DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
@STONE! I’m so happy you’re back on the thread! That sounds like an amazing date!! It is a nice feeling to be into someone again, I totally get it.
I’ve been chatting with Army Guy/National Guard guy (what should we call him? We are trying to plan another date for after Christmas because schedules are crazy right now. And he told me last night that I looked “amazing” at the ball. I was blushing via text. I don’t take compliments well, I suck at it, but he’s very complimentary so it’s nice 🙂
@Money trombone players are fun and I’m excited for you! This will be fun, I can feel it.
As for goals and tattoos, I had been planning so many different goals for more tattoos and just never pulled the trigger. I told myself I could get one when I did my first triathlon and that was 7 years ago almost and I didn’t get one for 4 years after that! lol
I just have to be careful because my job frowns on visible tattoos, and I also have a deal with my dad that I made years ago when he said “get as many tattoos as you want, I just don’t want to see them.” Fair. Though he has seen my tattoos because curiosity got the best of him. He just didn’t want me to get something on my face and neck or arms that I’d have to cover up all the time. I told him not to worry lol. With my feet I don’t think it should be a problem. I can get it right along the line where a heel would hit and it would only show wearing flip flops. Easy peasy. Plus I can only see the ones on my back when I look in the mirror. It might be nice to see one on my body without having to contort myself in front of the mirror after a shower lol
I’m finally starting to get out and meet people again after a long hiatus. Backpacking for 4 months, then moving across the country and starting a graduate program where I spend a lot of time doing fieldwork in the desert were not very conducive to normal dating. I went out dancing and spent half the night talking with a geeky-cute physicist over Thanksgiving. He lives in my hometown, so there’s no opportunity to see him again any time soon, but it was still nice to have that feeling of hitting it off with someone you’ve just met and indulging in a little flirtation. Last weekend I went to a holiday party and wound up giving my number to a guy I met there. We’ve got a coffee date tonight – nothing too exciting but we’ll see how it goes!
December 18, 2015 at 8:20 pm #403772Update on the physicist: I went to watch him carol on the outdoor mall last night, then he came over in the middle of the night and spent the night (because I said I was cold), then I played hooky and we spent all day today together, and did that 36 questions thing. By far the most intense initial 48 hours of a relationship that I have ever experienced. I’m absolutely giddy. Like, I can feel the NRE settling in like a rosy haze around my senses and it’s awesome.
@Veritek it’s so hard to plan dates around Christmas. Sounds like things are going well, though! Call him Army Guy (National Guard Guy just doesn’t roll off the tongue or fingers).
I think part of what makes me hesitate to do the trill spots is that part of it would be a face tattoo (even though it would be around the edge, and the color of freckles). As I plan to eventually go into IT consulting, that might not be the best move for me. But I really want to!kareDecember 18, 2015 at 9:06 pm #403782My coworker and I have been trying to get together since last weekend, and we finally hung out after work today. (Saturday I stayed at my friend’s place after some wine, Monday I had a movie date, and Wednesday was the tattoo parlor’s Christmas party). But he finished after 5 minutes. Twice. I am a combination of flattered/amused/disappointed. We’ve had sex before, so I know it’s not the norm.
So now wine and maybe some other things.
TheLadyEDecember 18, 2015 at 9:50 pm #403790Pretty sure I’m going on my first date tomorrow in more than a month…with a guy who lives about 2.5 hours away. We’re meeting in the middle and going to a pub and planning to spend the afternoon/evening together. We’ve been talking/texting for like 3 weeks, so it’ll be nice to finally meet him. I’ll be surprised if it turns into anything for real, but he seems relatively normal and definitely not afraid or uninterested in being physically close with me so that’s a big plus in comparison to the other guys I’ve dated this year so far I guess. We’ll see!
MissDreDecember 19, 2015 at 10:46 am #403871Good luck @TheLadyE !!! I met a guy and went on two dates with him but I’m just not feelin it romantically. I genuinely do want to be his friend because I think he’s awesome, I just don’t want anything beyond that. So… I’ll have to talk to him and see if he’s open to friendship.
In other news… the sellers accepted my offer on the condo I’ve been living in so…. I’m about to be a home owner!!!!! Nothin like giving yourself a 6-figure debt for Christmas, eh?? 🙂
December 19, 2015 at 6:51 pm #403924Finally got a date set with my FWB on boxing day, after a month of not seeing him. I hope there is sex too, cause a month of no sex when I have a FWB is not cool. We have tentative plans to do either a movie or lunch, but no mention of going back to his place. But I will try to make that happen.