DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    February 4, 2016 at 11:52 am #437286

    Im so sorry to hear about your father @veritek!

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    February 4, 2016 at 12:19 pm #437291

    Thank you guys, I appreciate the thoughts and prayers and so does he. He’s doing a lot of sleeping which is exactly what he needs. I’m doing a lot of ignoring my mother, which is what I need.

    , reading “We did sort of make a sex tape last week.” made my day. How do you “sort of” make a sex tape? Is that like being “kinda pregnant”? So many questions.

    And yes, no actively dating. Apps are deleted off the phone but not completely deleted so I can reactive them in a few weeks or so if I want.

    Remember Army guy, my new years and ball date? He still texts every other day or so. We talk a lot about our dogs and crossfit, just friendly chit chat. He said he’d like to still get together for dinner this month if I’m up to it. And I think I am. Just not this week 🙂 We talked about maybe two weeks from now meeting up in the town halfway between us for a night at the riverboat casino. Neither of us are gamblers but we like people watching and they have an awesome restaurant. So we’ll see if that happens. Otherwise, yeah, no dating right now. It’s nice. I’m taking care of me. I’ve lost five pounds! And my house is looking great and I had a great photo shoot this weekend for my personal photo business. Other than dad being in the hospital, which bloooooows, life isn’t awful right now.

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    February 4, 2016 at 12:25 pm #437292

    @Veritek I’m so glad to hear you’re taking care of yourself, that’s really wonderful! And I really am just so sorry to hear about your dad, but it’s fantastic that he just needs lifestyle changes and not surgery.

    add me to the curious about the ‘sort of’ sex tape.
    Related: J and I recorded ourselves last year (or maybe the year before) while we were tripping, and it’s weird how much I like watching that video 😀

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    February 4, 2016 at 12:47 pm #437298

    Well the video is set to a David Bowie song (FWB is a huge Bowie fan), and there’s nudity but not explicit sex. It’s more of an artsy video thing? My face isn’t in it, so I wasn’t too concerned. His face is. But he also goes out in public in nothing but underwear and bondage gear…

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    February 6, 2016 at 6:32 pm #437596

    I think I might have a date tomorrow night! I started talking to a guy on OKCupid this morning and we’re going to get a drink once he gets off work tomorrow (he’s a waiter/bartender). He seems very smart and a lot of fun; similar qualities to Hippie Artist…but with a job, and he seems much more interested in actually being with a woman. I’ll report back!

    And tonight I’m headed to a birthday party for one of my friends where there will apparently be a lot of single guys.

    Sometimes being single isn’t so bad…it’s full of possibility! 🙂

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    February 7, 2016 at 1:36 am #437608

    I ran into my ex Thursday and she gave me her number and her new facebook name almost before I could say anything. I’ve been going back and forth about texting her because she’s a flake which can make me crazy but she is *so much fun* when she isn’t a flake. I think I’m going to settle on texting her sometime this week because otherwise I’ll drive myself crazy all on my own wondering, and then just bail after a while if she seems to have not outgrown any of the flakiness and it still bothers me as much as it used to.

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    February 10, 2016 at 12:25 pm #437784

    So dad is home from the hospital! And something that gave me a chuckle this morning.

    I deleted all the dating apps from my phone but my accounts are still out there. I got an email this morning letting me know “hooray! a 62 year old man in (city near me) liked your match.com profile!”

    I’m 31 and not really looking to date the 60 year old crowd!

    Further convincing me that taking the month of February off from online dating is a good thing lol.

    February 10, 2016 at 12:32 pm #437790

    Why shouldn’t an older dude be interested in a younger woman? He can dream, right? It’s not like he sent you an unsolicited dick pic.

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    February 10, 2016 at 12:35 pm #437792

    He has every right to be interested and she has every right to not reciprocate. I’m 53 and I’m sure I wouldn’t be interested in a man who was 84.

    February 10, 2016 at 12:39 pm #437794

    Exactly. Delete and done.

    If you’re paying for Match and you use filters, they shouldn’t send you emails regarding people outside your parameters. If you don’t pay for filtering then you get all that crap and have to filter it yourself. But the guy isn’t a jerk for being interested.

    February 10, 2016 at 12:42 pm #437795

    I don’t see anywhere where she suggested he was a jerk for being interested, or that he didn’t have the right to send her a message.

    February 10, 2016 at 12:44 pm #437796

    Oh, I read that it was unwanted attention.

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