Morning Quickies: “Am I Being Emotionally Abusive to My Boyfriend?”

Three quickies today: I’m a senior in high school (age 17) and my boyfriend is a sophomore in college (age 19). We’ve been dating fourteen months and are very much in love. At his college, like at most schools, there is a fair amount of underage drinking. I personally have a very strong conviction against drinking, so I have asked my boyfriend to promise he won’t drink with his friends. It would make me extremely uncomfortable if he were to drink, plus he is at school 2000 miles away and I’d be worried about his getting hurt. He says he’s happy to honor my request and he won’t drink; my question is,…

I’m Tired of Moving Every Time My Husband’s Daughter Moves”

I am pretty much in the same situation as this LW. I have been with my fiancé, “Tom,” for five years and we have a 2-year-old daughter together. Tom also has an 8-year-old daughter with his ex. I left my home and family three years ago so that Tom could be close to his elder daughter, but now his ex wants to move again, another six states away, and Tom wants us to follow. At first, I dug my heels in and said I didn’t want to move, again. It was important that our little one be close to my family (an 8-hour drive from where we currently live) and his family…

“My Mother Says I Won’t Love an Adopted Baby the Same as Biological Baby”

I am moving to a bigger place with my husband, and I recently mentioned to my mother that there will be a spare bedroom for a future child as we hope to start the adoption process in a year or two. This wasn’t news to her as we have been talking about it to close family for a year or so. She knows adoption is the route we are looking at because I have a medical condition that may be passed to my children, and I prefer not to risk it. She cut me off and said, “I have to say it”, and went on about how my biological clock is ticking,…

“My Roommate’s Boyfriend Lives With Us And Doesn’t Pay His Fair Share of the Rent”

I live in a large three-bedroom apartment with two other girls — “Mia” and “Jane” — both of whom are my close friends. Jane is moving out at the end of our lease and we are getting a new roommate whom we met online. Mia’s boyfriend has been living with her since before I moved in a year ago, but he is not on the lease. We don’t split our rent evenly four ways but instead have it calibrated according to room. Mia and Jane both have large rooms with multiple windows and lots of closet space, with Jane having her own bathroom attached. My room is very small, with very little closet…

“Should I Trade Up For a Hotter Girlfriend?”

My girlfriend, “Tonya,” and I have been together for around four months. She is great and I care for her a lot, but I am not attracted to her body, especially when she’s naked. I’m naturally athletic and in proportion, so I guess I expect my girlfriend to be the same and anything other than that seems unattractive. I don’t mind that she’s curvy, it’s just that her disproportionate body is unappealing to me. We enjoy having sex with each other. And the things we do seem to be enough to make me want to sleep with her. However, I can’t make myself like her body. She’s 43, so I have to…

“How Can I Break Up With My Paralyzed Boyfriend?”

Tom and I are 35 and 34 years old respectively. We have been together for two and a half years, living together for one and a half of those years. Tom was a great guy and everything was perfect when we started dating, and when he asked me to move in, I felt I was ready. Things started going downhill soon after we moved in. Tom stopped doing the things he used to do; he was getting so comfortable that I felt like we were roommates. Nine months after we moved in together, I was diagnosed with Stage 4B lymphoma. No one saw this coming. Tom never wanted to talk about it…

What’s On Your Travel Bucket List?

My Instagram feed these last couple weeks has been filled with photos of other people’s fantastic-looking vacation photos: Iceland, Tuscany, Israel, Barcelona, London, Vancouver. I’m on vacation, too, but nowhere exotic (visiting my parents in Springfield, Mo.). I enjoyed our long weekend trip to Charleston, SC., but I’m looking forward to traveling internationally again, hopefully some time soon (it’s been five years since I left the country). Prior to having kids, Drew and I were lucky enough to get to do some great traveling, both internationally and domestically (that’s me in Beijing in 2008 in the picture above). My favorite place was probably Paris, and I’d be happy to go back any…

“My Friend Chose Her Abusive Ex Over Me”

“Julie” and I have been close friends for almost a decade; she’s hilarious and quick and normally I’d say she’s incredibly smart, but I’m not sure that’s accurate right now. She dated a horrible man, “Greg,” for two years. There was severe emotional abuse, hospital visits and golf clubs swung. Her mental health was at it’s lowest and helping her move out of his house was such a goddamn relief. That was last August. Greg started stalking her this winter, driving drunk around her neighborhood, harassing her new boyfriend. The guy even took a shit on her front lawn and sent her a picture of it. His harassment was daily and never-ending….

“My Girlfriend Thinks I’m Cheating With My Longtime Female Friend”

I’m dating this wonderful woman named Eve. She’s so beautiful and smart that sometimes I feel like I’m not good enough for her. I’ve loved Eve since the moment I laid eyes on her and I would never do anything to hurt her. That’s why I don’t understand why she doesn’t trust me. She seems to think that I’m cheating with my friend Jane. I’m not. Jane and I have been friends since childhood. She was there for me when my parents got divorced in middle school, we went to the same college, and we lived together for a while after college until she moved in with her boyfriend. After Eve and…

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