DW Community Catch-up Thread
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mcj2012January 14, 2016 at 12:43 pm #435008
Loving reading all the different dating life stories. Some of it sounds so fun and some not so much 🙂
Good luck on your date Veritek and keep us posted Dre/Cleo. Agreed to Stone that it all sounds very complicated but you have a mature handle on what you want and I admire that so much.MissDreJanuary 14, 2016 at 12:50 pm #435011Went on a date last night. Went alright. I was on the fence about whether or not I wanted to see him again but things were going fine. End of the night, he kisses me. Which is fine, sometimes a kiss can reveal whether or not there’s real chemistry between two people. Anyway, he kisses me, and then tried to grab my boobs! I pushed his hand away and said stop, that’s not cool. So he asks me what size they are so he can buy me something. I told him I don’t want anything from him and left. WTF, that’s seriously WEIRD. Also, I can’t believe men in their 30s behave this way. GROSS!
January 14, 2016 at 1:21 pm #435020That is so gross MissDre! Who DOES that?! (This guy, obviously.)
Hooray for great dates, Veritek, Stone, and Cleopatra!! Sounds like lots of fun!! And, happy birthday ktfran!
I am going out with NYE Dude on saturday! We’re going to go to my fave tiki bar and then ride cable cars. He’s looking forward to seeing me again and I am too!! I’m trying to not feel too overly excited, just because it’s only the second date, but I like this guy and I hope it goes well. 🙂 I’m also going to check out some food trucks friday night with another guy I had drinks with right after Christmas (from coffee meets bagel). He’s nice, very friendly, but someone I’d see more as a friend. I figure it’s good to keep my options open and it could be a good time. I just don’t think I want to actually date him…
Dre – GROSS! I mean really. That’s kind of traumatizing. I’m sorry that happened.
Yay to the date Ver! Your evening sounds lovely. I’m really sorry things fizzled with the other guy.
Stone, I love that you’re so excited about this new guy. He sounds pretty great. Good luck!
Kare, have fun dressing up. Woohoo!
Cleo, I’m impressed about the three dates. I wouldn’t have the energy. Good for you!
Money, that also sounds like a lovely date.
Thanks all for the birthday wishes!
January 14, 2016 at 2:47 pm #435034woah @dre I am SO sorry, that reminds me of god awful parties in college where I used to get groped by drunk frat boys. seriously, that is straight sexual harassment and really inappropriate. so sorry that happened to you.
happy birthday @ktfran!!
I am glad that everyone else’s new years are off to a good start!
I had a couple of share-worthy dates recently, so here goes:
After a pretty good first date, I was excited to go out with this guy again. I thought it was a little tacky that he didn’t offer to buy dinner (after we split the check on our first date) because everything he ordered on the second date was way more expensive than what I ordered and he picked the place. I wouldn’t have thought too much of this detail, except for what happens later in the evening. On the drive back, he asks me to come back to his place to watch a movie and “we don’t have to hook up or anything”. No shit. Red flags are waving. I like to go to bed early so I told him we could stop by for a few minutes but I want to be home by 11. He agrees, takes me to his place, and introduces me to his $15,000 cat. Yep, his cat costs as much as a car.