DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • This topic has 11,842 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 1 day ago by ktfran.
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  • shakeourtree
    January 4, 2016 at 11:11 am #405876

    PS. Now that I’ve met someone I really like, guys are basically coming out of the woodwork to ask me out. Anyone else notice this?

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    January 4, 2016 at 11:53 am #405881

    I had a great NYE and start to the new year as well. We avoided the uber fare charge (which was 4.5x the normal price) and found a cab for 1/3 of the cost and I received tons of compliments on my dress!

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    January 4, 2016 at 12:32 pm #405895

    @Lianne, he texted me the day after actually! Turns out he left his wallet at the place and they contacted him. We’ve texted a bit since, and we’re going on on Wednesday! We’re meeting at a bar. In one of his texts he said he had an amazing time and kinda wanted to pick up where we left off. Eep! I’m actually kind of nervous now!

    , the whole photo thing is so weird. So, when I was walking out to find my friends, I ran into her, and she said she’d text me the photos, so I gave her my number. And I say photos because she took candid ones, of us making out. SO WEIRD. She said that she’s just a romantic. I say she’s more than that… Anyway, I laughed it off and I guess now I have proof that it happened!

    I also saw a pic of Veritek’s army dude- he’s CUTE. Get it girl!

    January 4, 2016 at 1:07 pm #405903

    Money – so, weird and funny! And def an interesting story. I also think it’s a good sign that he texted the next day. Yay you and good luck on Wednesday’s date. Let us know how it turns out.

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    January 4, 2016 at 2:55 pm #405935

    One of the guys I’ve been seeing ended things yesterday. From the epic text he sent, I think he thought we were more serious than we were. We had only been on three dates and hadn’t even kissed. I thought we were doing a mutual slow fade. Oh well. And turns out he was lying about living on his own and still lives with his parents. Ugh, no more guys in their 20s for me.

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    January 4, 2016 at 3:09 pm #405938

    Yikes @kare! Bullet dodged 🙂

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    January 4, 2016 at 8:41 pm #405965

    Happy he did text you back, @money! Hope your Wednesday date goes well.

    Lovely to hear about everyone’s NYE. I think everyone overall had a good night! I went to my friend’s place for board games and it was really chill and nice.

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    January 6, 2016 at 11:31 am #406118

    Moneypenny’s date is tonight!! I want to hear all the details!!

    I don’t have much to update as army guys is doing his two week training right now and doesn’t have much time to talk but we manage to get a “hi how ya doin?” in there about once a day. But I got a hilarious message on okcupid from a 50 year old surfer in Florida wanting to hook up, so that cracked me up this morning.

    How is everyone else?

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    January 6, 2016 at 1:25 pm #406152

    Well jumped back on the dating bandwagon!

    Opened my POF and OKcupid account again. I am mainly looking to just test the waters, see whats out there. Not sure yet I want to pursue anything serious, unless someone really great comes along. I have two dates this week, one tomorrow night with a guy who is outdoorsy and into hunting (country boy?) and then another on Sunday potentially. The Sunday one I have talked with more, facetimed and had a phone convo with. He is in Cali visiting family and won’t be back till tomorrow morning. But he seems cool, he is mixed race (black features), which is a first for me. But totally open and cool about it. Other than that, pretty slow on the dating front! Not too many messages being receIved and all my messages that I have sent out, at least 10 now, have had zero response. Ugh. I blame my short haircut haha Used to get all the boys to my yard with my long locks way back when!

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    January 6, 2016 at 1:45 pm #406163

    lol Cleo, I snort laughed at “used to get all the boys to my yard.” Quote of the day.

    I hope you have fun on your dates!

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    January 6, 2016 at 8:50 pm #406203

    haha glad I could make you laugh @ver 😛

    January 7, 2016 at 8:40 am #406226

    Cleo, funny you should mention the hair thing. When I first chopped my hair 7 years ago, people told me nobody would ever ask me out and that I should grow it back out. That has never been the case. Hair is just hair!

    However, I will say a couple different guys told me they usually don’t go for girls with long hair, but I’m cool. Umm. Next.

    I think short hairs shows a certain confidence. You want someone who likes that in a woman!

    And I’m not dissing long hair. This has been my experience with a pixie cut. I’m equal opportunity!

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