DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • MissDre
    July 5, 2017 at 5:04 pm #692853

    @Ale I was afraid for 2.5 years that I would end up alone, and now I’m dating someone. So, time changes everything. Have faith (hard I know, as people were telling me that for 2.5 years and I didn’t believe them).

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    July 5, 2017 at 5:14 pm #692854

    @theladye That’s super exciting. This thread was due for a happy update. You’ll have to let us know how it goes!

    I know that feeling well, and I’m sorry you’re feeling it, too. I’ve been single for like three years now, dating on and off for about two. I’ve met some nice guys, and a few suck around for short periods of time. But nothing ever seems to be right for long-term. It’s rough out there! I’ve basically started planning my life alone, but not necessarily in a sad way. I basically acknowledged that there’s nothing I can do about the guys who aren’t interested in me, I can’t get too down for too long because I’m not where I thought I might be by now. So I instead focus my energy on me, and making my life what I want it, with the hope that if I ever DO meet someone I click with again, and the timing is right, I’ll be the best version of myself. It helps!

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    July 6, 2017 at 8:31 am #692880

    MissDre – belated happy birthday!

    @ladyE – what a wonderful update! I hope it goes well,

    – I’ve felt that way many times, but I’ve learned that optimism or at least trying to be optimistic helps with my mindset.

    @Copa – I think that’s the way to go! I’ve been planning things for my house and vacations that involve me being by myself. Not because that’s necessarily what I want but because that’s the reality I have right now.

    As for me, I have a first date Saturday. It’ll be my first real date back out there since the guy I dated that moved out of state. He seems very cool, good sense of humor. I’m looking forward to it.

    Also, I had two back to back job interviews yesterday and I think they both went very well. I think both jobs have the potential to be good fits, but I do prefer one over the other just based on the personalities I met with yesterday. Fingers crossed that I get second interviews or offers soon!

    July 6, 2017 at 9:32 am #692886

    I got my 23 and me DNA testing back. I found some awesome stuff out about where I am from. I always get asked if I’m from the Mediterranean because I have these sky blue eyes and olive skin. All I knew was English and German. Well…..guess who’s more of a mutt than she knew! TheHizzy is!

    If you want to do 23 and me let me know. I’ll send you my referral code. It was pretty cool. It went into telling me I have the genetic makeup of an elite power lifter, I don’t do well on high saturated fat diets (worse than most), and I don’t carry any variants for diseases. I’m still trying to read through all the information.

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    July 6, 2017 at 9:43 am #692889

    How much does 23 and Me cost? I’m curious. The info they gave you sounds pretty cool. I met up with some friends for trip over the long weekend and while I was there got mistaken for Italian and Native American.

    July 6, 2017 at 10:25 am #692893

    @Copa I had a discount so the full on DNA and health one was $179. It’s regular $180. If you do just ancestry it’s like $99.

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    July 6, 2017 at 11:36 am #692909

    My gramma and I just submitted our spit tests last week! Can’t wait to find out some ancestry and genetic stuff and see what is similar between the two of us!

    July 6, 2017 at 11:42 am #692910

    I had been on an extended dating hiatus while I focused on some health issues. I’m feeling better, but I didn’t end the hiatus…until I met this friend of a friend. We instantly clicked, got involved…but the more time I spent with him, I realized the worse it’s going to be when he inevitably breaks my heart. So I am putting distance between us and dipping my toe back into the dating waters.

    I have an action date this weekend with a different guy; we’re going hiking and then to a bottle shop afterwards. I’m not usually an action date type of girl, but I’m reasonably fit so I should be able to keep up, and maybe it’s time to try something new. ????‍♀️

    July 6, 2017 at 11:46 am #692912

    I just got my results a week or so ago! The most interesting thing is that I apparently am 6.5% Balkan. I’m sure it’s further back on my Dad’s side (which I thought was only Italian). It was really interesting.

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    July 6, 2017 at 2:09 pm #692939

    @shakeourtree Why will he inevitably break your heart??

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    July 6, 2017 at 2:29 pm #692947

    @K the balkan makes sense since the Italians held great influence over the Balkans because of the close proximity. When we were in Croatia, we went to LOTS of Roman ruins there

    July 6, 2017 at 2:55 pm #692955


    Patience. It just all takes patience. I didn’t date for a LOOOOONG time (4 years) and then tried to date for a couple and it was awful. I resolved to be single forever. And then I met a great guy. I just had to wait for the right person and wade through the bad guys. Just patience.

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