DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    November 12, 2015 at 1:14 pm #394099

    Mylaray- that is actually a really awesome idea that I haven’t thought of. I don’t think there are any photography groups around here so that would probably be fun to start. Because I’m always looking for ways to get better at being a photographer so if nothing else it helps with professional development!

    November 12, 2015 at 1:14 pm #394100

    I am just jumping in to wish Veritek well along with everyone else, and to say that I am very excited about my date tonight 🙂

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    November 12, 2015 at 1:19 pm #394101

    Missdre I hope you have a lot of fun tonight 🙂

    November 12, 2015 at 1:21 pm #394103

    veritek, I’m not sure where you are, but have you considered joining a Junior League? I did a few years ago, and it has made ALL the difference. I’ve met amazing friends, expanded my professional network, volunteered extensively in my community and gotten trained for future Board service. Can’t say enough good things. You can find a listing here: https://www.ajli.org/?nd=p-find-a-league

    Regarding dating, I dunno. The older I get, the more I think there is no rhyme or reason. I think a good rule of thumb is to go on dates with guys you want to go on dates with, and don’t go on dates with guys you don’t. Don’t feel guilty!!

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    November 12, 2015 at 1:22 pm #394104

    K- Thanks!! And what you describe is exactly how it feels right now. I’m glad things worked out for you! I talked about everything with my therapist this morning, and she agreed, and suggested I focus on getting more “pizzaz” in my life. I’m already focusing on my own goals and taking care of myself, but I can totally take that to the next step to cultivate my current friendships and make new ones, maybe try a Meetup, etc.
    Veritek- I like the idea of a photography meetup- what about a running group, hiking group, or a wine tasting group? You could always start your own, make it a “30’s” age bracket, etc. 🙂

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    November 12, 2015 at 3:22 pm #394132

    @MissDre I hope you have fun and please be sure to update us!!

    Also chiming in to say I joined 2 (more) Meetup groups as a result of this thread…I am a member of several and I’ve attended events but haven’t really found my stride with them, so maybe these new ones will be good. Also I am planning to go to church with a new friend/coworker & his wife on Sunday and he will get me plugged in to some groups there too. 🙂

    November 13, 2015 at 9:31 am #394164

    Last night was my third date with ThePrince. He came over and we cooked together (well… he did most of the cooking) and watched Star Wars (he’d never seen it) and stayed up late talking. Tomorrow we have a fourth date! We’re going to check out a special exhibit at the nature museum.

    He’s such a sweetheart. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone so soft spoken and gentle. Definitely looking forward to getting to know him better! Oh, and he absolutely loves my cats 🙂

    November 13, 2015 at 11:03 am #394172

    He sounds great @MissDre! Cat lover – huge win! And soft spoken and gentle guys are awesome (my boyfriend is both of those thing) 😉 Nature museum sounds like a fun date, enjoy.

    November 13, 2015 at 11:30 am #394175

    Yes, I think he’s in love with my youngest cat. He was talking to her and kissing her and it just about melted my heart. Then, while we were watching the movie, Mama Cat jumped up right on him and curled up right in his lap, purring. She has NEVER EVER sat on my lap before. She likes petting, but usually from a distance. I was preeeeetty shocked that she got right on top of him and settled in. So, I guess the cats approve.

    November 13, 2015 at 2:36 pm #394188

    Well. I just spent all day at work today and yesterday reading the entire 125 pages of this thread. I don’t know why I didn’t start when it came out this summer, but better late than never. I cried, I laughed, and I laughed & cried some more. Ultimately, I just want to say that I think this is such a wonderful, supportive community – it’s amazing to see how people here can reach out for support, and, for the most part, get constructive feedback and words of wisdom. Thank you to Wendy for building this community, and to all of you for making it what it is!

    November 13, 2015 at 3:13 pm #394192

    WOW that must have taken you forever haha 🙂 I should probably do the same thing. Maybe on Sunday when I’m being lazy.

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    November 13, 2015 at 3:42 pm #394194

    I love following along on these dating threads in particular but I’m married and don’t feel like I have much to add. There’s so much involvement in bettering yourself when it comes to dating and finding the right person and I think that’s why I like this thread and community so much. We’re all just trying to improve ourselves and our lives.

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