DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
KtfranNovember 11, 2015 at 11:32 pm #393980
I can honestly say that sometime between the last boyfriend and now, I stopped giving a shit too. I figured I’d do me and if I met someone that fit into my life, cool. If not, well, that’s ok too.
Granted, with the guy, I do care and worry a little, as this thread can attest to. However, I’m not nearly the unsure, scared girl from relationships past.
I love both of your stories.
TheLadyENovember 11, 2015 at 11:34 pm #393981Just wanted to chime in and say I love this thread to, and @Veritek I really admire you for taking care of yourself and working on things. I think that’s very brave and takes a lot of fortitude.
And also you inspired me – I had a long day but I worked out tonight and did 3 miles of walking/jogging/aerobics. I used to work out 4-5 days/week but I’ve been slacking lately, so I really want to get back into it. I got a leg cramp in my sleep the other night which means my muscles aren’t being worked hard enough. It feels good!
I haven’t heard much from the Analyst I went out with on Monday night, and I’m actually relieved. Seems like it’s just time for me to focus on me for awhile and that’s good. 🙂
Thank you all again for the support on this thread – it’s meant a lot to me the last few months, for sure!
November 12, 2015 at 12:51 am #393989I will chime in to agree that this thread is awesome, everyone is so supportive, and there’s such a positive vibe- I enjoy reading everyone’s stories too! (Kumbaya, anyone? :P)
So, last week I had a beer with a guy from eharmony, which was very nice and enjoyable, but I didn’t really get more than a “friend” vibe (that, or he’s socially awkward). I actually deleted his number and thought that was that. Well, Friday night he texted me asking if I wanted to go take a tour of *local tourist trap* because he’d never been, and he had mentioned a podcast about it on the date. I thought about it, and decided, why not. So, we’re going this Saturday. I’m not sure if this is actually a date? Because he has not communicated in any way with me other than setting up the date/time/place to meet, and nothing since. (To be fair I haven’t either.) I’m just going to go, and have a nice time, and if he randomly tries to plant one on me, I’ll have my answer.
There is also another guy I’ve been emailing/texting for the last couple of weeks- he lives in the same city from me, maybe a half mile away. But we still haven’t met. He seems very sweet and down to earth, so perhaps at some point we may actually meet up.Honestly though? I feel so ambivalent about men right now. I really just do not feel excited about dating anyone. It may be that the matches I’m seeing online are just starting to blur together. Maybe online just isn’t the best venue for me to meet people. I realized today that if I stopped and took a break, I’d feel relieved! It feels like a chore. I *know* what it’s like to have chemistry with someone and to feel excited about going on a date. And I’m just not feeling it! And besides, I have a lot on my mind right now, all related to myself and my goals- I’m paying off my debt (student loans + cc) in large chunks once and for all; I’m working out 4x a week; I am trying to not screw up at my job; I’m planning to take all of my professional licensing exams next year (6 of them!). I have a crappy commute to/from work, and I try to make time for my friends, *and* for myself to recharge. I have my routine! Plus, there are 2 rather dashing dudes at my gym who I notice check me out, which I’m enjoying. And I get so fed up sometimes with the area I live in that I consider escaping (Toronto is sounding nice this week…) So yeah, I know this is a novel but I feel like I need a break. I want to continue to “say yes” to things and “put myself out there” (TM) but until I change my mind again, I’m gonna focus on my own stuff.
kareNovember 12, 2015 at 1:18 am #393990I say take a break! Dating shouldn’t be a chore. I’ve definitely not been excited about dates and then felt excited once I was actually on the date. But if you’re not feeling it, don’t put yourself through it. Spend your free time on what you want to do.
@veritek: You are one of the most valuable contributors to the forums. I sincerely hope you don’t stop posting, even though I’d completely understand if you did. And yeah, let’s not forget this is the general chat section, so no advice unless it’s requested.
I’m with @laurel… I think there are a lot of myths surrounding what you need to do to become ready for a relationship. Sometimes it goes as far as being some type of redemption and salvation story that kind of reminds me of religion (“I dated all wrong, then I became a kind of monk and found myself, then I found my relationship salvation!”). Of course, once one is in good relationship it’s tempting to believe that it’s due to all the personal development that happened before – and maybe it is partially, but luck always plays a role, too. Unfortunately, there are just no guarantees in life.
I’m one of those people who did not go on a dating break ever, I basically dated without any breaks from age 21 onwards. Also, my current relationship started in an incredibly messy way that everyone here would have disapproved of, including myself. We’re still together and very happy a few years later. I learned a lot during this relationship and made massive improvements in how I deal with things. But I had it easy, because I was able to take these steps while being loved by an amazing guy. I say it was pure luck that I met my guy and that we got through the messy early stages. Later on of course I contributed to a good development of the relationship because I realized this was it for me and that I needed to become more well-adjusted stat to make it work.
I’ve also seen a few friends settle down with (IMO) not-so-great guys just because they were ready to settle down and had a certain age in mind by which they needed to be married or in a longterm relationship at least. This is not the solution either. My friends who stayed single into their late thirties look a lot happier than the settlers. I also know some people who already divorced and are starting over. This can work out fine, but it’s still harder than staying single longer and (hopefully) marrying later because you’re adding so much emotional baggage to your life by going through a divorce.
Also worth mentioning: There’s still a powerful myth that a good woman will manage to get married, that it’s a type of accomplishment. That’s simply not the case and not being in a relationship is not a failure, no matter what society tells you. It can be really hard to resist the ‘old cat lady’ narrative, but please do not let it get to you.
I don’t know… Maybe not everyone needs to take a dating break, but I think there’s a solid idea that’s been communicated on various threads, that if what you’re doing over and over isn’t working, and/or you don’t feel ok without a man around and need a man’s attention for validation, or if you have one or more major problems in your life that you need to get a handle on (boundaries with mom), it can be good and healthy to take some time and figure things out.
It’s a hugely powerful thing – not mystical bullshit – to realize you’re ok, just you, no one else. And if your problem has been not believing that and clinging to things that aren’t working as a result and coming on too strong and having freakouts, knowing you’re ok on your own (or learning not to give a shit like someone said) can free you.
JimmyjamNovember 12, 2015 at 6:30 am #394000Good morning
Looks like the group is building
I never said stop posting, I said, and meant stop writing, meaning till you have some awesome dates.
I did not gloat at all, trust me I can gloat, that’s great you went with a bottle. But that’s not what killed the evening. That had something to do with the breakdown. You have been on a handful of dates with TT and two of them had breakdowns. I feel for him as he is the one not going on awesome dates. Isn’t that what the thread is titled, you named it, dating is a two way street. You are not dating, you are looking for a caretaker.
November 12, 2015 at 6:43 am #394001JimmyJam, this post has been around longer than you have been posting. We don’t need a man (or a woman!) coming around telling us who can and can’t post (on a thread they started!) and what they can and can’t write about. I actually value your voice and opinion here, but you have to see how grossly patronizing and, frankly, patriarchal it is for a man to come to a mostly female website and very quickly start telling longtime posters what they should and shouldn’t be posting about. I don’t care what this post is titled, it is months-old and has and can veer off-topic. Veritek is more than welcome to write about bad dates, good dates, boring dates, and great dates. For her sake, I hope she has more of the latter to write about, though I agree that taking some time to work on her issues will help her make emotional space for those great dates to happen.
JimmyjamNovember 12, 2015 at 7:08 am #394002I never said stop posting, see post above. With that hopefully cleared up now.
While I see your view of how a male voice and view can change the temperature of the room quickly you must understand how a male feels when he stumbles upon the site and reads some of these views and opinions. It is an open door to a room I am walking by and and I hear what is going on. And some of it is skewed, you have agreed to that.
As a male I can take a different view and something can be learned on both ends. In this case the learning and process is stalled.Sorry even you know it is true. Read the whole thread , the same repeated actions from “relationship ” to ” relationship “. You want to break the cycle of relationships etc than something needs to change. The change is not happening, some have pointed that out while others have rallied to support the same actions failing time and times again. Maybe a stronger tone was needed.
I don’t want anyone to feel bad about themselves or feel picked on, trust me I could take it that way after the last page or two but I know better. If you are going have people grow and learn sometimes the voice coming into the room is what is needed, even if a bit different than those around it. You can throw the voice out, but then doing that you only limit your growth, on multiple avenues.
November 12, 2015 at 7:19 am #394003I absolutely welcome male views and voices here! You definitely are welcome here, Jimmyjam. I just don’t want anyone but me telling anyone not to post something (er, sorry, write something). And if anyone but me told you to stop posting, I’d be calling that person out, too.
Jimmy- this will be the last response that I make directly you. Because waking up to see that you’ve written that you feel sorry for someone that’s dating me is like kicking me while I’m down. And I don’t need a caretaker, I don’t think you know much about me but I take pretty good care of myself but everyone needs a tuneup from time to time. Which is what I’m taking. Your advice has been more hurtful to me than constructive. And I don’t need that negative energy in my life. I wish you well and I hope you start your own thread where everyone writes exactly what you want them to
I so appreciate this forum and the ability to talk through these things with other people. And Wendy I appreciate you clarifying what can be written on the forums and what cant. And that you are the ultimate authority.