DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
@veritek: Not trying to talk you into anything, but would a 2 hr distance really be too much? I guess I’m speaking from the perspective of currently living much farther from my SO, but 2 hrs seems sort of doable to me. Depends of course on whether you can imagine moving at some point.
@saslinna honestly for the right person 2 hours wouldn’t be that bad, personally. My last ex lived 45 minutes away so what’s another hour added to the drive? Would it suck, yeah kinda, but again, for the right person it might not be awful.
I can’t say that I would love to move because I LOVE my job and can only really do it in this town, but again, for the right person, I’d certainly consider it. Not getting any younger 😉
And as always – he’s awesome via conversation in text and super cute in pictures, but could be a total dud in person. We’ll see 🙂
August 3, 2015 at 10:11 am #370241Yay for dates continuing to be awesome @ktfran!
I had two super ‘meh’ dates over the weekend. The first guy we just didn’t seem to have anything in common really, and then he started talking about how if women feel unwelcome in the video game community, they should just stop playing, and I was just done.
The second guy was okay, but I didn’t find him particularly attractive and we also just didn’t seem to have much to talk about.
I have been chatting with a guy on Tinder who I am meeting up with on Thursday for a drink. That one I actually am excited about. The conversation online has been really easy and natural, and if his pictures are accurate, he is really really attractive (and he sent me a picture taken after the mud run he did yesterday and my jaw actually dropped). Another guy is taking me for a picnic next Sunday, and I’m pretty excited about that one too. I think I’m going to wait until after those are done before I make any other first dates.@Veritek 2 hours can be kind of a pain when you’re getting to know someone, but it’s not something that can’t be overcome if there’s interest and chemistry enough to make it worth it. Hope it goes well!
Stone – the picnic date sounds awesome. How adorable!!!!
So, Sunday at brunch, my friends said this guy and I are dating. From what I described, are we dating? IDK know the lingo or how all of this shit works anymore. I don’t like labels. I also don’t care for serious discussions. All past relationships just happen naturally… so I think I’m going to stick with the one date a time thing I have going on and not worry about the rest.
I’m like 98.4% sure he’s not “dating” anyone else or even trying to “date” anyone else.
KateAugust 3, 2015 at 10:27 am #370243KT, I think it sounds really promising, and I absolutely say you’re dating. But you’re not exclusive until you talk about it and agree that you are. You may very well be right that he’s not seeing anyone else, but I think until the conversation happens, you have to kind of assume he may be. I’m not saying you have to initiate that conversation or that it has to happen right now, but I think that’s kind of the way of it.
Oh, it’s WAY too soon for that kind of conversation. We’ll see how it goes in the next month or so.
I do know he’s not on any dating web sites. Nor am I. So unless it’s a set up or meet a girl out kind of thing, and I guess same goes for me, then well, IDK.
On Saturday’s dates, we did talk about us flirting at the the last holiday party… he said he was interested before that 🙂
True, true. Thanks Kate and Stone. I’ll see how the dating progresses in the next month or so. I think it’s too early to broach the subject.
Wednesday is date 6! I’m settling our bet on said date.
I’m also guessing I need to initiate an outing soon, because he’s done the heavy lifting so far. I’ve been told previously that I’m a hard one to read and I’m not very open about feelings. Basically because it’s uncomfortable for me. So, I’m trying to step outside my comfort zone a bit and giving a little more then usual.
KateAugust 3, 2015 at 11:13 am #370257I’m not that open about feelings either, and I’m not one to spontaneously be like, “I really like you! We have an amazing connection! I’ve never talked to anyone like this before!” But I’ll show my affection in ways like, if I like someone, I’ll kind of punch them in the arm and stuff. Guys seem to get that, and other kinds of touching. And I’ll start to take on a lot of the date planning and treating, and, you know, give compliments and stuff.
I think where it starts to become an issue that someone’s hard to read, is when they send mixed messages, or if you’re showing your feelings in a certain way and they’re not really mirroring that. I think mirroring is important. If a guy is showing you affection and saying things that indicate he likes you, you should somewhat be a mirror and give that back to him.