DW Community Catch-up Thread
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- This topic has 11,842 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 2 days, 17 hours ago by
So, I had tentatively scheduled a Friday night date. I told him my foster cat was getting adopted and I had to take care of that, but would be free after even though I wasn’t sure what time. I asked if he was fine playing things by ear, and he said yes. Friday night rolls around, and I gave up my foster cat and then proceeded to ugly cry all over the city. So I told him it wasn’t the best night for me and apologized, and now we’re trying to reschedule again. I heard from him on Saturday morning saying he was leaving on a bike ride and invited me to join, but I was across town doing other things. So. We’ll see!
In other news, I got a foster dog on Saturday, and OMG dog owners please weigh in: The shelter told me she was house broken, but would probably have some accidents. This dog, while very cute and sweet, doesn’t seem housebroken at all. She’s peeing all over my place, and it’s particularly frustrating because it keeps happening after walks and outdoor time (during which she PEES!). It’s only been a few days and I realize the dog is probably stressed out, but I had to e-mail the shelter today saying that I’m second guessing my decision because I don’t think she’s ever been house trained like they said. I’ve fostered other dogs before. Accidents happen. But at least with those dogs, I could tell they KNEW to go outside but just had to learn our new schedule. I can’t tell what’s up with this dog. I told them she might need a more experience foster, and feel super guilty, but I truly just don’t think I have the time to help a dog unlearn bad habits and learn good ones. This morning I had to hustle her outside in the middle of TWO accidents to help correct the behavior, and then the clean-up, and even though I made it to work on time, I was so frazzled trying to get out that I accidentally wore ugly pink flop flops to the office. (Oops!)
She might have a medical condition – that’s one possibility. Or she’s not totally emptying her bladder outside and then feels like she needs to finish when she gets in. I know girl dogs pee less frequently than boys because they’re not marking every spot they sniff, so maybe she needs to be out longer? Or she’s getting distracted?
I think she’s not emptying her bladder. (Could be medical?) She has a spot outside my building that I’m trying to establish at her go-to spot, and she kinda gets it. We spent almost an hour outside together this morning, at that spot and on a walk, during which time she relieved herself, before she had an accident inside. Yesterday we walked over three miles mid-day and she went to the bathroom. And then within maybe an hour of getting home, she peed twice (and these were sizable puddles) and I didn’t notice either until I was literally stepping in them. I feel bad about it, but I’m super frustrated with her. I’m waiting for the shelter to weigh in. My last foster dog had free run of my apartment, even while I was at work, within three days. The worst he ever did while I was out was eat a whole bag of treats. He had a couple accidents (they were exclusively when it was raining out, because he hated going outside in the rain), but I could tell he understood what to do and very quickly picked up our routine. This dog? Not so much. It’s like I can’t take an eye off of her even for a second while we’re at home together.
KJuly 24, 2017 at 11:12 am #694810My friend gave me her phone so I could swipe on Tinder for her, for a few minutes. I didn’t like that you don’t know where the person really lives, they could just be visiting, unless they mention where they live in their profile. But it was fun to see what it is like. Tinder got popular right after I got into a relationship so that’s one app I never used.
Oh. And actually related to dating: Over a month ago, I went on a first date with a guy I just wasn’t that into. (The one who was surprised I could afford my apartment.) He wanted to go out again, I told him I’m not romantically interested, but always in the market for new friends. I never back after that, which wasn’t surprising since most people on dating apps aren’t there looking for friendship. Yesterday he randomly texts me a picture of his sister’s dog. Nothing else. Erm.
TheLadyEJuly 24, 2017 at 6:36 pm #694853Happy 2 years to this thread! Wow. When this thread started, I was “dating” that 38 year old artist who was high all the time and spent whole weekends on my couch drinking vodka tonics and watching stand-up. Without touching me. I’ve learned so much about what I should and shouldn’t accept in the last 2 years. Lol.
@Copa, I have no real advice since I’ve only raised one dog from a puppy and she was potty trained after a few months, but I think you’re doing a great job. If it makes you feel better, even my 9-year-old housebroken-for-years toy poodle had accidents in the bedroom this morning because her stomach was upset from new treats and I spent precious getting-ready-for-work-time cleaning up dog poo.
Happy 2 years little thread 🙂
I found out today that they picked the other guy for the job I really wanted. But at least they told me so I can stop wondering. I’m really bummed about it but I guess that means I just keep looking. The good news is I have a date Wednesday night with a guy that I think will actually show up! So I’m sort of excited about it. Maybe I’ll have better luck with dating than I am with jobs. That would be an interesting turn of luck lol.
Happy anniversary, y’all!
@TheLadyE, HippieArtistGuy has a fond place in my heart 😉It’s motivating to see people talking about fitness. It’s been five years since I really counted calories and I did notice a change. I’m not sure why I stopped. It was a little obsessive but nothing extreme. Otherwise, my weight has been the same for about eight years, basically my 20s. I can’t help but think my life would be different/better if I lost 5-15 pounds/gained muscle. It’s hard to start.
Wow, two years ago I had just come back from Chicago and now I’ve just come back from Georgia! My visits to the States have really aligned. I can’t say my dating life has changed at all, which is a little unnerving. I do go on dates, just never intensely. Haven’t been on a date since May.
lucia_laJuly 25, 2017 at 8:13 am #694922Two years is crazy! I have followed this thread religiously although often just as a lurker. In these two years I’ve gone from an ill-suited experimental five months with who turned out to be an emotionally unavailable lesbian, to a couple months with a guy who was ALL ABOUT me and then fizzled quickly (which I took way too hard), to being really happy with Banjo. When Banjo and I first hooked up he had gotten out of a long-term relationship not that long ago, and we were coworkers who got drunk at a work party and then slept together. So by all normal dating “rules,” a terrible idea. But it’s working out to be the most fun, mature, respectful and happy relationship I’ve ever been in. So there ya go!
TheHizzyJuly 25, 2017 at 8:59 am #694938In the two years since this thread started I refused to read it until recently. Two years ago I was going on a string of bad dates with guys from the internet and just over a year ago resolved to be single forever. Until I met my current guy. It’s funny how things change in a short period of time