DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • MissDre
    July 8, 2017 at 11:52 am #693094

    Well, he pretty much said we can’t do long distance like this forever, that one of us will have to move at some point. And I said yes, I know. He said we have to work towards a proper objective, an end goal.

    So I told him that the way things are right now, I hope that we have a future together. That I don’t want to rush, I want to make sure we really know each other, but my hope is that this will be a forever thing, so yes I know that a move has to happen.

    And he just said good, and that he misses me. Sooooo…. I guess at least I know he’s serious about me?

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    July 10, 2017 at 8:42 am #693226

    That sounds like good progress Miss Dre!

    As for me and my date….it never happened! I texted to confirm plans and got radio silence. After a usual daily text from him saying hi or asking how my day was – nothing. Haven’t heard from him since Friday. And I don’t even know the guy, but damn, I was looking forward to going on a date. So that sort of soured me. But I ended up going for margs with a few friends from the gym rather than sitting at home, so not a bad night after all. Just disappointing.

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    July 10, 2017 at 9:15 am #693230

    Akk. Sorry to hear that, @veritek33! One of my friends had three guys in a row flake on her for first dates in the past couple weeks.

    July 10, 2017 at 1:17 pm #693255

    @MissDre at least you know that he is willing to have the difficult conversations with you which means he is serious and he sees a future.
    Long distance is hard and it must be harder on him since he moved to a different country.
    @Veritek sorry for that, but I bet margaritas were better than what the date could have been.

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    July 10, 2017 at 1:51 pm #693260

    @Ale the margaritas and girl talk were fabulous. Turned into a crossfit girls night sleep over at my house.

    He texted this afternoon with a bunch of excuses. I Haven’t responded.

    July 10, 2017 at 1:54 pm #693261

    @veritek GOOD! Don’t respond. He was completely rude and inconsiderate.

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    July 10, 2017 at 2:00 pm #693263

    Yeah, I wouldn’t respond. If you had concrete plans and he couldn’t even text to say he’s sorry but needs to reschedule? Not worth it, IMHO.

    July 10, 2017 at 2:06 pm #693264

    I wouldn’t respond either. Ick. I’m glad you ended up having a good night though, ver!

    MissDre… that’s def a good sign! Woohoo! And don’t let some arbitrary number, like you’ll discuss moving after a year, get in the way. Do what feels right when it feels right. Although I wouldn’t move unless you had a firm commitment 🙂 That is coming from someone who wouldn’t even consider living with someone without being engaged. Or at least knowing it would happen soon. So who knows. Seems to be working so far.

    July 10, 2017 at 2:28 pm #693267

    @ktfran well I definitely don’t feel ready to start making plans to move yet. I’m really happy with the way things are going, but I also feel like it would be too soon for a bigger commitment. And for the record I don’t think that’s what he was asking me for. I think he was just checking in that we’re on the same page.

    I told him that I was really happy that he’s planning to visit at Christmas and that we can check in with each other about our relationship at that time.

    And of course, we’ve got our visit coming up in September 🙂 Another 10 days together!

    July 10, 2017 at 3:46 pm #693283

    @veritek crossfit friends are some of the best ones to get drinks with. stupid human trick when intoxicated like handstands and back squatting people. Been there, done that 🙂

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    July 10, 2017 at 3:50 pm #693284

    @thehizzy there was much drunken conversation about who could outlift the other while we tried to blow up the kiddie pool in my backyard and see who could do air squats the fastest 😉

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    July 11, 2017 at 8:54 am #693336

    Banjo and I had a great time on our trip together! Croatia and Montengro were so beautiful and we had a great time seeing the sights, hiking, swimming, tasting the local wines, etc. So much fun! We spent 2.5 days out of our 7 with another couple – once I found out they were traveling in the same area at the same time it made sense to split car rental and places to stay for those those – which was fun but I ended up wishing we had a little more time just to ourselves. I guess it’s better to be left wanting more than to get sick of each other, though! We got back Sunday evening and by Monday evening Banjo was already telling me he missed seeing me all the time.

    On our last night, we had a nice dinner outside and then we walked around the old town of a walled-in city. We stood outside, looking at the lit up walls and the full moon and it was very romantic and I almost told Banjo I love him but I chickened out. Some hostel kids came around and were being loud and I lost the nerve, ha.

    Now I’m back to work with tons to catch up on, plus a sinus infection and post vacation blues. So that’s a bummer. Buuuuut We have a bike trip through the wine region with four couples we’re close friends with in 3 weeks though, so super excited for that!

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