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    January 8, 2016 at 1:42 pm #406496

    Thanks for the insight, Stone. Like I said, it’s fascinating to me. And the desire to explore connections without limitations makes complete sense to me.

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    January 8, 2016 at 2:13 pm #406505

    Hi guys,
    Just a little update on my wednesday night date! It was great! So, we met at a bar for drinks, and proceeded to talk for probably 3 hours. Then we left, and went back to his place and watched Masters of None, and ended up making out. Which led to some sexy times and cuddling. And, I may have left at 3am. (Whoops.) Needless to say, it was really fun, he’s totally adorkable, very self aware, and extremely hot. And we have a lot in common, but not too much in common. The only thing is, I think he’s pretty young. Like 25 young (to my 31). Which isn’t a huge deal in itself, but yeah.
    We didn’t make any plans, but I texted him last night to say thanks for a fun evening, etc and suggested exploring some themed bars sometime if he was up for it (we both talked about a couple, and he suggested we go). He did reply that he had a fun time as well, and that he was up for exploring.
    All in all, a good time, I’d like to see him again, and I get the feeling he does as well.

    January 8, 2016 at 2:26 pm #406506

    Stone, I’m glad you’re having such a good time exploring this new relationship! It is fun to have those feelings and your view is extremely interesting. I like reading about it.

    Ver, good for you for CrossFit. I need to start a new class. And get back into yoga. Damn new boyfriend.

    Money, yay! I hope he gets a hold of you soon for date #2. I would have done the same and texted that I had a good time. Don’t worry too much about the age. I’ve dated a couple guys quite a bit younger. I never worried about it.

    Lianne, I love that your pregnant self keeps up with and comments on the dating thread!!!!

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    January 8, 2016 at 2:35 pm #406508

    yay Money yay!!!!! Have fun, go on another date, and well, keep having fun!

    I always gain weight in a relationship so I might as well maximize on being single right now and get into badass shape for me, right? lol

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    January 8, 2016 at 2:46 pm #406509

    @Lianne absolutely! I really like talking about poly because I feel like the more I ramble on about it, the better I understand it myself.

    @Money hooray! That sounds like an amazing date. I’m feeling a little weird that Physicist is a couple years younger than I am (I’ve just never seriously dated anyone younger than I am), but I don’t think it actually matters that much if you find that you click.

    Yeah it’s really nice to be excited about someone again. I went on so many first dates that I just felt super ‘meh’ about, and I was getting really burned out on the ‘Sorry, I’m not feeling it, best of luck’ conversations. And I seriously feel like I’ve hit the jackpot with this guy. Obviously it’s still sparkly and new so there’s not a lot of realism involved yet, but he seems like a combination of everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner.

    January 8, 2016 at 2:46 pm #406510

    It more my old body, specifically my lower back, is sore a hell of a lot these days… which is why I need to go to yoga again, and do some core strengthening. I’d just rather sleep in with TBD (his new nickname because my dad called him the bearded wonder) on Saturday’s. I need to get over that. Stat.

    Getting old sucks.

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    January 8, 2016 at 3:15 pm #406513

    Haha @ktfran I love it! In some ways I live vicariously through you all and in others, I feel like I have been there so why not chime in to say, hey this was my experience. Watch out!

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    January 8, 2016 at 3:34 pm #406515

    Thanks guys! I’ve actually never dated anyone younger than me. Usually I’m the younger one- the largest gap for me has been 9 years. I guess now the tables are reversed! At any rate… I may just throw out a couple of dates to get together again, probably next weekend since my weeknights are filling up already for next week. He can take me up on that if he wants.
    Ktfran, I hear you on the difficulty of getting back into yoga on the weekends- I am determined to go to a 9am ballet class tomorrow morning. I’ve slacked off for so long because I wind up sleeping in. It’s gonna happen, I’m not allowing myself any excuses!
    And yay, Stonegypsy, on your new sparkly dude!!

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    January 9, 2016 at 4:41 pm #406629

    No new dates to report right now, but I was supposed to go out with a 25 year old (what the heck? Did I spray Millennial Man Attraction Potion all over myself on my 33rd birthday??) today, but he rescheduled about 2 hours beforehand for next Friday. So that’s fine. He seems a little flaky but we’ve been texting (at his request) for almost a week and he seems to at least have his life together a little bit. I have very low expectations but it might be nice.

    I am getting into yoga too, actually! I have some Very Aggressive Fitness Goals this year…which I promptly ruined by doing about 50 squats on Wednesday night and not being able to walk since.

    Interestingly…the Salesman (who I hooked up with over Christmas) and I have been keeping in touch since he went back to LA. We’ve been emailing and we’re friends on Facebook so we interact there, and then on Thursday he called me in the middle of the workday because he was offered 2 very different jobs (he’s been looking) and like, literally wanted me to tell him which one to take. I mean, we’ve talked a lot so I know him pretty well but obviously I couldn’t make that decision. I ended up talking to him for about 40 minutes holed up in an empty conference room at work and he seemed to really appreciate it. He flirted a lot with me then too. So interesting! And we also talked about me visiting him in LA which I for sure want to do this year.

    My attitude toward men is really lax right now actually. I feel like I’ve been concentrating on finding a life partner for so long that it’s exhausting; plus, I’m in the works to possibly be making a big move here in the next 12-18 months or so (a lifelong dream that the Salesman really encouraged me to do because if not now, when? And he’s right.). It’s taken a lot of the pressure off, although I do feel a little strange about it. The idea of “just having fun” rather than seriously dating is weird, but maybe it’ll be good for me.

    January 9, 2016 at 4:50 pm #406633

    That’s awesome, ladye! You sound so much happier and freer. I’m sending you Internet high fives. Is the big move a literal move? Like to the other side of the country? Or just a big life changing position? Color me curious.

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    January 9, 2016 at 4:59 pm #406634

    Thank you Anonymousse! 🙂 Yes, the Salesman & I had a great connection and it really lifted my spirits.

    Actually, ironically enough I just got a promotion at work, but the move I’m talking about would be a literal move across the country. My dream is to write television – particularly sitcoms. I know, it’s an impossible dream, but I’ve always wanted to do it. I have a Master’s degree in screenwriting, actually. Where I am now (NC) was supposed to be a temporary stop but it kind of turned into a longer term thing – I’ve been here 8 years – but I’ve been bored for awhile, probably a couple of years, here, and to be honest I’ve felt a bit stuck.

    When I met the Salesman and told him about my dreams, he challenged me. He was like “What, are you just going to live here the rest of your life? Retire here? Never try?” and also said “If ONLY you knew someone to show you around LA…hmmm.” Haha. I mean, I’ve been there before but the trip was brief and not all that great.

    It won’t happen this year and to be honest I’m not even sure when it would, because I can’t move to LA without a job, but my goal is to use this year to pad my resume (I’m a sales trainer) and also write some spec scripts…and then visit the Salesman in LA to see if I could realistically see myself there. And see him, of course. 🙂

    When I told my mom about the idea at Christmas she said “I knew this day would come.” I’m almost afraid to be excited about it right now since it’s so early but it’s really given me a lot of hope and something to work towards!

    Sorry to hijack the dating thread, everyone!

    January 9, 2016 at 5:03 pm #406636

    That’s great! You should follow your dream! Life is too short not to, you know? That’s really exciting.

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