DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    August 13, 2015 at 12:17 pm #371988

    When it gets cold out, yes, the answer might involve jeans and boots. Or a dress and tights and booties. But there’s only one answer when it’s 90 degrees.

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    August 14, 2015 at 8:24 am #372050

    So I bought a cute new dresss last night that I can wear to work so two birds with one stone.

    Also, I had briefly mentioned to Tinder Teacher that I’m on this stupid low carb high protein diet so he texted me restaurant options last night showing which ones has the best “meat dishes” lol. If nothing else, he gets points for that!

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    August 14, 2015 at 9:20 am #372063

    @veritek that is pretty sweet he thought of that! Yay for new dresses. I am having a really shitty time right now personally dealing with some insecurities in my relationship and just being pretty confused, and reading everyone’s dating stories is really keeping me entertained! Thanks guys and keep them coming.

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    August 14, 2015 at 9:29 am #372065

    @mucha I’m sorry to hear that 🙁 I will send some good vibes your way

    August 14, 2015 at 9:45 am #372068

    I had a really fun double date last night. My roommate and I took our guys to free tango lessons in the park. We were soooo bad and it was stiflingly hot, but we had a good time laughing at ourselves. My roommate surprised her boyfriend with the tango lessons, so he was wearing flip flops. I guess a good rule of thumb for next time is to tell your date what to wear/ not wear if you’re taking him on a surprise activity.

    Afterwards we got dinner together at The Melting Pot. I love fondue! I am still full from last night, and I feel like I’ll be stuffed for days.

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    August 14, 2015 at 11:22 am #372074

    Tango lessons in the park sounds like so much fun! I have a third date tonight, but we are going to a bar that has an 80s/industrial goth night on Fridays. So I’m currently deciding between bright colors or all black everything. Hmmm…

    Oh and yesterday I went to dinner with a coworker and we ended up sleeping together. We have before a few times over a year ago, so it’s not anything earth shattering. I have a tendency to go through my past list of hookups when I’m in a dry spell apparently.

    August 14, 2015 at 11:52 am #372077

    Haha Kare, you’re so bad. I love it.

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    August 14, 2015 at 2:37 pm #372085

    Ooh, definitely bonus points, veritek 🙂 I’m so sorry to hear that mucha; I hope life will turn around. Tango lessons, industrial goth nights, sex with co-workers… good dates abound!

    Ok, what is a cute outfit for a going on a hike second date? It’s not an intense hike but it is outdoors. Obviously I want to be dressed appropriately but I want to look nice tooo…

    August 14, 2015 at 3:09 pm #372088

    I don’t hike. But I would say cute Capri leggings, loose racer back tank, and cute sports bra. And sneakers.

    August 14, 2015 at 4:14 pm #372105

    Good to hear about people’s dates. 🙂
    My date from last week invited me out again so yay! Still not 100% sure how I feel to be honest, is it really bad if there are no fireworks immediately? But he’s the first guy my intuition allowed me to go out with, so I figured this must mean something. 🙂
    My only problem is that I am very tight on cash now and dates tend to end up quite expensive.. Any ideas for no cost dates? (I don’t want to invite him to my place yet)

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    August 14, 2015 at 4:42 pm #372106

    @Eve If you have any nice parks near you, picnics are low cost and enjoyable.
    And I definitely didn’t have sparks with my current partner until the second date (which was less a date, and more him joining me for a caroling outing I’d put together, and the sparks happened because we sang a duet together). I don’t think that it’s doomed if they don’t happen *immediately* but if you’re not feeling it by the third date, I’d say it’s probably not going to happen.

    Guys, I made a date for Monday evening and I’m kind of regretting it. The guy just kept asking and asking, and when I didn’t answer he kept messaging me. I finally figured “Aw what the hell he’s kind of over eager, but I’ll give him a chance”. Then he started talking about sex, which makes me really uncomfortable before I’ve even met a person, and I told him that and he was like “Well, when we get to that, you watch out ;)”
    Also, winky faces follow half of his messages, and it kinda creeps me out. So now I’ve said I’ll go out with this person and I’m trying to think of the best way to say “Actually, let’s not ever”.
    Should I just go, or should I break it and fade out?

    August 14, 2015 at 4:52 pm #372108

    Gross I would not go on that date if I were you, that does not bode well at all. I have never met a person I even liked who would do that, let alone someone I would like enough for a potential romp.

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