DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    July 25, 2017 at 9:03 am #694940

    Dog update: this morning was so much better! We went outside to our potty spot almost immediately on waking up, and she used it. Came back inside. She ate breakfast while I got ready. We walked, she did more of her business. Returned to our potty spot for a couple minutes after. Threw a toy around while I drank my morning coffee and a protein shake. No accidents after coming back in! She did really well in her crate yesterday while I was at work, too. So I’m feeling better. Accidents are expected with fosters, but I didn’t understand why she kept emptying her bladder inside when we’d just spent time outside. There may be more accidents, but I’m thinking now I jumped the gun getting frustrated, and that she’s still stressed out from all the change and learning our schedule. She looks like a fox and is super soft, so we get a lot of love from strangers on our walks. Haha.

    My official weigh-in day is tomorrow, but I stepped on the scale this morning out of curiosity. (My oven/stove is broken and my management company is taking for-ev-er to fix it, so this past week’s nutrition has been spotty.) In a little over two weeks, it looks like I’ve lost about 4 lbs. Woohoo! It’s hard to get started, but when you start seeing the scale change, it’s pretty motivating. I’m excited for when I notice a change looking in the mirror or buttoning my pants, which I’m guessing will be in a couple more weeks.

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    July 25, 2017 at 9:13 am #694943

    Oh, and @veritek Sorry to hear you didn’t get the job! Just keep looking! I was rejected from a couple jobs that sounded perfect when I was job hunting last fall/this winter. It was hard, especially after one or more rounds of in-person interviews, because you know by then they probably are down to a handful of people or fewer. I tried to put a positive spin on those rejections. Like sure, maybe the other candidate was a better fit for the company culture or was stronger in a certain skill, but they still brought me in for an in-person interview and most applicants don’t make it that far. It was reassurance that yes, I had marketable skills. (TBH I often feel like I don’t. Ha.) Just keep your eyes open for the next opening.

    July 25, 2017 at 6:18 pm #695004

    Sorry about the job Veritek! Fingers crossed another comes along that you’re just as excited about.

    I randomly got asked out over Meetup yesterday. I’d forgotten people even used it that way. Groups in my town are small so most people are smart enough to realise the potential for social embarrassment if they get caught creeping. What happened to a bit of finesse and waiting to see if the person you’re after shows up to an actual event so you can creep in person? No wonder these dudes are single, no game at all.

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    July 26, 2017 at 8:56 am #695091

    Yeah, I’ve been asked out by randos I’ve never met on Meetup. It’s weird. The last time it happened was maybe a month or so ago, and he was the last in a string of men to send me weird messages. I was so frustrated that I wrote back saying, “This isn’t an online dating site.” And then blocked him. (I’ve thought about asking a guy out from Meetup once, but we’d MET in person at an event. I decided even THAT was too weird.)

    July 26, 2017 at 9:42 am #695101

    People using all ways to meet others.

    I hear stories about people who meet on Tumblur and Reddit. And they marry and they’re happy. I wonder how those conversations start sometimes.

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    July 26, 2017 at 9:47 am #695102

    I know a couple that met on LinkedIn. They worked in the same field, and one messaged the other for her perspective on something as a consultant. (Or something like that.) Which led to some emails exchanged, which somehow led to dinner, which led to dating.

    I think the thing about getting random messages on Meetup that I find so off-putting is that Meetup exists to help you meet other people in real life with whom you have shared interests. If you’d rather sit behind your screen than physically go to an event, or jump to the gun asking someone to drinks when you’ve never met or had contact with them, it’s kinda like… eh???

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    July 26, 2017 at 9:48 am #695103

    Someone I used to work with met his now-wife on Twitter. I don’t know how it got started, but I doubt he sent her a private message asking her to lunch off the bat, y’know?

    July 26, 2017 at 10:23 am #695106

    A coworker of mine met his wife on MySpace!

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    July 26, 2017 at 11:24 am #695121

    I have a friend who met her fiance through Meetup. But they actually met in person at the event. It seems creepy that people would ask each other out solely through the site (maybe based on the groups you’re in or your picture or something?).

    July 26, 2017 at 12:16 pm #695128

    I met my boyfriend through my Meetup hiking group and some friends have met their spouse through that group as well. I’ve only ever been asked out after meeting someone in person on a hike. But yeah, I’ve heard of other people being creepy and just messaging women who are signed up for a hike. There are also spam bots that will sometimes send creepy messages through Meetup!

    July 26, 2017 at 12:17 pm #695129

    I met one of my closest friends playing SongPop on Facebook, lol.

    @Veritek I’m sorry about the job. Sooo cliche, but yeah, better things will come along.

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    July 26, 2017 at 9:30 pm #695193

    @Veritek I’m so sorry about the job! 🙁 That’s such a disappointment. Hoping for good things to come your way very soon!

    Guys, this week is dragging for me. Work is busy with a lot of career-growing and yet somewhat stressful things. I have to be in front of a lot of managers/leaders as a trainer in the next few months and it’s nerve-wracking. I started at this company 4 years ago in an entry level role and now I’m peers with the sales managers etc. I’m definitely beginning to feel impostor syndrome and I know that’s not helpful at all.

    But! I have lots of fun plans this weekend – my boyfriend is coming over to go swimming with me on Friday after work in my subdivision’s pool, and then Saturday evening he’s taking me to a party to meet his friends. I’m nervous about that, too! I can’t believe it’s only Wednesday; this week legit feels like it’s crawling. Anyone else have fun plans lined up?

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