DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • MissDre
    May 30, 2017 at 2:32 pm #688721

    Thanks everyone 🙂 Hope you feel better soon, @veritek33

    May 30, 2017 at 3:06 pm #688725

    Miss Dre, you guys are so cute!

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    May 30, 2017 at 3:48 pm #688730

    Dre, your trip–and outfits–look great!
    It rained almost the whole week I was in Bulgaria, but still had a great time with my old college roomie!
    I’ve been on two trips since Banjo and I started dating, and I think I missed him even more this time. Next trip is definitely with him though! We’re making plans now for a week in Montenegro in July. Can’t wait!

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    May 30, 2017 at 4:16 pm #688733

    Cute, Dre! You look gorgeous and happy (and he’s not so bad either)!

    May 30, 2017 at 4:25 pm #688735

    @veritek33 I got called ugly too about 2 weeks ago because I told him that I was not interested. LOL
    A week before that some other dude told me that I was missing out on a good thing. I wasn’t rude, didn’t want to ghost him I just didn’t feel any chemistry, I graciously hung up on him. My insta is not private so this weekend while I was having fun in the sun in Palm Springs he liked my picture even though he un-followed me from all social media.
    Don’t take it personal, mostly likely them being rude/mean is a reflection of their own insecurities. I’ve learned to laugh it off.

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    May 30, 2017 at 4:32 pm #688736

    @veritek33 Don’t let the guy who called you ugly get you down! Fact: If a man can’t even spell “ugly” correctly, his opinion carries negative worth. (Potential d8s who txt like dis r such a turnoff to me, guyz.) I once had a guy on Tinder call me a miserable bitch. And it was like, thanks for helping me weed you out quickly, ya weirdo!

    May 30, 2017 at 7:33 pm #688743

    Awww thanks Wendy 🙂

    I once had a guy say “I can’t believe I wasted my time and money on a stuck up bitch like you” along with a pig emoji after I didn’t want to go out on a second date with him. His time was an hour, his money was the price of one coffee. Anyway, there are assholes everywhere. Don’t let em get you down.

    May 30, 2017 at 7:48 pm #688749

    @Veritek if you feel like that then it’s actually healthy to just delete the apps. I’ve wanted to delete Facebook too. But you’re strong, you are very strong. It actually takes strength to leave situations that may trigger you.

    One thing that always helps for me and used to help me during my first awful breakup (and it’s going to sound awfully selfish but it helps), was to think that many many people have it way worse. This friend I was talking to told me about a friend of his whose fiance told her that he didn’t want to get married in the middle of the cake tasting, in front of everybody. They were actually getting married in June and she is the one who has had to face everyone since this guy just dropped off the face of the Earth. She is having a way worse time than I am. I felt really really sorry for her, her situation is awful, and then I thought wow, my situation is nowhere near that and here I am making it like it’s the end of the world.

    And yeah, Veritek, I think it’s healthy to delete apps like Facebook but do think that social media only shows the best parts of relationships. During the first breakup I posted something on Facebook about feeling sad for that and a friend of mine who was married at the time and posted A LOT about babies and husband and seemed really happy and like a perfect family, told me that she wished she had never married. So, obviously people are going to show the good stuff about their lives. But what if they actually have it worst? I prefered at the moment to be going through a breakup than to be trapped in a marriage wanting to get out. I don’t know if this helps, I’m just rambling, but I’m actually trying to send you lots of good vibes.I hope you feel better soon.

    May 30, 2017 at 8:13 pm #688753

    Yeah definitely don’t worry about the online life veritek. My day to day is a shitshow at the moment but you won’t see any of it on Facebook because, well it would feel like attention whoring mostly, but also out of respect to my family’s privacy. I’m sure even you aren’t putting it all out there right now if that helps keep things in perspective.

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    May 30, 2017 at 9:26 pm #688772

    I like your white top, Miss Dre! It’s very chic farm 😉

    That’s really awesome to delete Facebook from your phone, Ver, if you know it’s hurting you.

    I went out with a guy the other day. I knew I wasn’t feeling it but the conversation was fine. Near the end of the date he asked if I wanted to go to this new place we had talked about. And I knew I had to decline so I did. Well my exact words were “Oh… I’m ok.” Yeah, need to work on that. He was fortunately really polite after and even said that now he knows a new coffee place in the city.

    I was kind of bummed after that date, because it sucks being the rejected and the rejector. I mean it’s good I said no, because I’ve gone enough first dates to know when I actually want to go on a second, but still, sad feelings.

    I was just messaging a guy. I thought we were more chatty so I said something without asking a question. He hasn’t replied and I’m going crazy (in a totally self-aware way)! I either let this fade or do a double text in a day? Arrrg.

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    May 31, 2017 at 8:57 am #688818

    Thanks for the kind words guys 🙂 I know, it’s not personal, but it still sucks to be called ugly or just treated disrespectfully.

    I’m sending you good thoughts too 🙂 I do know quite a few people my age that got married super young and are having lots of problems now, and on the other hand my two best friends that got married at 23 both seem really really happy – OR they’re really good at faking it 😉 (They don’t lie to me though, they make sure to mention the long hours with husbands out working and essentially being single moms without them)

    @copa he definitely made it easy to weed him out after I saw how he communicated lol.

    The bad thing about facebook is….that’s literally what I do for a living. I’m a social media manager for three states! So, every once in a while when I feel like I have to take a break, I have a dummy account that’s only friends with my real account so that I can manage the social media posts for my personal clients and work clients without actually having a newsfeed or seeing other posts.

    Anyway, I appreciate the commiseration. Wish I had dates to talk about….but I just don’t. Nothing and no one that seems interesting right now.

    May 31, 2017 at 9:02 am #688819

    Dre you are stunning and you and your man look great together! What an awesome experience.

    Veritek – I’m sorry you are going through a hard time right now. My friends and I call facebook, fakebook, people only posts the parts that make it seem they are living fabulous lives! You continue to do you…this too shall pass!

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