DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • This topic has 11,834 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 1 day, 1 hour ago by Kate.
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  • July 30, 2018 at 12:05 pm #783216

    Fun @Copa about your date tomorrow! And @ale, good luck getting out there in the dating world. Also, @Copa, I agree that ignoring the text was your best option. If it were me, I’d almost block the number at some point.

    As for feeling anxious about running into an ex… I don’t think you can really put a time on it. There’s an ex I feel that way about. And a couple of friends. I get that flip flop feeling in my stomach if I think about running into him or her. Or, if I think I seem them in passing. I think it’s perfectly normal as long as you don’t let it get the better of you.

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    July 30, 2018 at 12:38 pm #783222

    Running into exes…..I think it depends on the ex.

    I saw my abusive ex at a gas station in the town I work in in May, and I just sort of froze. I paid for my gas and got the hell out of there. I have no desire to see, speak or acknowledge him in any way and it sort of made me sick to my stomach.

    On the other hand, I run into my other ex quite a bit actually. He’s in the same town and he’s married now. I spotted him at a Mexican restaurant and waved and we ended up having a 15 minute catch up conversation. We aren’t really good “friends” but we certainly can get along in social situations and I don’t mind bumping into him

    I think it just depends on the ex and the circumstances.

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    July 30, 2018 at 12:39 pm #783223

    I don’t know what’s normal for “run-in anxiety.” I think mine is disproportional to the situation, but I was already an anxious person. For me, a lot of it is rooted in knowing encounters are inevitable, but not knowing when they’ll happen. The guy made me feel disposable and embarrassed with how avoidant he was, so it’s hard for me. It hasn’t happened yet, but I dread running into him with his girlfriend because I can’t help but feel like she’s better than me. I’m petty and hope they break up. Until last week, I was using my back entrance almost exclusively, but decided I need to be better than that. I lived there first, and I wasn’t the one acting like a jerk.

    July 30, 2018 at 1:22 pm #783231

    I think mine is disproportional too. It was a normal relationship, but yeah, I feel like I was disposable too. It’s hard to be “better than that” I also “hide” a lot, so I don’t run into him or his saint best friend. He looks happy to see me when he does, though. I don’t know what is going to happen if I ever see him with a romantic interest. Probably a full blown panic attack.

    Anyways Copa. I think we’ve all been petty at some point. I think it’s fine. And please, stop thinking that she is in any way “better” than you. She is not. And do remember that he is an emotional 19 year old, so, you’re way better than him.

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    July 30, 2018 at 1:41 pm #783234

    That is exciting you are trying Tinder, Ale!! Wishing you the best.

    Sounds like a fun date Copa. It’s hard to believe she is better when he sounds like a dud.

    This is OT, but you know how Copa’s ex’s wife (?) sometimes views Copa’s insta stories? Well this acquaintance from high school was on my “people you may know” list. I clicked her username just to see her profile (I don’t really mind that Instagram algorithm info whatever) but my fat fingers accidentally pressed her Insta stories circle! So now she probably thinks I’m creeping her, which a little bit, but not really at all!! Ugh, haha.

    July 30, 2018 at 2:05 pm #783235

    Copa, you have to flip the script on that situation in your head. He’s some fratty guy you were sorta seeing. She’s some gal who’s a better candidate for the job of being his girlfriend, that’s all. It’s not even a job you want. It’s probably sucky.

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    July 30, 2018 at 2:13 pm #783238

    I don’t think yours is disproportional, @Ale. You guys dated for a long time. If it were me, I think I’d have to leave the job. A few years ago, a friend of mine dated a co-worker for 2-3 months. They moved fast, were exclusive girlfriend/boyfriend within a week(!) of their first date. He dumped her to get back together with his ex. My friend, her ex, and his on-again girlfriend all went to the same gym (it was somehow affiliated with their work), so she saw them together all the time and things got super dramatic/immature. I don’t condone the drama that she stirred up, but have more empathy now for how it must’ve felt to see him/them. Her ex left the job about six months later, and my friend left maybe six months after he did. So it stinks, but at least you’re handling it better than some people.

    Also, I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one who “hides” in these situations — I’m really hard on myself for doing that. Last Thursday, I walked home from my bus as usual and started debating if I go in through the front or back. I started feeling anxious, and told myself that I’m silly for it, silly for thinking he’ll *always* be in our courtyard when I am. Lo and behold, I got home and he was in the courtyard, back turned toward the street. So I kept walking and used the back. I was so frustrated with myself!

    I wouldn’t worry too much about it! It happens. I see people who don’t follow me viewing my stories and don’t think much of it unless it’s consistent. My ex’s wife’s behavior seemed really “off” mostly because I could tell she was visiting my page multiple times/day. It took her a few months to stop, and I speculate she only stopped because she learned that you can see who views your stories. She had a sloppy sleuthing moment in the past couple months and viewed another story, so I assume I’m still a regular stop on the crazy train. I don’t post particularly personal stuff on there, so if she’s still this curious about me, it’s weird, but she won’t see anything tremendously interesting.

    July 30, 2018 at 2:19 pm #783239

    I still feel oddly anxious that I might run into Pilot Jones whenever I’m at the airport boarding a flight for the UK. Which is stupid, because there are god only knows how many airports in this country, what are the odds he’d be in my city coming out of the gate I’m waiting at? I haven’t even seen or spoken to him in 2 years so I have no idea why this even crosses my mind.

    July 30, 2018 at 2:20 pm #783241

    This may not be helpful, and it sure is a little petty, but one of my friends taught me the very best revenge is looking good and being not at all concerned with them/totally happy if you see the ex. Fake it if you must. Not even to inspire any feelings on his side, but for your own confidence. Don’t spend time/energy concerning yourself for what he’s doing or where he is. Just walk right by. Reclaim your space.

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    July 30, 2018 at 2:43 pm #783244

    @Kate I know you’re right, I’m just not there yet. I think I just need to get used to run-ins, but I keep hiding, so it still seems like a Big Awkward Deal. I know logically none of this is a big deal, but emotionally I’m still being a dope and a coward. And yeah, the more I observe of how he lives his life, the more I don’t think he’d be a boyfriend I’d want. He like a year younger than I am but still lives like he’s in college. (He didn’t have soap in his bathroom, you guys. SOAP.) He still goes out like he’s in college and wastes entire weekends being hungover. He leaves his dog in a crate without water or a even a blanket all day (I’m a creepy animal person and this drives me NUTS!). His girlfriend is pretty recently out of college, so it’s probably what she’s used to. When I was her age, I was happy if all my boyfriend and I did together was go out drinking with friends and drunk-eat a burrito after, ha.

    July 30, 2018 at 2:49 pm #783246

    He’s A LOSER. He crates his dog all day with no water and doesn’t have soap. Who cares! Just say hey if you see him, like who the fuck cares. “Hey,” like he’s anybody in your building. You don’t care.

    July 30, 2018 at 3:03 pm #783248

    Yeah, listen to Kate. You’ve gotta stop caring, gotta stop giving him any mental space or energy. He’s a loser who isn’t worth it.

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