“I Don’t Want to Spend a Whole Weekend with my Ex”
“In July my best friend will be getting married and I’ve been so excited about it. But then I learned that my ex-boyfriend will also be attending the wedding. “
“In July my best friend will be getting married and I’ve been so excited about it. But then I learned that my ex-boyfriend will also be attending the wedding. “
“I am a 36-year-old guy who is sharing a two bedroom, two bath townhouse with a female roommate that I’ve started to get sexual feelings for her…”
I’ve been seeing a really kind, considerate, smart guy for the last six months. We’re nearly 30, have a lot of fun together, and we have great chemistry, but he has some personal issues, that I feel are getting in the way of our relationship. He suffers from social anxiety (most significantly at work – he avoids any interactions with more senior people, avoids taking on responsibility and just tries to get by). He also has what seem to be significant insecurities. For instance, he sleeps with his light on at night when he’s alone because he’s afraid of the dark. Another example: one night at dinner after a somewhat serious conversation…
It’s time again for Shortcuts. For every question, I’ll give my advice in three sentences or less, because sometimes the answer to a person’s question is so obvious and the need to hear it so great, being as clear and frank as possible is simply the best way to go. Today we discuss bridezilla behavior, threesomes, and wedding planning.
My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half, we are both 31 years old and we live together. Things are normally very, very good — we have a connection that I’ve never experienced with anyone else, and we communicate very openly and often. It’s been great. The only major issue we have is my jealousy, which I’ve definitely toned down over the years, and his apparent obsession with other women. Perfect combo. To clarify, I am very aware that occasionally fantasizing about other women is normal and to be expected. I’ve gotten over that for the most part. My boyfriend, however, takes his behavior to the next…
“My husband’s a musician and he’s starting to become very successful. I’m proud of him, but I also have had some trust issues because of a recent incident…”
In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: I have been with my boyfriend for ten months and it was perfect at first — a few arguments here and there which normal — but we’ve been having problems for the last three weeks. He was diagnosed with cancer six months ago. Since I live in Canada and he moved to the US for his treatment, our arguments increased due to the distance issue. However, he would always accommodate me and would come see me here and there and, of course, we talked on the…
“I have been with my boyfriend for two years (and lived together for one). Friends of ours are engaged, and are to be married next month.”
I have always considered myself lucky in love. So far, I have been really fortunate to fall in love with kind, quality men who loved me back. The beginnings of all of these relationships were amazing and I couldn’t believe how head-over-heels I was for them. However, in each relationship after about 8-12 months, my feelings would start to change; I would get bored, the sex would slow down, and I would become unhappy. It would then take me another six months to actually break up with them because I was attached, and did love them, and kept hoping things would go back to the way they were. I’ve never had a…
“By boyfriend and I have been together two years. About six months ago, I finally said “I love you,” deciding that if I didn’t say it first he never would.”
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