DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    August 6, 2015 at 7:44 am #370742

    My date went…well…sort of. The guy was really cool, and there was never a dull moment. However, when he was in the bathroom I look over and there was my guy friend who told me he was in love with me and stood me up on my birthday. I haven’t seen him since that happened, so that upset me. I drank a little too much (3 drinks, which is a lot for me). So that wasn’t ideal. My date walked me home, and he texted me later to say he had a good time. I’m just going to play it by ear since I don’t think I made the best first impression. Whoops. It was nice to get out of the house though.

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    August 6, 2015 at 8:26 am #370745

    Well it sounds like he’s interested in seeing you again but are you? It sounds like maybe you need a bit more time?

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    August 6, 2015 at 9:26 am #370764

    In my experience it never hurts to take a small glass of wine or an ativan before a date to calm the nerves – but I don’t want to encourage bad behaviors lol. Just that it works for me.

    don’t worry too much. Just see if he reaches out again and if he does and you want to go, go. If you don’t, that’s okay too!

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    August 6, 2015 at 9:58 am #370773

    I would definitely go out with him again if he asks. If not, at least I know there’s still smart, funny guys out there. And I feel like I finally got closure on the situation with the other guy.

    August 6, 2015 at 2:56 pm #370846

    Thanks everyone for the advice, you’ve been lovely! 🙂 🙂 Everything you say makes so much sense, I like the “dressing as the best version of you” idea as well.
    It will be an evening date, but we haven’t decided where yet. He asked if I would like to go for dinner or drinks and I said I would love to, then we agreed on a day of the week (which is Sunday by the way). When the day comes I will text him asking if he has any preferences, if he asks me back I would definitely go for something casual like a quiet (but nice) local bar or something of that sort. I don’t like the idea of fancy dinners at fancy restaurants for a first date. I just want to chill and have a drink and a good time. Anyone here who can give better ideas?

    I think you should be the one extending invitation next, it will show how much you’re enjoying your dates and will reassure him that you are into him. Maybe he’ll find it discouraging if he does all the invitations? I think it will make him happy if you extend an invitation. 🙂

    It’s so unlucky that you saw this douche, but I don’t think the cute guy would have texted you this if he didn’t mean it. Focus on he fact that your date went well and there was no dull moment, this is such a good sign! 🙂

    (since when did I start giving dating advice anyway.. 😉 )

    August 6, 2015 at 3:02 pm #370848

    Eve, I think a Sunday afternoon / evening date at a nice casual bar and restaurant is a great idea. I really liked to sit AT the bar on dates. You can talk better, and there can be more body language and potential touching than there would be if you were across a two-top from each other. You can have a couple drinks and some bites to eat and it’s not a big investment either.

    I’d say don’t wear sneakers, but cute jeans that fit well and a nice top and maybe sandals or wedges? I like to wear a bit of a heel (or a LOT of one) on dates because I am on the shorter side and the heels do a lot to make my legs look longer and butt look good. But hey, if you never wear heels, don’t false advertise.

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    August 6, 2015 at 3:05 pm #370850

    Very true! Either way I’m feeling pretty good. It’s nice to see there’s nice guys out there.

    I am also a fan of bars or a casual restaurant with a nice patio for first dates. Just don’t get drunk. I’m paying for it today. But I’m working from home and had Taco Bell delivered, so it could be worse.

    August 6, 2015 at 3:07 pm #370851

    Oh yeah, I’m not drinking for a month and when I start again I’m on a one-drink limit on Sundays. Getting drunk on a Sunday hurts me worse than anything.

    August 6, 2015 at 3:24 pm #370854

    Haha I get drunk after 3 drinks and start acting like a kid, I will spare him from seeing this for sure! Sitting at the bar is a good idea, it’s somehow more open than hiding behind a table, I will try to make this happen. 🙂
    Noo I won’t be that casual definitely, no sneakers or trainers or jumpers. I am actually very short so am tempted to put some high heels on.. though my feet hurt so much that I generally reserve high heels for super formal occasions like very formal dinner or… job interviews. I could wear a summer dress and small heels but I don’t want to look like I’ve put ridiculous amounts of effort for a first date/that I am overly eager? But he tends to dress quite smart from the few times I’ve seen him so I don’t want to be under dressed compared to him.. I mean I love wearing dresses and skirts too, but jeans is more “me” like.

    And I won’t ramble like that on the date, don’t worry! I have (slightly) more self-control when talking than when typing. 😀

    August 6, 2015 at 3:27 pm #370855

    A sundress and wedge sandals is a casual and comfy outfit for a summer date on a Sunday too!

    August 6, 2015 at 3:30 pm #370856

    Kate’s right about sitting at the bar. I love sitting at the bar. In fact, I think guy is impressed when we walk into a place and I say let’s just sit at the bar. I’ll ask him out.

    Also, I second the sandals or wedges. Basically, just listen to Kate, always.

    August 6, 2015 at 3:32 pm #370858

    Sundress is totally acceptable for a Sunday date.

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