areas of Atlanta are becoming more and more expensive.
    I can’t tell you how many times I have personally dodged gun fire. At the grocery store, at the gas station (twice) and several other places. And each time it was during the day!
    My husband lived in New York (he is 3rd gen Italian from the Bronx) before he met me and moved down here. He worked in sales and one of his areas was Bed Stuy. He told me he always had to head back before dark. He said even his emt friends had to dodge bullets because the people who shot the people would shoot at the people trying to save them. That is not prejudice, that is self preservation. That is why the LW’s state trooper boyfriend was trying to warn her.

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Olive Garden ruined my relationship

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