DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • Ktfran
    January 7, 2016 at 8:41 am #406227

    Stone. Date details?

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    January 7, 2016 at 8:55 am #406229

    Yeah I had a pixie cut and it didn’t hurt anything. Don’t let that distract you!

    January 7, 2016 at 11:48 am #406251

    My hair is the longest it’s been since I was a child. Every day I’m getting closer and closer to chopping it off, though. My ponytail is so heavy right now that I’m getting a headache. My current guy doesn’t seem to care about the length of my hair, except that he seems to dislike when it obstructs his view of boobs.

    January 7, 2016 at 12:00 pm #406255

    Speaking of hair…. I’ve had short hair for the last 7 years. Same style always, just a short layered/angled bob. I never really felt like it hindered my ability to get dates… but in October I got hair extensions just for a change. 18 inches, and 5 packs of hair on my head so it’s super thick. I put up some new photos of me on Tinder with the long, thick, wavy hair and I noticed that I’m suddenly getting quadruple the number of matches!! It was interesting to say the least.

    Extensions are expensive to maintain, though. So I’m definitely going back to my short hair in the spring and if men don’t like it, nuts to them.

    – that guy sounds crazy! You dodged a bullet for sure.

    In other news, I had a great date last night 😀

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    January 7, 2016 at 12:23 pm #406265

    @ktfran He came over straight from the airport on Saturday night, we watched a movie and got thai food. The intention was to go out and actually do things on Sunday (we’d planned to go ice skating and then go to the arcade bar), but I think it may have been too ambitious to think we’d leave the house. We made a really nice brunch, he brought me a big bouquet of roses, and we spent the rest of the day cuddling, kissing, and getting to know each other better. We stayed up until 2 talking, and then the next day after we’d parted ways, he came back down to meet me for lunch.
    We ended up having another 24 hour date when we got together on Tuesday. We went out for tacos and played pool, and then again stayed up waaay too late talking (3am) so I worked from home yesterday, and he spent the day sitting next to me on the couch studying.
    Everything is so exciting and so comfortable at the same time. It feels like we’ve known each other forever, instead of just 3 weeks.

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    January 7, 2016 at 12:51 pm #406283

    haha thanks guys. I appreciate the hair-support! I was just being a downer and silly, I don’t mind my short hair, it is at a length now (I am growing it out, though not as long as before I cut it) and it looks classy and more grown up! I just need more pics that show that.

    @Stone that sounds like a fun and easy going get together/date! Glad it went well 🙂

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    January 7, 2016 at 12:55 pm #406287

    Oh! And next Friday he’s taking me out to dinner and the symphony (and then we are just spending the rest of the weekend together). I have never actually dated a person who takes the initiative and plans dates, and buys flowers, and all that other wooing stuff. It’s such a nice change!

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    January 7, 2016 at 2:54 pm #406337

    I learned the hard way that short hair, anything below shoulder length, just looks awful on me. Never mind what men think, it’s just bad lol. So long hair it is!

    Stone it sounds like you’re having a lovely time!

    January 7, 2016 at 4:21 pm #406369

    Stone, the fact that tacos and Thai food were both involved is awesome.

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    January 7, 2016 at 5:39 pm #406383

    I am completely smitten, guys. But my existing partner is having a really rough time with it and I’m not really sure how to help him feel better. I’m doing my best to reassure him and continue to give him enough time and energy, and be present when we’re together (basically everything that I wished he’d done when he started seeing his other partner), and I’m not sure what else I can do.

    @K Tacos are my favorite food group

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    January 7, 2016 at 8:18 pm #406406

    Stone I’m so happy for you. I know you are trying to make it work with your main partner again, but maybe it’s just not worth the effort? I dunno. It just sounds like you give him a lot and he either doesn’t appreciate it or doesn’t see it? When you had issues with his other partner it didn’t sound like your feelings were as valid. What’s his issue with this? Do you think it could be that he likes having someone else but doesn’t like you doing the same? Especially when it’s with someone you seem to like so much? Just speculating…

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    January 8, 2016 at 9:45 am #406458

    @stone I’m sorry your partner is taking it that hard. Is he maybe not cut out for this lifestyle? Or just a jealous personality? I’m just spit balling here as I have zero experience with polyamory. I just want you to have fun and enjoy the new experience too 🙂

    Also, has nothing to do with dating but remember I’m working on myself too? Well I joined a cross-fit class last night! Three girls from work go and Army guy apparently does it in his town too and they’ve all encouraged me to try so I did! I get bored of running and body-pump so I figured it was worth a one month trial and I liked it! I’m only a little sore today (there’s still time lol) and I have another class tomorrow morning and next Thursday before they let me join the rest of the folks, but the instructor was super cool and told me my “redheads do it better” t-shirt was his favorite so far (his kids are all redheads)

    So I’m trying new things and cut back at work to lessen some stress and I’m feeling really good. Now I just have to figure out a way to get motivated to clean my house….

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