“My Family Thinks I’m Abandoning My Sons”

I plan on moving shorty after my youngest graduates high school. He is 15 now and I also have a 17-year-old, both boys. I moved in 2013 to Illinois from Wisconsin so they could be closer to their dad. I have no family and no close friends here. My boyfriend lives in Georgia, and I want to move there after graduation. My mom and sister act like I’d be abandoning my sons though. Their dad will still be in Illinois, and although they are welcome to move with me, I doubt they will because they don’t want to leave friends. I have been visiting my boyfriend a few times during the year…

“My Brother Won’t Give Me Back My Late Husband’s Rolex”

(Trigger warning: mention of suicide). Almost ten years ago now, my husband died by suicide. It was gruesome, and I found his body in our home. We were married two years and the suicide was a shock to everyone. I was both bereaved from the loss and deeply traumatized by finding the body. I was a mess. It was my job to divide up his possessions. I made boxes of his favorite things for his friends and family, saved a few things for myself, and liquidated the rest. My brother and my first husband weren’t particularly close, but they got along well enough. I gave my brother my first husband’s Rolex. I…

“My Wife’s Anxiety around Covid is Making Me Feel Like Prisoner”

We’re a queer family living in a liberal bubble in a conservative state that struggles to take any advice on COVID safety. My daughter, who is two-and-a-half, has some unique health conditions that would make her vulnerable to complications should she ever get COVID. Consequently, when things shut down in 2020, we pulled her out of day care, my wife restructured their career to work at home, and we totally shut our lives down completely. We’ve had literally zero childcare or help from the time our daughter was seven months on. Two years into this pandemic, by taking every precaution, doing all our shopping online, cutting our own hair, shooting up every…

Updates: “Trying to Keep the Family Harmony” Responds

It’s time again for “Dear Wendy Updates,” a feature where people I’ve given advice to in the past let us know whether they followed the advice and how they’re doing now. Today we hear from “Trying to Keep the Family Harmony,” who wrote in six years ago (!) and whose letter I re-posted on Facebook yesterday. She noticed said link and decided to write with an update. In her original letter, she explained that her step-daughter had recently left her husband and moved in with another man, relinquishing custodial rights of her kids to her husband. The LW wanted advice on whether or not to dis-invite the son-in-law to the family vacation they’d…

“Is My Partner Interested in the Soccer Mom?”

My partner takes our son to soccer practice on the weekends, and I have recently become concerned that he’s interested in the mother of one of the other kids. He is also good friends with the same kid’s dad (her husband). Their son had a birthday party recently and my partner took our son. While my partner was checking in (via text) to see how I was, he said that all the other parents had dropped off their kids and left, leaving only my partner, the birthday boy, and that boy’s parents. He said that he was sitting at the table with this boy’s mom while all the kids played. The dad…

“My Sister Invites Mutual Friends to Our Weekend House and Doesn’t Invite Me!”

I am a mid-40 female with a sister who is three years older than I. We were blessed by our dad with a weekend retreat home just a 90-minute drive from the city in which we both live. Three couples, including my father and his wife, my sisters’ family, and my family share the home, respectively. In the one year that “we” have owned the home, my sister has twice had a girls weekend to which I have not been invited. She invites mutual friends of ours and only tells me who she invited if I pointedly ask. I am hurt by her snub, which I feel is intentional. We live in…

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