DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    August 10, 2015 at 2:19 pm #371415

    ktfran, yes, invite him to the movie night! and maybe i’ll crash to meet this guy. 🙂

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    August 10, 2015 at 2:29 pm #371417

    @ktfran Yeah I think at this point inviting him to a low key movie night with friends is reasonable. It’s so exciting that things keep going well with him!

    August 10, 2015 at 3:27 pm #371418

    YES AP!

    When are you due?

    I still have a book for you…..

    August 10, 2015 at 3:56 pm #371423

    Good to hear for Stonegypsy’s awesome date, fingers crossed for the next dates!
    TheLadyE, I’m glad you had a good time with no-kissing guy, I guess if you manage to entirely change the way you see him from ‘date’ to ‘friend’, you will avoid the future anticipation and disappointment and just have a great time with him. I personally also find it strange a guy who has interest in you not even kissing you after spending THAT long time with you, so I would probably start seeing him only as a good friend and enjoy your time together (and keep seeing other guys!) 🙂
    My date went okay, it was my first date like that so I’m not sure what a particularly good or a bad date is meant to be. I followed your advice and wore a light purple dress and white high heels (I felt pretty awesome. 😉 ) We spoke the entire time, had quite a few drinks, he walked me back, spoke for a while in front of my block, when he arrived home he texted me to continue some conversations we were having before. He said he’d like to do this again, but I guess he might have just been polite. I made it clear I’d like to see him again too. There was no physical contact whatsoever, aside from a good bye hug (is this normal ?!)

    That’s it from me, nothing too interesting I’m afraid.
    Good luck to everyone! 🙂

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    August 10, 2015 at 4:53 pm #371442

    1. positive thing – I spent four hours talking to Tinder Teacher yesterday and we are setting up our date for this week!
    2. negative thing – my ex’s bff left a nasty comment on my blog and I’m trying not to let it ruin my day. But I’m really gonna enjoy a glass of wine tonight.

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    August 10, 2015 at 5:14 pm #371444

    Well, in response to what @Kate said above, I do think I am fun and a great hostess, haha. But I certainly did NOT expect him to be with me the whole weekend.

    He, however, brought a bookbag with a toothbrush and a change of clothes. I guess I just don’t get why he would spend nearly two straight days with me if he wasn’t interested at all. Who would want to spend that much time around someone else unless you were interested? I mean, he slept on my couch two nights in a row. We even went to the grocery store together and he helped me cook.

    Several times over the course of the two days we would snuggle together on the couch and I would check to see if I was “crowding” him (my way of asking “Is this ok?”) and he was perfectly happy for me to be close to him. He was playful and fun and really caring, too.

    ANYWAY, whatever. He seems to be under the impression that there’s no question we’ll be hanging out more, and he’s already agreed to come to a party I’m hosting this weekend & meet a few of my friends.

    I’m just going to quit analyzing it and be present in the moment. He knows I am coming from a fairly conservative Christian background (though I’m moving away from that – partly with him!) and it’s come up a few times in specific instances that he thinks I am less experienced than I really am. I think he’s trying to be respectful. We shall see.

    Right now I’m just really happy to be around him and it’s fun, so I’m enjoying it.

    So excited for you all that have dates scheduled! 🙂 The picnic sounds lovely.

    August 10, 2015 at 5:20 pm #371446

    He might do all that if he liked you a lot as a friend but wasn’t physically attracted. That might or might not be what’s going on with him but it is a scenario. It’s fine to just go with it and not analyze it… Until a month goes by, he’s spending every weekend, you’re not going on other dates, and you haven’t kissed. Then you would want to reevaluate.

    August 10, 2015 at 5:22 pm #371447

    Or, if he is possibly gay and not out.

    August 10, 2015 at 5:32 pm #371449

    Also, did he ask ahead of time if it was ok for him to stay over, or just show up with his bag and stay two nights? I’m seriously not trying to be a pain in the ass here, but this guy is a bit unconventional.

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    August 10, 2015 at 7:29 pm #371463

    Just catching up here, and I thought the same thing as Kate- did he ask/did you give permission for him to stay all weekend? That’s awfully presumptuous. If it were me I’d be really put off by it.
    However, I’m glad you are enjoying yourself! I’m just curious where this is going to go.

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    August 10, 2015 at 7:45 pm #371464

    Stone, I love love love the name of your crockpot chicken!!!

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    August 10, 2015 at 7:49 pm #371466

    I also want to say I’m really enjoying reading about everyone’s dates!

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