DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • TheHizzy
    April 12, 2018 at 3:29 pm #749842

    I love me some reddit you guys. You should give this story a read, it’s insane!


    April 12, 2018 at 4:13 pm #749844

    @Jade – I’m sorry your going through that. And who knows why people do that kind of crap? About a month ago, my best friend texted me that her husband just left her. Like they came home from work and talked like normal for a while then when she mentioned looking at something over the weekend he said that they needed to talk and proceeded with he thinks they need a divorce. She later (in the evening) found out he had cleared out all of his things from the house (closet, his office, etc.). So obviously he’d been planning it for awhile. They’ve been married at least 10 years or so. Who does that? There were no warning signs, even now looking back there really weren’t any. I hear the heartbreak, the anguish, the hurt and anger in her voice when we talk (we live 12 hrs apart). Sorry to hear your going through something similar. I’m being as supportive as I can being so far away so I hope you can find someone close to lean on.

    April 12, 2018 at 4:21 pm #749845

    What a crazy story @hizzy. What is wrong with people??? Good grief!

    April 12, 2018 at 4:41 pm #749846

    But didn’t you break up with him, Jade?

    April 12, 2018 at 5:43 pm #749851

    @anonymousse Yes I did breakup with him, I didn’t want to but what can woman do when her gut feelings/intuition is telling her something is up? Like I said I started to notice little things here and there about him. I started to feel him distant and asked him if something was wrong and he said no. He stopped calling like he use to and when I called he would cut me short and tell me he would call back and he wouldn’t. I let it go on for a month by then my gut feeling was on high alert telling me something is wrong. It’s a super shitty feeling. And I didn’t want to continue feeling like that.
    I love him and it hurts that he didn’t want to work things out. When we first started talking he mentioned that it took him close to 2 months to end his previous relationship. Deep down I feel like that’s what he wanted. And there is nothing I can do about it, it doesn’t mean that I’m not heartbroken about it. I just had hope of him wanting to work things out.

    April 12, 2018 at 6:28 pm #749853

    The reddit story is gone and I’m devastated because it looked like a doozy.

    April 12, 2018 at 10:09 pm #749856

    @jade.. That sucks & I want to give you a hug right now. I know it doesn’t really ease the heartache, but good for you for following your instincts. Sometimes giving someone the benefit of your heart leads to being taken for a ride. Make sure to take good care of yourself. Time is your friend. Continue to listen to your gut.

    April 13, 2018 at 8:53 am #749881

    The readers digest of the story

    Woman and man were together 10 years, got engaged.
    FMIL never liked woman and would try to break them up.
    Woman and man plan wedding, FML is dick about the whole thing.
    Suddenly two months before the wedding FMIL becomes supportive and non-combative.
    Woman’s family pays for wedding, goes well, FMIL and FFIL drive woman and man to airport for honeymoon. Tells them to enjoy the trip of a lifetime.
    Couple days into honeymoon man tells woman he just can’t be married to her, and woman goes for a walk. Comes back, man is gone.
    Woman freaks out, calls her family and her sister is on the next flight down.
    Man texts woman tells her he’s back at their home and moving his stuff out, and he will file for divorce.

    Woman says FMIL suddenly becoming nice and supportive should have been a red flag. They started to plan this whole saga 2 months ago.

    April 13, 2018 at 9:09 am #749882

    But… why did he go through with the wedding and go on the honeymoon for two days? Why wouldn’t he just break it off beforehand?

    April 13, 2018 at 9:16 am #749883

    Theory was, since the bride’s parents paid for absolutely everything, FMIL wanted the party, etc and wanted to be spiteful by leaving bride’s parents on the hook for all the bills.

    I don’t know how valid that theory is. Seems delusional that somebody would actually PLAN to break up AFTER the wedding just to have a party and stick someone else with the bill.

    April 13, 2018 at 11:25 am #749885

    I read in that “just no mother in law” forum some and the stuff in there is bonkers. And knowing what some of my friends deal with, I believe a good portion of it!

    The theory is – what better way to embarrass the woman trying to steal your little boy than have the wedding and then suddenly he’s gone. Just the way to get back at the pesky girl for loving your kid. It’s unfathomable that he’d go along with it and not have a conscious about it!

    April 13, 2018 at 11:47 am #749886

    That sounds all levels of fucked up. But there must have been warning signs, I mean, it’s all too weird.

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