DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    November 16, 2015 at 10:11 pm #394441

    He might have been trying but it was too subtle for you to notice maybe. Either way he sucks, boo to ghosting.

    November 17, 2015 at 5:27 pm #394548

    Sorry Dre. That sucks!

    November 17, 2015 at 8:14 pm #394606

    3 dates in about a week means a guy is looking for one thing, sorry it happened but the signs were there for a fling.

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    November 17, 2015 at 8:31 pm #394613

    Sorry to hear that @MissDre, that sucks. 🙁 The next one will be better!

    @veritek, any news on TT that you’re comfortable sharing? I was just thinking about you and logged on specifically to ask!

    No more dates for me at the moment. I’m taking a little break – my birthday is coming up in a week so I’m going to be spending a lot of time with friends and in personal reflection this weekend.

    November 17, 2015 at 9:25 pm #394625

    @Jimmyjam if he was looking for a fling why didn’t he even make an attempt? Anyway, I guess it doesn’t matter, cuz I haven’t heard from him in 4 days and he’s back online revamping his profile so… on to the next.

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    November 18, 2015 at 9:33 am #394695

    @MissDre I’m sorry that happened. On to better ones!

    @LadyE thanks for asking. Not much to report. Still text back and forth but I’ve backed way off and the ball is in his court if he’d like to come visit. I’m not wildly optimistic about it. He’s still fun to talk to so I don’t mind texting but my options are open. I’m not overly active on the dating apps but I had a coffee date last week. He was nice but no real potential. No dates planned for right now with anyone.

    On the self improvement homefront: bought new running shoes and tried them out once so far since it’s been raining so much, started painting my family room, found some new books to read, signed up for MeetUp (I’m totally not kidding guys the options are limited and the nearest 20s and 30s group is 50 miles away but I plan to go to a social event December 1 to see if I want to join the group.) I’ve lost 9 pounds since August so yay for that. Cut back my wine nights to just Fridays and Saturdays, finally stocked my fridge with real food instead of frozen crap. Booked a few more photo appointments so I can work less hours at TJ Maxx, and sent my first invoice for my social media consulting gig, so staying busy but trying to get a little less busy at the same time!

    November 18, 2015 at 9:36 am #394698

    @veritek33 those all sound like great self-improvement steps! Congrats on the weight loss. And I’m sorry the closest Meetup group is so far away, but think it’s awesome that you’re going to a social event with them!!

    November 18, 2015 at 10:02 am #394702

    Ver, all that sounds great!

    November 18, 2015 at 12:03 pm #394718

    @MissDre It is what the immature male does. They hunt and hunt and move on quickly when they get what they want or if it takes too long.

    You did the right thing by keeping him at bay.

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    November 19, 2015 at 1:37 pm #394908

    Ugh so plans today for the new FWB I met last week were cancelled last minute this morning. We were talking yesterday and I asked if we were still on for today’s meet because it sounded like he had a lot on his plate (he is leaving for a trip to NYC tonight for a week and had a lot of stuff to do apparently). And finally after sending a follow up message this morning he finally responded and said sorry he would need to cancel. Found out his health card had expired and needed to get it renewed before he left, otherwise no travel insurance. So ya that sucked balls. We had been working each other up for today and then only after I asked twice he finally confirmed my suspicions. He apologized and explained everything, but still sucks. Thank god this isn’t a relationship otherwise I would have schooled his ass on communicating.

    November 21, 2015 at 11:00 pm #399586

    Cleo – ugh, that is disappointing. And it seems like it could have been headed off earlier if he’d just been a little more open about his possible dilemna

    So, I experienced a dating-related disappointment today. I was casually involved with somebody for a few months over the summer. He was a lot of fun to be with, super smart (a big plus for me!) and very much my “type” physically. We didn’t pursue anything serious at the time because we were both traveling when we met. That said, he’s from a town not far from the one I just moved to, and we had floated the idea of seeing where things went once we were both home, with no commitment until then since we were going to be apart for some time and were both in the middle of fairly significant life transitions. We’ve been exchanging flirty texts/emails/phone calls since parting ways a few months ago and had plans to meet up next month, but communication became more sparse and less flirtatious on his end starting a few weeks ago.

    Today he told me that he’s started seeing someone (a mutual acquaintance he met while with me) and things have recently become serious. I apparently had higher hopes than I’d admitted to myself, because it felt like a kick in the teeth when he told me. They’re both lovely people who will probably be great together, but feeling like somebody’s second choice is still shitty. *sigh*

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    November 22, 2015 at 5:33 am #399599

    That sucks @nickel 🙁

    Update on Tinder Teacher: I finally got him to admit he’s not coming to see me again. To quote him “this distance is more than I thought and life is getting super busy.” So basically he confirmed what I felt in my gut and we “broke up” or whatever you want to call it. I guess I just wasn’t worth the two hour drive to him anymore but at least I don’t have to worry about it now.

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