DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
@copa, now that is just sloppy social media perusing! Heh. Yeah, I totally understand checking in on past people, but I try to be careful, right? She must know that you can see who’s viewed your Stories. So is it a weird power move? … So bizarre!
It was a coworker’s wedding over the weekend. It was pretty nice. But I felt all this stupid self-inflicted pressure of finding a significant other to be socially/professionally acceptable? A coworker is recently single and she is going on dates etc. and I feel cruddy because I haven’t been on a date since May. I haven’t really found anybody interesting? I’m not sure. I felt lonely yesterday because my parents and sister are traveling, and while I do have friends, they’re not the kind of I just call up. I did end up going to the park and reading a little.
Yeah, just have to get this self deprecating stuff out… the positive is I tracked my food today! More or less, I added a random tablespoon of olive oil because it’s a little inaccurate with cooking. I know that losing weight is not the key to happiness, but I can’t use that as a reason not to do it.
@hfantods Yeah, so my sister actually thinks it’s my ex on his wife’s account. (He has his own but for whatever reason blocked me about a year and a half ago. His account was already private, I wasn’t following him, and had never requested to follow him.) Whichever of the two it is, it doesn’t really matter and it doesn’t change how weird it is. Oh well!
Awkward Texter and I have been texting a little and his friends were gushing about me, it seems. That was nice to hear.
I’ve gone to weddings alone, both when I’ve been single AND when I’ve been coupled up. I can’t recall a single wedding where I haven’t had a blast. That said, yeah, I think being around so many couples who are in love and having a great time together can bring out the sadz about being single, even if you’re having fun. I tend to find myself wishing I had someone to share that kind of fun with when I go to weddings. Incidentally, this is part of the reason I’m always in the “just extend your guests a +1” camp.
lucia_laAugust 15, 2017 at 8:20 am #697243That seems like so much effort!
I do admit to creeping on exes every once in a while, but it’s like once every six months I’ll wonder what they are up to and go scroll through their facebook for five minutes. I can’t imagine creeping someone on the daily.Anywho, my aunt and uncle are coming into town this week so they’ll be meeting Banjo. We haven’t met each other’s family yet (we live abroad) so I’m excited to introduce him. I also want to start figuring out what we’ll do for the holidays, since we live in Europe and our families live on complete opposite sides of the US. We do have about 3 weeks off so I’m hoping we’ll be able to visit both of our families, but I haven’t brought it up. It’s still months away but we do a lot of traveling so I guess I should bring it up soon in case he wants to save for the trip. I don’t really need to, but I don’t want to suggest a bunch of trips in the fall and then have him in not the best financial position if we want to do a big expensive winter trip. The US dollar is down in relation to our (obscure, one-country) currency so that helps a little.
I never blocked him on Instagram, so it’s possible he could unblock, creep, and block. I dunno. The sloppy sleuthing seems like him, but truly, it doesn’t matter. I’ve been very surprised a few times over the past couple weeks that I’m still relevant to either of them, and that I’m still on the brain enough to be a daily stop. I do use social media to check up on my exes, but it’s like twice a year.
KateAugust 15, 2017 at 10:06 am #697257I think it’s more likely her than him, and she doesn’t know stories show viewers, but I could be wrong. There are a few ppl I check up on regularly (not multiple times a day though!) and I’m not psycho or unhappy with my life or jealous of them. I can’t even really figure out why I do it, and I’m pretty self-aware. Well, if I had to say, I think it’s like when you hate-read a blog. I don’t actually “hate” them, but you know. Entertainment purposes? One of them I got interested in because she got in my face first and insulted me… then, checking her social media I saw she was posting really stupid shit with her bf of about a month… leaving her little girls with him… and then 2 months later they broke up and soon after that, he was in jail. So it’s like, what dumb crap will she do next? Oh, there’s a sexy pic of her 11-year-old! There’s another ridiculous Snapchat filter selfie!
I know you don’t post stuff like that, just giving some insight as a semi-stalker.
August 15, 2017 at 1:25 pm #697285@Copa She may feel that he’s involved with someone and she keeps checking your account because she thinks it might be you.
@Kate Yeah, I get it, I have people I check up on, too, for reasons outside of jealousy or unhappiness. The frequency here is what I think is truly bizarre for an account that I post on maybe twice per month.
@Skyblossom It’s unlikely. I moved to another state less than a year after we broke up. Given how their relationship started, and knowing how comfortable he is lying, I wouldn’t exactly be floored if I learned she doesn’t fully trust him, but don’t think I’d be high on the list of suspects.I only discovered the stories like a week or two ago. I’ve posted a few stories since, mostly of my foster dog because she’s awesome and I love her. I posted a few stories throughout Saturday to learn how the feature works and that’s how I discovered that yes, she checks my feed multiple times in a single day. Homegirl has crazy eyes, seems insecure/like she needs a ton of validation, and tbh I think she HAS to have issues since she was so quick to marry a guy who was not showing great character or even, like, the most basic level of sound emotional health.