DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
Oh I didn’t mean to imply he ambushed me – my co worker’s mom definitely did! And the age thing isn’t a deal breaker just a little older than I’m used to.
I dunno. If he’s willing to come down here again I’d go out for coffee.
The conservative part was more so the turnoff for me. Big on guns and 2nd amendment and wanted to talk about the Ferguson riots and the crap going on at Mizzou – and that’s just not stuff I want to talk about.
KNovember 30, 2015 at 12:25 pm #400665@nickel_5, a bit off topic but did you hike the AT or PCT? If so, awesome 🙂
@snoopy128, I also bring things like that up relating to weddings – we went to 6 this year so it was easy to talk about details like music, food, etc.! We’ve talked about who we’d have in our wedding party, etc.
@veritek33, big on guns would be the nail in the coffin for me. But agreed with everyone else that early 40’s is a reasonable age.Bringing up hot button issues when first meeting someone is weird to me. Idk, my concern if they were talking about the riots would be that their racist. That’s a deal breaker for me because I’m not dating someone I can’t bring around my friend circle.
The gun thing is hit or miss for me depending on their level of responsibility. My mom carries a gun most of the time, but she’s a cop.
November 30, 2015 at 2:12 pm #400681Yeah, that’s weird. I’d be wary, too. Especially in Missouri. The racists there are *really* racist.
I agree with Wendy and others that I wouldn’t worry too much about the age range. And dating against type. Up until the guy, I’ve dated solely guys with dark blonde or super light brown hair and blue eyes. The guy is a brunette with hazel eyes.
As for the gun/riot talk… yeah… that is possibly a huge deal breaker. Maybe if he wants to take you out for coffee… maybe.
November 30, 2015 at 4:40 pm #400705A little off topic, but @ktfran’s eye and hair color comment made me laugh. I have blue eyes, and have had several girls go out with me specifically for that because they wanted blue eyed children. My type was short brunettes, but my current relationship is with a tall blonde. I’d definitely attempt to break type a little, but not with a borderline racist/conservative.
I mean, I own a rifle for target shooting with my dad, but Wendy is right, racist in Missouri usually means REALLY RACIST. And I just don’t want to go there. I’ll think on it.
And yes, it would help to break type. TT was not really my usual type physically. Personality wise he was. I dunno, I’ll keep my options open.
Mom has been having another “episode” since thanksgiving and mostly i just want to go home and crawl up in a ball and not deal with her or think about dating right now until I feel better. I know that’s not going to solve anything, but man it sounds nice.
AngeNovember 30, 2015 at 4:49 pm #400709That date sounds like something out of a sitcom plot. Do people really do that in real life??? Wow. If you’re having difficulties with your mum I don’t know that spending time with a potential gun totin’ racist is the best use of your time. Imagine the turn THAT conversation could take…
There’s a really good chance the blind date I’m going on Saturday is with a gun toting racist. It could go either way, but when the town is named after a gun part and many people proudly display Confederate flags…ugh. I’m hoping he’s one of the people that was raised normally (I mean I’m from the same area and didn’t turn out like that). Still, some of the stuff he’s said makes me think he’s a Republican and many Republicans in that area are Tea Party people. Not that I’m totally against Republicans or anything. My FWB is running for some local office thing on a Republican ticket because he’s Libertarian.
Rural south problems ya’ll.
K – yup, PCT. It was amazing, and I am seriously entertaining thoughts of the CDT next, even though it won’t be feasible for several years
Also, the aforementioned fling showed his true colors. Apparently “still wants to see me” translates to “wants to have sex again without his current girlfriend knowing about it.” I’m simultaneously relieved at dodging that bullet and a bit insulted that he thought there was a chance in hell that I’d say yes to his proposition.