DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    Miss MJ
    November 11, 2015 at 4:56 pm #393923

    Going on 3 first dates in a week sounds like a huge chore! Good luck with your run, Ver. And your list! And consider this a lesson learned, regardless of how things turn out. A couple of them, really.

    First, you need a stronger system to separate the inevitable stress your parents cause you from your own life. Easier said than done, I know. Don’t we all wish we had a magic wand for that.

    Second, just because you mess up and don’t like the way you acted, it doesn’t make you a bad or unlovable person. We all mess up. Next time, after you have apologized and resolved the issue like you did with TT, direct that residual anxiety toward figuring out a better coping strategy instead of reaching out to someone else for validation, either of your belief that you are undatable or to disabuse you of that notion by confirming that it isn’t true. By reaching out for reassurance or judgment instead of taking control of your anxiety yourself, you are giving someone else control of/making someone else responsible for your sense of self-worth. Your sense of self-worth is all yours! Never let someone else have that.

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    November 11, 2015 at 4:57 pm #393924

    Errr don’t stop writing in because I use this thread as my touch point to most users. So don’t leave us!

    I recommend deleting facebook if you have it. It made me feel a lot better overall. And I spent less time fixating on tiny details, getting mad at people’s passive aggressive posts, all the election shit, etc. People typically post their best selves online. I can show you couples that look super amazing online, but the reality is that the girl is constantly getting cheated on. Or he’s abusive. Or she only married him out of fear there was no one better and doesn’t really love him. Everyone has a shitty side to their lives. I have to remind myself of that sometimes because I all of my friends are in serious relationships, having kids, etc. Then I remember they went through some heartbreak too, or are making the best out of unplanned pregnancies and such.

    As for loving yourself, that takes time. The number one thing is to cut off negative influences. People that put you down, people that want to bond over body image issues (this was big for me as someone with a history of disordered eating), etc. I also follow some instagram posters that are inspirational quotes. It sounds cheesy, but it really helps on bad days. The ones I follow are targeted towards eating disorder recovery, but overall the positive messages help when I’m feeling down, which is when I’m most at risk to slip into bad habits.

    Setting boundaries is hard, but worth it. I would make your mom’s ring tone a silent sound, so that if she calls and you want to ignore it, it can just ring. I do this with people that get offended by me hitting ignore. I also try not to put myself out there too much. My family issues are with my brother, so it’s a lot different of a relationship, but I offer to do stuff once or twice a month. If he asks me to do things for him, I don’t rearrange my life for him unless I feel like it is a positive action (like Friday I’m going to therapy with him). I also do not engage in his pity parties or try to argue his rants about how the world is horrible and everyone is trying to kill everyone and I’ll probabaly end up raped and tortured because I live in a city. I just say “okay” or “hmm never thought about it like that” or “yeah I’m sure I’ll die horribly”. It’s just not worth the energy to try to argue or reason with someone mentally ill. I in general keep my distance after my dad explained it to me like this “he is drowning, and he will take every single one of us with him if you let him”. It’s sad but true. You can’t save everyone, and it’s important to save yourself.

    I think running or any physical activity is also a great way to feel better about yourself. Ballet clases really helped me appreciate my body for how it is. Maybe join a running group if you have one in your area?

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    November 11, 2015 at 5:00 pm #393925

    Glad you’re going for dual therapy today Veri! Running and counseling are the best! Time to pound it out on the pavement.

    Putting in the work now, even though you may not see huge changes and results week to week, will benefit you so much. You’ll look back in a year or so and be amazed at the changes. If you aren’t already, keeping a journal for the ‘crazy feelings’ really helped me get it out of my head.

    November 11, 2015 at 5:51 pm #393929

    Oh man I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles Veritek. You always seem like such a genuine and nice person on here, its sad to see you suffering. I won’t offer advice to you directly as I don’t know you and your situation exactly, but I will talk about steps I personally take to work on stuff similar to what you wrote.

    I too have some family issues with my parents and also have one parent who is mentally ill. I’ve discovered boundaries are the best thing ever. As is remembering that mental illness is a bitch and the person inflicting the pain is so ill that they are not aware of what they do, and the extent their words and actions hurt others. We are allowed to feel pain at their harshness, but we are lucky to not have the same illness. I keeping reminding myself We are in a better place mentally thus should be compassionate. Its not always easy, but distance and awareness of mental issues make things a little easier when things are rough.

    I’ve also become diligent in my self care routine. For me, eating well means taking the time to prepare healthy nutritious meals, cut back on the alcohol as it exacerbates my anxiety and paranoia that no one likes me, and getting in some physical activity. Routines also help when things seem unsurmountable. Is there anyway you can simplify your routine over the next few weeks? Like get up do some light physical activity, have a healthy breakfast and get ready for the day. Work your 8-5 or whatever hours you have, come home decompress then prepare yourself a healthy meal and clean up. Before bed you could read or do some uplifting activity and sleep on time at 10 so you can be ready to get up at 6 and start all over again. Keep this up until things get a little more under control? I find a routine really grounding when things feel overwhelming in my personal life. Getting enough sleep, and sometimes needing sleep aids like melatonin or calming teas, drinking enough water through the day, eating a balanced diet, all this starts to center you. Take a hiatus from social media where everyone posts happy holiday photos and just focus on you. Try to not date until things seem more manageable and you can roll with the punches better.

    I wish you the best.

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    Regina Chapman
    November 11, 2015 at 6:15 pm #393932

    Wonderful to read all those personal accounts on how everyone deals with boundaries and self-love. It’s taken me many, many years to become semi-decent at those things. I think it’s great that we can all share that in here!

    And jimmyjam, stop piling on to Veritek. Read back if you want – she wasn’t at all ‘meh’ about her first dates with TT. Have some compassion for christ’s sake. Obviously nobody else wants this thread to be just about awesome dates being awesome.

    November 11, 2015 at 6:23 pm #393933

    @Muse, that routine is exactly what I was doing, and I’m with you that it really helps keep you on the level!

    November 11, 2015 at 6:31 pm #393935

    Sigh, there is plenty of compassion going around here to start a group therapy session.

    Just last week she was excited and then she blew up her own spot on the weekend, then she went to “fine” and today a “shrug” . I can start pulling quotes from posts but then you might have a hard time keeping up Regina. I warned of this outcome.

    Sometimes a dish is best served cold.

    November 11, 2015 at 6:38 pm #393937

    Kate–thats good to hear! I find routines very helpful to jumpstart me out of a depressive funk. There is something very comforting in knowing you have things settled at home so you can make it a restful place which bleeds into a sense of calm in other areas too.

    November 11, 2015 at 6:42 pm #393938

    Muse, I love your advice. Honestly, routine has helped me too. For instance, starting my week on Sunday by waking up, grocery shopping, picking up a fancy coffee, brunch with friends, run errands and I spent end of my day by prepping healthy food for the week and now that it’s winter, making a large pot of soup for lunches. During the week, it’s work, one or two relax nights and a couple get together with friends nights. Wednesday night’s I tutor. Friday’s I’m usually super low key, either by myself or with friend’s. Saturday I like to go to yoga, pick up lunch then have the rest of the afternoon to do whatever and I go out that evening. Now, dating the guy, I need to find a new normal, but that’s the one I had while single and I loved it.

    Ver, I think you’re pretty awesome, but you’re not giving yourself enough credit. Take some time for yourself and figure out what you truly enjoy. Start doing that. The rest will fall into place. I promise.

    November 11, 2015 at 6:46 pm #393939

    Note that all three of us – Kate, muse and I – mentioned healthy eating. I feel strongly about a good food regimen. When I take two to three hours out of my life on a Sunday, eating well for the week easily falls into place.

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    November 11, 2015 at 7:00 pm #393940

    @jimmyjam you don’t know me. I don’t know you. All I know is that you seem to want to give advice and if I don’t follow it you like to gloat when something bad happens. Just know that I’m not taking any of this ambivalently and if you don’t like my avatar then talk to the bitmoji people because they made it. And telling me what I can and cannot write about on the thread that *I* started is kind of a dick move. As long as I’m adhering to Wendy’s policies about what can’t go on the forum I think you should just shut up about it or start your own forum. That said, if I took every piece of advice I was given on this forum I would be an absolute fucking mess. Because some of it is conflicting some of it is too complicated and so I have to take little pieces at a time. And if you want to gloat about what happened this weekend, that shows more about your character than mine. Because I did go up there with a bottle of wine and waited to see what would happen. Which was basically what you told me to do.

    To Kate, muse, Kare, materials girl and Regina, I appreciate the kind words and the guidance and I’m taking it all in and trying to make a plan with what to do in the next coming days and weeks. I agree that getting back into a routine is a really good idea. My routine got out of whack during the month of October due to moving and traveling so much for work. But it is on me to get back into that routine and I need to work harder to make it happen.

    Tinder teacher actually reached out to me today to see how I was doing. And so I told him about therapy and buying some new running shoes and we had a relatively short but kind conversation. So in the long run and he may just be a friend. For right now I’m just gonna take everything a day at a time and I appreciate the kind vibes directed my way

    November 11, 2015 at 7:14 pm #393942

    Ktfran–Thanks! I just really love how centered I feel when I have a good routine going.

    I agreed with a poster who wrote that they got stressed just reading about your life Veritek, so I can’t imagine how tough it must be to live with that. Sure the external factors you can’t control like a family member’s health and the options for dating available in your city, but you can control how stress free your home life is the minute you enter you own home. If you can find a way to be at peace with things you can’t control then hopefully if and when you are ready to date, the dates will be fun and joyful. Its totally understandable to have a reaction to all that stress you face with tears and need a release. Maybe factor in some self care and reaction time if you need to deal with your mom anytime. The stress of not knowing how normal or unhappy and cruel she will be must be horrible, and its natural to have a reaction to it even if her behavior is not ‘that bad’ I know keeping busy is the new norm, but its not for everyone. Its definitely not good for those of us who need a lot of reflection and self care time after trying ordeals.

    And a personal favorite–is there anyway you can go for a massage or facial? I always feel refreshed after one of those, a spa pedicure is more affordable but still relaxing.

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