DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    December 2, 2016 at 4:09 pm #662315

    I used to be offended when people told me I looked young – I’d be 27-28 and people would think I was still in college. I wanted them to know that I was working, making a living, etc.! I wanted to at least look like I was out of college. Now that I’m 32, I don’t mind being told I look young anymore 😉 Except not too long ago a convenience store clerk carded me for buying a lottery ticket, which…come on.

    December 2, 2016 at 5:02 pm #662323

    I think women who date men get into a position where a lot of times they are given this very narrow age range that they can date. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, it’s very likely (but obviously not the case for everyone) that if you date someone your own age, you’re going to be looking for different things. As a 30-year-old, I’m told that I probably should look at older men because men in their early 30s still want to have fun and aren’t looking for something serious. But then women in their 40s who are interested in men their age and even older find that many men, especially those who are ready to settle down and start families for the first time, are looking for younger women. So, I agree that people of all genders should try not to be critical and understand that there’s more to the package than just looks. But I think that a lot of the complaints women have stem from the fact that depending on your age, there’s often a very small slice of men who want what you want with someone your age. So, while those men may have a variety of options and may have the opportunity to make selections based on appearance and youthfulness, women might not.

    Of course, I feel like this is going to be a lightning rod, and I definitely am not grouping all men together or even all women. But there are some people in society who get to choose whether to date someone older, younger or the same age as them (which can affect things like interests and other commonalities), and there are people who don’t get much of a choice.

    December 2, 2016 at 5:05 pm #662324

    @dinoceros I see it all the time on dating profiles. A guy who is 32, you look at his profile and it says he’s looking for someone 18-26.

    December 2, 2016 at 6:05 pm #662329

    I agree with that.

    December 2, 2016 at 6:10 pm #662330

    It’s true. Men in their 20s have very limited options in online dating (which is why they’re always trying to hook up with 30-somethings) as do women over 40.

    December 2, 2016 at 6:45 pm #662336

    Spending Saturday and Sunday with New Dude. Feeling a little unsure of him because ever since his big declaration about how much he likes me, he’s been unusually quiet. Still in touch just… not his usual silly, happy-go-lucky self.

    I asked him if everything’s ok on his end, he said yeah he’s just been busy and feeling under the weather. And then he followed up confirming our plans for tomorrow.

    As soon as a guy gets quiet and then tells me he’s just busy, I give him the side eye cuz that’s usually code for “just not that into you”. But, he asked me if we’re still on for tomorrow and confirmed time and place so… I’ll go and see if he’s back to his usual self.

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    December 2, 2016 at 11:26 pm #662385

    I agree with side-eyeing people for the “busy” excuse. It’s definitely valid sometimes, but I feel like I have to know the person pretty well before I would accept it as an excuse. However, I’m not in favor of texting between dates so I wouldn’t particularly notice if a guy didn’t text enough because I keep my texting limited to making plans for the next date, at least in the beginning. My coworker and I only text to make plans or sext. My FWB and I text every day but it’s mostly sending each other cat pictures and memes.

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    December 2, 2016 at 11:29 pm #662386

    @kare, I meant to say this earlier – I hope your cat feels better very soon and you have many more happy healthy years together. I’ve been thinking of you the past few days.

    December 3, 2016 at 8:57 am #662468

    I can’t even imagine losing my cats. So sorry for the emotional struggle you’re going through with a sick kitty 🙁

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    December 4, 2016 at 11:05 am #662658

    Well had my first ghosting experience. The guy I went on a couple dates with didn’t respond to my last text. We had been messaging periodically throughout the week, and his last text was suggesting that if I hadn’t been busy this Friday he was gonna have me go with him to his friends housewarming. I reaponded with a suggestion to get together the following week for ice skating. After two days of no response, which usually takes him a day to respond, I followed up asking if he was still interested in seeing me, otherwise I would take the hint. Well he didn’t respond to that one either. Really sucks because it seemed like he was interested and came out of the left field, especially with the suggestion of going to his friends party.

    December 4, 2016 at 1:11 pm #662673

    “Of course, I feel like this is going to be a lightning rod, and I definitely am not grouping all men together or even all women. But there are some people in society who get to choose whether to date someone older, younger or the same age as them (which can affect things like interests and other commonalities), and there are people who don’t get much of a choice.”

    Maybe, but I think that people are generally much more conscious of when they are getting filtered out and don’t see it when they’re doing the filtering. There aren’t more women than men (generally) so for every 30 year old woman who is dating a 40 year old guy, there is a 30 year old who isn’t dating anyone. When the 30 year old women here say “I won’t date a 28 year old man because he’s not as settled in his career or looking to get married immediately” that’s a 28 year old man “who doesn’t get much of a choice” Now, I think that *everyone* is entitled to their preferences. and don’t fault them for it. But that’s not some sort of global injustice.

    December 4, 2016 at 1:15 pm #662674

    I’d also add WRT to the older men-hitting on much younger women dynamic, that the 50 year olds that hit on 30 year olds are blasting out to pretty much every young woman, so these guys probably represent a disproportionate number of contacts even as they represent probably a smaller number of young men.

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