Oh boy. If this place had existed 6 years ago when I broke up with my ex of 8 years who meant *everything* to me, I’m sure it would have saved me years, YEARS of emotional turmoil and embarrassment. Seriously… I am over a lot of the hurt of that break up (which was an amicable break up!) but the embarrassment and naivete of my actions still haunt me. I was so oblivious to so many truths that I take for granted as obvious now… partly just from my own trainwreck decisions, but I think partly from hearing just how universal heartbreak is and how we all basically make the exact same mistakes, especially when we’re young. Here’s hoping that if I have to go through a break up again, I’ll make wiser choices and not be such an idiot. I’m sure I’ll be less of an idiot than I was last time anyway.