“My Boyfriend Has a Wife and Four Kids”

Nearly a year ago, I met a guy, and instantly fell for him. I was in a relationship at the time that I was relatively serious about, and in turn pushed the thoughts of him out of my mind. He was married at the time, with three step-children, and one biological child. Fast forward over six months. My relationship had ended. His marriage fell apart after several years of turmoil (his wife had a boyfriend of two years, he stayed to care for the children). We crossed paths, and began seeing each other. His ex, whom I’ve never met, is a very vindictive, jealous person and told their children (all of whom…

“I’m Sick of My Boyfriend Ignoring Me!”

My boyfriend and I have been together over nine months now, and things were going great… at first. Lately, things have been really difficult. He lives far away (3,000 miles away, but he’s coming home in three weeks) and the last I saw him was for a week in February. I got sick in January and was out of work for three months. So, for those three months, he was the only person I talked to. Being stuck at home, having only a dog, and having a probably unhealthy lack of friends didn’t really help the situation. Skype has been our connection (along with text messages, letters and phone calls) so I…

“My Crush on my Boss is Crushing Me”

I work for a very small organization that has one part time and two full time employees. The work we do is very demanding and stressful, but the three of us get along very well both personally and professionally. It is honestly the best job I’ve ever had. My problem is, I seem to have developed an enormous crush on my boss. He’s about my age, single, and we share a great deal in common. I admire his passion for the work that he does as well as his intelligence and kindness. I’m also getting the feeling that he might be interested in me as well. It’s gotten to the point where…

“I’m Afraid My Boyfriend’s Going to Propose Soon”

My boyfriend and I met in college, and moved in together after we graduated, about a year ago. We have talked about getting married, and we both want to. In the year we have been living together we went through some rough times (financial and otherwise), and through everything we’ve been through,I honestly really think he that is the “one.” Well, about a week ago, his older brother proposed to his girlfriend and they are getting married on 7/7 this year. My boyfriend and his brother have always competed with each other, trying to top one another, as brothers often do. So, a few nights ago, my boyfriend says to me, “So…

“I’m Bisexual and Feel So Alone”

I used to say I was just bi-curious when I felt physical and emotional attraction to girls, but after nearly 12 years (I’m 24) of being in a “phase,” I finally came out to myself and I cried! I have not told any of my friends or family because I’m scared to death of what they may think. I used to not believe in bisexuality because I was told it was gross and wrong, plus I didn’t have any positive bisexual role models growing. I wish I was one or the other — gay or straight — but I’m just not. If I was gay, my family would be understanding but they…

Your Turn: “I Love My Boyfriend, But Should I Explore Other Options?”

In a feature I call “Your Turn,” in which you, the readers, get to answer the question, I’m presenting the following letter without commentary from me: I’m 20 and started dating a former co-worker about five months ago. At first he seemed to have his life together for a 25-year-old. He had his BA, two jobs, and had a lot of other things going for him. Naturally, the beginning was and continues to be amazing, although there have been HUGE bumps in the road. There are some trust issues, but he has been a lot of firsts for me, so it’s harder for me to let go. He has been there during…

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