DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • Jimmyjamm
    January 18, 2016 at 8:30 am #435369

    Men and women should come to an agreement for the first three to six months of dating. The men won’t show up drunk, stupid and uninvited at your door as long as the women dont have a melt down in that same time period. Both are in poor form to have happen that quickly.

    January 18, 2016 at 8:56 am #435370

    I’m fairly certain, jimmyjamm, that you are the same troll that tried to tell me I didn’t really like this guy because I was sad leaving his apartment one day after we first started dating, which if you have read and comprehended my post, was the furthest thing from the truth. As is what you’re saying now. Also, if you read and comprehended what I wrote recently, you will know that he didn’t show up drunk. We were IMing and he forgot a conversation. Not nearly the dire picture you painted. Also, he is ALWAYS invited to my house, as I am to his.

    I didn’t know things had to be peaches and cream 100% of the time for something to work out. We had our first real disagreement/hiccup/whatever you want to call it and talked through it and worked it out. We also had quite a lovely weekend spent away.

    We’re learning about each other and that’s really what the beginning stages of a relationship is about.

    However, I suspect you’ll come back here and say we’re doomed. I won’t engage any further.

    January 18, 2016 at 9:02 am #435372

    There is a difference between small disagreements in relationships and ‘drama’, which seems to be what you are referring to. From what ktfran has written here I don’t see anything dramatic. Just the first misunderstanding/disagreement.

    And if agreements like that worked there would be no need for Dear Wendy!

    January 18, 2016 at 10:26 am #435391

    Thanks @jlyfsh. We’re pretty drama free, besides two misunderstandings, and we worked through both. On Saturday, we talked about it more and he’s happy I told him what’s wrong and he said it’s bound to happen if we’re in it for the long haul, and that is what we both want. He’s pretty great.

    @shake – that’s such a scary and also great feeling to have. I wish you luck with this guy!

    @cleo – ooh, it sounds like you had a great time. I like your dating stories… and you narrowing the third dates down to one guy. Also a great position to be in and I wish you luck too!

    January 18, 2016 at 11:26 am #435400

    I am comprehending. I am not saying you are doomed but you have slipped up just as much as he would have slipped up if he showed up drunk. It was a comparison.

    Look meltdowns happen, I get it. You just have to keep it under wraps for a bit. At least the first three to six months. Share your feelings but don’t have a meltdown. She said the word “meltdown” not “”disagreement”.

    From a guys perspective, if you can’t express yourself without a meltdown, we do think about looking for the escape hatch. I can already get a feeling of Kfran’s relationship history as she just will disengage with someone if they disagree with her.

    January 18, 2016 at 11:33 am #435404

    I’ve had some meltdowns. I know what it feels like. I don’t think you probably need to worry here, KTFran. I would just think about whether, if you melt down on a guy rather than just tell him what you’re thinking, are you on as secure footing in the relationship as you should be? In your case I know you have some walls up and maybe the feeling of being vulnerable at all is so uncomfortable that it can lead to emotional overload. You do want to be careful about melting down too much, and maybe work more on trusting that you can come out and say how you’re feeling. Trust HIM I mean, that he can handle it.

    January 18, 2016 at 11:34 am #435405

    BTW, stop with the “troll” blasting. Already been cleared up that I am not a troll.

    Some of you have a funny way of dealing with things if you get a voice that you do not agree with. Name calling only reflects poorly on you.

    January 18, 2016 at 11:44 am #435406

    I’m really not worried. I think we did an excellent job of talking through it and making one another feel safe. And really, my meltdown was probably pretty tame compared to what people are thinking. We talked about why I was upset/closed off that day. I cried into his shoulder for a few minutes. We talked some more. There was no yelling or anger. It was pretty productive. And we had a fantastic weekend.

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    January 18, 2016 at 11:48 am #435407

    @ktfran I’m glad you all were able to work things out after the meltdown. How was your weekend away?

    Guyssssss I had the greatest weekend! I got all dressed up on Friday and he showed up in a three piece suit, we went out to dinner at this amazing Italian place. The concert we went to was absolutely wonderful (they did a piece for every Pixar movie, and were showing clips from the movies to match the music). He gave me a really pretty ring/necklace set for a one month anniversary present, which is kind of silly but it was really sweet. He also ended up meeting my mom the next day when she dropped by to give me my birthday gift. The rest of the weekend was pretty relaxed. We just talked and watched movies and cooked together. It was so nice. I’m not going to get to see him much during the week after this because his classes are ramping up, so I’m glad we got to spend the weekend together

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    January 18, 2016 at 11:51 am #435408

    I thought ktfran had already hit the 6 month mark? Maybe not 6 months of “officially” in a relationship, but at least dating for 6 months?

    I’ve been seeing my FWB for 5 months, and I thought that started after ktfran and her guy. Speaking of which, my friends LOVE my FWB. My friend’s fiance even texted me yesterday to tell me how much he liked the guy. My friends have never liked any guy I’ve introduced them too. (Well they used to like one, but he rejected my friend when she tried to sleep with him and she is still pissy about it). I think it’s cool that they like him, but I’m also annoyed they are so into this guy that I’ve told them is just a casual thing with no future. I told my FWB, and he said it reminded him of the episode of Friends where Monica finally introduces a guy to the group and they’re obsessed with him (“a gallon of Alan”).

    I also have no caffeine and am struggling today. I wish I was off.

    January 18, 2016 at 12:01 pm #435411

    I’m counting from our official first date, which was July 19th. So… tomorrow will be six months. I’m counting from our first date because we were pretty much together after that.

    @stone, that sounds lovely!

    , I know you have a great time with this FWB. Do you think there’s a possibility of it turning into more?

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    January 18, 2016 at 1:02 pm #435420

    @stone, that sounds like a wonderful date night! He sounds like a really sweet guy. Yayyy!

    I doubt it would become more. He’s fun to spend time with and the sex is good, but I don’t feel really emotionally intimate with him. I don’t think I could ever love him. We also want different things – I want to get married at some point and would like to have children. He doesn’t. So of course the guy I see no future with is the one my friends want me to date haha.

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