DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Again, thank you for the kind words and suggestions. I’m gonna start crying here at my desk because I’m a mess so I’m gonna go home for lunch. Rest assured I worked hard in therapy this morning and had some uncomfortable realizations and have a list of things I need to work on. And yes, dating just might not be a good idea right now.
LianneNovember 11, 2015 at 2:09 pm #393876Same here. I chased my ex for THREE years after we broke up because I was in a bad head space and he gave me just enough to make me think we were going to be together forever…this continued for a year even after he told me he was dating someone else. I look back on the Lianne of that time and want to tell her EVERYTHING we are all telling you. You will be ok after all of this is over…you just have to be kind to yourself.
kareNovember 11, 2015 at 2:11 pm #393877It honestly sounds like you might not be in the right place to focus on a relationship. I would know having spent the past 3 years in that place. Looking back it’s obvious I was seeking validation from the wrong guys because my personal life was so messed up. I would hit it off with a guy then after a month pretty much force him to end things by accusing him of not being in to me. Or I’d get drunk and just really emotional. Then I was in two relationships with walking red flags because I sought out guys I perceived as mentally and physically weaker than me, not because I was attracted to them. (Then of course throughout all this kept hooking up with an Albanian mobster).
It wasn’t until about August of this year that I really started to feel better. I know I’m just doing the FWB thing, but there’s no anxiety. In the past I’d get hung up on “should I text him? Will he text me? What does this emoji mean?”. That’s gone. I feel confident that we enjoy our time together, there’s no underlying anxiety when we are together, and when we are apart I feel just as happy. It’s really freeing after spending time depending on a guy to bring me out of my sadness. As cliche as it sounds, you have to focus on yourself. It’s nice to have a guy to do things with and emotional intimacy can be a great thing. But it sounds like a lot of times you go into the weekend expecting him to bring you out of your current mood and have this super amazing thing. And that’s a lot to expect from one person, so it’s almost set up to fail.
I’d just cool off. Don’t contact him to make plans, let him contact you. Find things that make you truly happy.
I’ll echo what Wendy said about being in the right head space. I took a year and a half “break” from dating. I say “break” because 1. I just didn’t feel like putting in the effort to date and 2. I wasn’t in a place to handle rejection, I was afraid and 3. I wanted to focus on myself and building the life I wanted with people I enjoyed. Now, I’m dating a guy who I’m deeply interested in and vice versa. He both shows and tells me daily how much he likes me and I’ve opened up to him greatly. I attribute this to being in the right head space.
I truly believe that finding the right person has everything to do with timing and a little bit of luck.
I’m honesty not trying to be smug. It has taken a little of heart break and a lot of therapy and reading a lot of DW to get me here.
KateNovember 11, 2015 at 2:30 pm #393884Yeah, I think there’s one kind of break that’s like, I’m getting burned out and need to de-activate my profiles and apps for a couple months.., and another type of break that’s like a solid year or more of just taking care of yourself and doing the work you need to do.
KNovember 11, 2015 at 2:40 pm #393886kare said “In the past I’d get hung up on “should I text him? Will he text me? What does this emoji mean?”. That’s gone. I feel confident that we enjoy our time together, there’s no underlying anxiety when we are together, and when we are apart I feel just as happy.” This is how I feel with my boyfriend, and believe me, I never thought I’d find a relationship that doesn’t give me anxiety. If I had been on DW a few years ago, I’m sure I would’ve been writing in about stupid things and you guys would’ve said “MOA” so often it would’ve made your head spin. We all learn from our experiences, and that’s what makes it even more apparent when you finally do meet someone you click with. It just becomes easy. I’m sure distance is playing a role here too, veritek, so if things end I doubt the only reason would be because you are “too crazy”. (Which you’re not!) Hang in there.
I agree with you Kate. That’s why I’d get annoyed and upset with friends and relatives who tried to convince me to go on dating sites. They just couldn’t understand that I was happy with where I was and I wasn’t interested. I really did enjoy focusing solely on me. And now, I know what a great life I can have by myself… which helps me decide if I want to date someone, instead of me trying to convince someone to date me. I know I’ll be fine if things don’t work out and I worry a lot less about “making the wrong move.”
KateNovember 11, 2015 at 2:46 pm #393889I know I’ve said it a million times, but the same thing happened to me. We all have work to do on ourselves, and it’s really important to know you’re ok on your own. You have to get to that point in order to have a healthy relationship. If you skip it, you’ll have a rough time in your relationships, in my opinion.
jimmyjamNovember 11, 2015 at 2:57 pm #393893Let’s not turn this into a pity party. Get some confidence. If you strike out on a date, move on to the next one. Remember you were only “dating” It is not the end of the world.
Why did you need to know you had to date him exclusively? ok don’t answer that. Don’t even date him anymore.
Look veritek33 ( and others), just stop overthinking and dwelling on things. You need to play the field. Date several guys and go out a couple of times a week with different people. Date someone who chases you a bit. Date locally. Keep dating locally, stop all this driving. Stop the tinder, sure there may be a relationship on there for a very small percentage of people but it is a hook up tool. Thats how 99 percent of guys ( and some girls ) look at it.
Keep it simple.
I don’t think this is a pity party. The reality is if you’re in a bad place (like being depressed) all of the dating tips in the world won’t help you. Sometimes you have to take a step back and work on you. Maybe you’ve never dealt with an issue like that, but based on this thread alone it’s a reality for a number of people.
kareNovember 11, 2015 at 3:19 pm #393896I will say that reading “Why Men Love Bitches” helped boost my confidence. Some of it induces eye-rolling, but there’s a lot of stuff that helped me feel more confident overall. I tend to be a pushover, and it helped me feel comfortable vocalizing my objections to everyone – friends, family, etc that I would inconvenience myself for over and over. I constantly felt like I had zero time to myself because I felt bad saying no to anything. So I recommend reading it if you have a moment. I found a free ecopy online.