DW Community Catch-up Thread
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- This topic has 11,842 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 1 day, 22 hours ago by
KDecember 31, 2015 at 10:14 am #405398
@veritek33, I had my nails done in sparkly red (I think the color was Red Slippers? Maybe Ruby Slippers?) 2 weeks ago, I’ve been loving it!
December 31, 2015 at 10:18 am #405399lol I have a shoe very similar to that Kate! It is nude in color as well and the heel isn’t too terribly high.
Thanks @ktfran RTR has some really good options for not that expensive, so far I have not rented a dress above $50.00 and they have all been so awesome and I have received tons of compliments.
I probably won’t wear hose, I mostly wanted the control top aspect after my past month of holiday bingeing ha.
kareDecember 31, 2015 at 11:39 am #405411I need to do my nails, do my hair, and of course update a ton of things for work before I can be finished for the day. I’m backing up 3 people, including my boss.
My coworker came over last night and it was mind-blowing. In the 2 years we’ve been hooking up, it’s never been like that.
Not sure how I have more sex as a single person than I ever did in a relationship, but I’ll take it.
LianneDecember 31, 2015 at 11:55 am #405414Get it, Kare!! Good sex is the bomb. We’ve been having pretty decent sex since I was given the green light, but I feel like I am chasing this cosmic O that just isn’t there right now. Like, I am putting pressure on myself because so many people have better Os when they are pregnant. I know I need to stop and just enjoy it – because it’s been great! But I am waiting for this crazy explosion all while getting used to this belly.
kareDecember 31, 2015 at 12:09 pm #405418I have never heard that people have better orgasms while pregnant. I’m going to poll my friends on that one. It will probabaly happen when you give up on finding it. One of my friends is currently pregnant, but she hasn’t had sex because she can’t find a position that doesn’t hurt her.
December 31, 2015 at 2:08 pm #405445I had times where I’d get super horny and sex was terrific while pregnant. It’s pretty amazing when not, though. I think in the later months when your belly is bigger the sex is intense. Probably all the extra pressure. It was harder to find positions that weren’t uncomfortable, but I had sex right up until the end. Get it while you can because you can’t for awhile after birth.
You guys: I had the best New Year’s eve . The party was so much fun. I was looking hot, army guy was looking hot, the bar was awesome, my friends were having a blast. Such a good time.
And for those keeping score at home – Army guy was the designated driver and drove me home and was a perfect gentleman. We might have made out until 4 o’clock in the morning but nobody had sex. Not that we didn’t want to, but we didn’t. So much fun making out for hours. Slept till 10, watched one episode of Dexter over coffee and then he left. Talk of seeing each other in two weeks 🙂
January 1, 2016 at 3:31 pm #405550Wooooo!! New Years make out session 😀 Glad it went so well 🙂
kareJanuary 1, 2016 at 3:53 pm #405553Sounds like an awesome new years eve!
I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe night. I didn’t get home until 7:30 this morning. My FWB ended up leaving the party before me, and I stayed behind and things…escalated haha. Lots of fun though! It was very interesting seeing all sorts of relationships and talking to couples that are poly. It was definitely the most welcoming, chill party I’ve been to.
January 1, 2016 at 4:10 pm #405555Yay for awesome makeouts and fun parties!!
Story time: My new years was pretty fun. My 2 friends and I went to this bar/music venue that had 80’s/90’s music- a really low key crowd, people were friendly, and I got a compliment on my dress! I wound up dancing with my friends on the stage along with other people, and as midnight got closer, more people came and joined. I saw this really cute guy wearing a coat- meanwhile I was totally hot and sweaty, and my friend and I were like, what the heck, take it off! So he did, and he and I wound up kind of dancing together and talking over the music. At midnight, this random woman near us pushed us together and told us to kiss (I obliged, on the cheek), and he and I wound up dancing together and then made out like bandits right there on the stage. Under lights. My friends went to get water and when they came back they said that we were right under a light and people were dancing around us. Whoops. Around 1 my friends wanted to get going, since they were worried about getting an uber, and they were my ride (and I felt uncomfortable staying alone and finding my way back to her apt) I decided to leave with them. I felt really bad leaving so abruptly… but he did ask me for my contact info and we swapped numbers. So! It was a fabulous evening. Now? Not sure if I’ll actually hear from him… but I am considering texting him tomorrow to say that I had a nice time with him, sorry to leave so abruptly, maybe we could hang out sometime. (I dunno…?) Also? The random woman who pushed us together took our picture and texted it to me. So odd. (She said she was a romantic.)
Hope everyone had a good evening, whatever your plans! -