DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • June 6, 2017 at 3:49 pm #689579

    Well, I had to do some special work yesterday, that was urgent, and required me to go to a town that is 3 hours away. I stopped at some random restaurant to have lunch and when I left, there was a guy sitting there that I had met through Tinder. I totally recognized him and almost tripped and everything. I didn’t talk to him because I had to leave in a rush. This guy had talked to me for a couple of days on Tinder, then stopped. Then he followed me on Instagram and we talked a while there, liked a couple pictures and then stopped again. It was a bummer because the conversation was really nice and I really liked him. Yesterday, when I saw him I was so surprised (like what are the odds that I ran into him, so far away from when I usually am, at a restaurant I never go to, on a day that I wasn’t supposed to be there) so I had to talk to him, and I did. We talked for a while but then he stopped. I was like OMG, this is destiny, but I guess he wasn’t haha. Bummer.

    @veritek I really liked WW. It’s not the best movie ever but it’s fun to watch with a girlfriend.

    June 6, 2017 at 3:49 pm #689580

    Oh, and in person he looked a million times more handsome that in his pics. Double bummer.

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    June 6, 2017 at 3:59 pm #689582

    I actually think most people I’ve met are better looking in person. I think I’ve only been out with one guy who was a let-down based on his photos (he REALLY didn’t look like his pictures).

    June 6, 2017 at 4:38 pm #689588

    So I met this guy on bumble 3 weeks ago. We ended up making out at the end of our first date after dinner and drinks. We then met up again before memorial weekend since we both hand plans to leave out of town. We have scheduled our 3rd date for this coming weekend.
    I enjoy his company and feel good being around him.
    My questions is how long should a women wait to have sex with a man, in order for him to take her seriously and not see her like a side piece of ass.

    I don’t want to screw it up even though my 40 yr old hormones are on full effect! LOL

    June 6, 2017 at 4:53 pm #689591

    You do it when you feel like you want to, and it will be fine! For me that tends to be like date 6, but seriously whenever you feel it.

    June 6, 2017 at 7:00 pm #689606

    Yeah do it whenever, but make sure you’re upfront about what you’re looking for first. The thing is if you do it quickly but then he thinks you’re a tramp for something you BOTH willingly did then he’s not worth your time anyway and you’ve found out quickly. Plus you got laid, yay.

    June 6, 2017 at 7:54 pm #689613

    I know people who are married who slept together on their first date. Have sex when you are ready and comfortable (or horny enough to proceed otherwise).

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    June 6, 2017 at 9:46 pm #689618

    @MissDre, haha, it would be a great gift!! One guy’s wife bought this class for him. During our intros, there were a few “my wife/girlfriend’s very understanding of my beer obsession” soo yeahh.

    @veritek, I don’t think it’s weird to meet guys at church. I mean, it’s not like you’re going there to pick up, haha. The church I go to now is the church I grew up in and it really is the visual of an aging church. I kind of want to find a younger church for fellowship, and well, possibly meeting potential love interests, but it’s also hard to leave the church I’m at because I’ve been there for so long other than when I went away for school.

    , so you actually never met up but you bumped into him after he essentially faded? Ah that is quite the coincidence but it’s a bummer he didn’t feel the same way.

    I’ve been fortunate that all the guys I’ve gone out with from online either looked the same or better than their photos. I’m actually often optimistic they will look better because many people just aren’t photogenic.

    Just wanted to say… 400 pages! What!?

    Also, it was through Addie Pray’s comment on a DW post that I found out about the wonderfulness that is Call Me Maybe and Carly Rae Jepsen all 5 (!) years ago. I am OBSESSED with her new song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlsu7RhOnsQ I like it even better than “I Really Like You”. Listen to it if you haven’t already!!

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    June 6, 2017 at 11:18 pm #689623

    I am hoping to see Wonder Woman in theatres next week for my bday. Doing the same thing last year, treating myself to dinner and a movie 😛

    I am planning on ending things with a guy I have been seeing for a couple months. Recently I have just been feeling ‘meh’ about him, and really don’t see it going past the first couple months. I don’t think the emotional connection is there or could be. Oh well. I am busy for the next month or so and have plenty to keep me busy that I am happy to have more time to myself 😛

    My dad is coming to visit me next weekend here out West to watch me do my first half marathon. I almost cancelled it due to Plantar Fascitis, but have managed to heal enough to continue running. I was home for 6 days and got a couple runs in, one 16+ km run and am feeling good! So looking forward to this athletic milestone.

    June 7, 2017 at 6:16 am #689638

    @hfantods I found a brewery tour and tasting followed by a 2-hour masterclass offered by his new fav beer ever since he moved to the UK. This is something I have absolutely ZERO interest so I’m wondering if it’s something we should do together next time I visit? Or if I should encourage him to go with a new friend… the only thing that sucks is you have to choose from the available tour dates, you can’t just give a voucher or certificate.

    June 7, 2017 at 7:16 am #689641

    I thought Wonder Woman was awesome, and didn’t have a problem with Gal Godot’s acting because she was just so bad-ass. I liked the retro WWI stuff too. My husband sees all the superhero / comics movies and, while Spider-Man is still his favorite, he had to admit that no one could beat Wonder Woman in a fight except maybe Thor… but then Chris Hemsworth is on record saying Thor could NOT beat WW, so ha! He definitely thought it was one of the best of those kind of movies he’s ever seen.

    Also omg this week’s episode of Handmaid’s Tale, the end rocks.

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    June 7, 2017 at 8:16 am #689647

    Cleo – good luck on the half! I’m sure you’ll crush it!

    In other news, Banjo and I finally bought our tickets to Montenegro and I’m super pumped. I’ve been on a trip with friends + someone I was seeing, but I’ve never done a full trip with an SO. Can’t wait! Also, a good friend of mine and her boyfriend are doing a trip to Croatia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and we’ll overlap with them for some of it, so planning to do a hiking and/or rafting trip in a national park with them at some point during our week.

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