DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    July 19, 2017 at 9:32 am #694153

    Huge tangent, but I’m curious: @Kate and @Lianne – Are you two IRL friends who stumbled onto one another on this site? I remember a few years ago there were a couple regular commenters who were in I think grad school together and bumped into one another here. (And one day at my last job, I overheard a couple women who worked on a different floor talking about the letter from the man whose girlfriend(?) wore odd professional outfits, like babydoll dresses with blazers. And I wondered if that letter had been posted anywhere else, and worried I wasn’t being discreet enough in the posts where I’d blast that company.)

    July 19, 2017 at 9:35 am #694154

    We were friends starting about 10 years ago. She used to tell me about this site Dear Wendy, and I went on here and started commenting as Kate, and after like a year or something, Lianne was like, “is this you?” Haha.

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    July 19, 2017 at 9:45 am #694155

    Yeah she commented about her guest bathroom toiletry basket that I knew she had and I finally connected the dots hahaha

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    July 19, 2017 at 10:11 am #694160

    Not date related at all – but I had my second and final interview for a job yesterday (and it seems so wonderful and like it would just be my dream job) and they said they wanted to make a decision yesterday or this morning so I should hear soon. And I’m a nervous freaking wreck. Like, I can’t get my heart rate down at all and I can’t drink caffeine because i’m so wired..

    Distracting stories for me?? Fun or crappy dates? I have a bumble date tonight for margaritas and the guy seems cool. And he actually confirmed place and time, unlike midnight texter guy, so i think he’ll actually show up.

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    July 19, 2017 at 10:58 am #694174

    Storytime! My boyfriend and I went to an animal sanctuary this weekend and it was so much fun! We got to walk around and look at all these different (and some exotic) animals for a couple hours for a grand total of $15 – plus gas to get an hour outside the city. Plus, it was two hours in the car for us to learn more about each other and have great conversation. He’s awesome and I am pinching myself with how wonderfully this is going so far.
    (Ugh, gross, I know right?)

    Also I went to a therapist for the first time yesterday. Being with my boyfriend has made me realize I have a lot of stuff from my past I need to work on that I don’t want to bring into our relationship, so I found one and I went. I’ll be going back every couple of weeks for the next few months. I’m nervous about it, but hopefully it’ll help me get to a good place myself so I can be a good partner and not internally freak out all the time (which I found myself doing quite a bit).

    This weekend my boyfriend and I are going to see The Big Sick and I think have our first overnight date. Eep! Very excited. 🙂

    @vertiek, I hope you have a great margarita date tonight!

    July 19, 2017 at 11:19 am #694179

    Here’s a story.

    Last week I forgot my fork and spoon for lunch and attempted to eat my lunch with a knife. I don’t recommend. I have all my silverware today. I’m about to go eat because I’m so hungry I might faint.

    It’s also like 85 degrees in my office. I’ve been sweating since 6:30 am CDT.

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    July 19, 2017 at 11:46 am #694182

    Not related to dating, but I’ve been whining all over these forums for a couple months now about how I gained a bit of weight, like 10+ lbs, while at my last job. My gym started a clean eating challenge, and I decided to join. It’s six days of eating clean and trying your best to stay near your caloric goals, one cheat day, and we’re using Facebook and MyFitnessPal to motivate one another. I’m attempting to track my macros for the first time, and it’s been fairly eye-opening. I’m about two pounds down from last week (I think a little more, but I went out for tacos, margaritas, and ice cream last night), and I know in a few more weeks when the number I’ve lost creeps a little higher, I’m going to be excited to keep going. I don’t have a ton to lose, but it’s been so long since I’ve actually wanted to lose weight that it’s like I forgot how to eat healthy and at a calorie deficit. So I’m glad for this challenge.

    ETA: Also, I got like 90 lbs over my head the other day at the gym for the first time ever. I think I could’ve added a bit more weight to my barbell, but we were doing clean complexes and the point wasn’t to max out. But now I want to see what my max would actually be, because I feel really weak at any movement where I have to throw a bunch of weight up overhead and I surprised myself and felt like such a boss.

    July 19, 2017 at 12:05 pm #694190

    @Copa OMG I have tried tracking Macros and it’s like impossible. The recommended percentage of protein… I don’t understand how I can possibly fit that much protein into me per day.

    I would need 25g of protein per meal. I was trying to think of all the high protein foods I know of besides meat (I’m not going to eat a chicken breast for breakfast!), I did some googling, I had friends recommend foods to me, and everything that’s considered “high protein” is only like 12g. But if I eat more than one serving, then I’m going over my calories!!

    No matter what kind of rearranging I tried, I simply could not figure out HOW THE EFF to fit in 125g of protein into my daily recommended calorie limit. I decided that it’s impossible and said nuts to that.

    That’s my rant, sorry for highjacking!

    July 19, 2017 at 12:11 pm #694192

    Macro counter here!

    Protein products I love to hit my numbers:
    Chicken – local grocery store! Portion out and you easily get 20g of protein in a serving!
    Premier Protein Shakes – why I love them? High in protein low in everything else. Perfect for: breakfast, snack, after workout
    Think Thin Protein Bars – why I love them? Gluten free and packed with protein and calories before a workout. Perfect for: afternoon snack, mid morning snack.
    Mighty Muffin – why I love them? Gluten free muffin like food. Taste take a minute to adjust to, sugars are low. Perfect for: after dinner if I’m still hungry, Have used for meal before. Perfect with a little bit of Nutella

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    July 19, 2017 at 12:23 pm #694193

    I have my macros set to 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat, which means I need like 120 grams of protein (more if I work out). I’ve only been at this for like a week, but the first few days I realized just how little protein I consume even though I’m not a terribly unhealthy eater. (My big problem that led to weight gain was overindulging, stress eating, and eating out a lot, but when I cook for myself, I’m pretty healthy.) The first few days where my protein intake was low, I was hungry more often. I’m now making a conscious effort to up my protein. The first day I hit my macros, I ate three protein shakes. THREE! (That seemed/seems absurd to me.) I’m still figuring it out, but I will say I’m not as hungry as I was last week.

    This morning I made an open-faced sandwich with one slice of Ezekiel bread, Primal Kitchen mayo, tomato slices, and what felt like an absurd amount of chicken breast (it was only 3 ounces). I was in a hurry and made it on a whim thinking “whatever, this’ll HAVE to do,” and my macros were DEAD ON. I was SO PROUD. It’s just past noon right now, and it actually kept me full all morning.

    Anyway, I’m trying to stick with this breakdown of my macros for a week or two to see how I feel.

    July 19, 2017 at 12:28 pm #694195

    @Copa – I went Marcos a few years back and I haven’t looked back sense. I sometimes get off track a little but when I’m on I feel great, I’m full, I have great energy, even better sleep and I look better. Keep it up!

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    July 19, 2017 at 12:49 pm #694200

    @TheHizzy – Maybe you can help with this part that I’m struggling with: Right now, I’m tracking calories and macros on MyFitnessPal. Do you know how to determine how many calories I should be shooting for each day? I know I need to eat at a calorie deficit to lose weight, but MyFitnessPal has me at 1200 calories per day. I have a desk job, so I’m considered sedentary even though I walk around my city, go to Crossfit a few nights per week, and run. This seems pretty low to me. So far, it’s been manageable (with a lot of planning), and when I log my workouts, I get to eat more. But I don’t want to be undereating.

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