DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    December 10, 2015 at 11:10 am #402374

    @veritek33 I’m the same way – gels last up to 3, regular manicures I’ll chip practically right away. I didn’t try a gel until this year. The first one I got started peeling off after a couple of days – it was at the salon my mom goes to. I decided to try again at one near me, and got two in a row (for the weddings I was in) with great success! They both lasted 3 weeks and would’ve lasted longer if my nails weren’t so grown out. I’m going to go back to that place I think soon to get a sparkly holiday gel manicure. BTW I also want to see Spotlight! A friend we saw last weekend said that he really enjoyed it, and he said one of the characters reminded him of my boyfriend, so now I’m curious!

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    December 10, 2015 at 11:13 am #402375

    @K I remember last year getting a gel manicure in January and it lasted until past valentines’ day because that’s when my boudoir photo shoot was and I didn’t have to get a new manicure for it! lol

    I’m so stoked to see this movie and take myself on a date today. SO STOKED.

    December 10, 2015 at 11:22 am #402380

    You guys must have some slow growing nails! I can stretch a french shellac up to 3 weeks because there’s no colour to it, so you don’t notice my nails growing out. But if I go with a shellac colour, it lasts 2 weeks tops because you can see like half an inch of bare nail. The shellac itself lasts, but it’s that gap from that growth that is just not acceptable lol. So I always go with a french tip.

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    December 10, 2015 at 12:40 pm #402399

    I’m going on a 3am gallery date Saturday morning! yay! 😀

    December 10, 2015 at 1:28 pm #402411

    @veracityb that sounds pretty cool! Is it a special gallery show or something?

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    December 10, 2015 at 2:46 pm #402428

    Good to hear everyone having positive experiences and opportunities! The ball sounds really fun 🙂

    I’ve been taking a genuine break from dating – I haven’t been out with anyone since that one first date a month ago. I’ve talked back and forth with a couple guys on OKCupid but haven’t met up with either of them yet.

    I’m actually transitioning to a new, more challenging role at work and it’s been taking up a lot of my time…plus I honestly am just feeling exhausted with dating right now. After the disappointment/shock of Lion Tamer and also the fact that an ex of mine got engaged over my birthday weekend a few weeks ago, I feel pretty defeated. Empty and sad. Like it will never happen for me.

    This month I’ve been consciously focusing on all my wonderful friends and I’ve planned four different dinner parties with one or more of them as well as just saying “yes” to seeing my friends more often. They are the people who I can really count on and who really care, and right now I’m trying to live in a mindset of true gratitude for them.

    Maybe next year I’ll start dating again.

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    December 10, 2015 at 7:20 pm #402462

    @K, yeah it’s the last weekend of the Ai Wei Wei exhibition in London, and they’re opening for 56 hours for the first time! And I floated the idea of a 3am gallery visit, and he was up for it 🙂 my kind of guy!

    It’s the first time I’ve felt genuinely attracted to someone for a very very long time, guys (I often felt a bit “off” in my connection to my ex). We met for an impromptu jazz date in our local area within a couple of hours of connecting on okc last Sunday, and I just really like hanging out with him (we’ve kinda hung out a bit practically every day since).

    – it will happen, sometimes when you least expect it. Believe me, this is not a convenient time for either of us, but I like his hugs too much to not see him, even briefly.

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    December 10, 2015 at 8:37 pm #402471

    Although today a weird thing happened. I haven’t spoken to my ex for close to three months after we ended for good. But in the brief period after breaking up and he was trying to make more of an effort (in general, in life) and we were friends (although I still wasn’t fully emotionally unattached to him) we bought train tickets to go for a weekend trip to Belgium for this weekend. He’d never been, and I was anticipating needing a break after an intense career change course. I’d set up a calendar invite for the trip back then, and just today, he “accepted” this calendar invite, which google notified me of. No message, nothing else. I thought it was super weird, and suspected it was his cowardly way of trying to make contact, or he’d done it by accident. So I responded by sending the tickets, in case he did want to go with no message. *shrug* He has to go tomorrow afternoon if he’s going.

    December 14, 2015 at 9:34 am #402982

    You guys!!!! New story to add to the bunch.

    I did NOT end up going on that date last night. Why? Because he texted me around 6 PM saying “Sorry, can we reschedule? I ended up having sex with my friend this morning and I’d feel weird taking you out tonight having done so.”

    Ummmm WTF? My first reaction was to laugh. I just could not stop laughing. I was like ummmm that was way TMI but thanks for being honest I guess?

    Then he said he was trying to think of a flaky reason to bail but just decided that it was best to be straight up.

    Oh but he still wants to take me out on Friday night instead. I honestly don’t even know what to think. I’m just so baffled that he felt the need to share that, and I’m still laughing about it.

    December 14, 2015 at 10:33 am #402998

    I wouldn’t. That’s not funny and charming and candid, it’s rude and bad-boundary and gross, and that is a preview of how he will continue to behave. I’m as blunt and sarcastic as anyone in Boston, but sorry, no.

    December 14, 2015 at 10:41 am #402999

    Oh, I never I said I thought it was charming. I think it’s hilarious as in like, WTF is he thinking and I swear I should write a book about the ridiculous things guys have said to me. Every time I think about it I just crack up and start laughing again.

    December 14, 2015 at 10:43 am #403000

    He’s showing you now that he doesn’t give a shit what you think of him, and while that may be admirable in some contexts, it’s to be avoided like the plague in dating. Delete his contact info.

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