DW Community Catch-up Thread

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  • This topic has 11,834 replies, 98 voices, and was last updated 1 day, 6 hours ago by Kate.
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    July 31, 2018 at 2:55 pm #783338

    Two dates in one weekend! Go @Ale! 🙂 A bar with activities is good — it helps make the date a little more active and if the conversation drags, at least you’ll have something to talk about. Hopefully neither date will leave you crying into your ice cream.

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    July 31, 2018 at 5:28 pm #783343

    Yay Ale! Hope both of your dates are fun! So happy you are feeling ready to “get back out there,” as they say, and start meeting some new guys again. Please come back and tell us how it went!

    I have two dates this weekend as well, one on Friday and one on Saturday. Last Saturday, actually, I went out with the guy who has 3 kids – he met me at an open mic and watched me perform and then took me out downtown. I figured – well, I’m going to be downtown anyway and I might as well eat something and he seems nice enough, so why not? We ended up having a marathon date which lasted over 7 hours between 2 bars and a makeout session on the street and in my car like teenagers! I had a LOT to drink. Heh, oops! Anyway, he seems very taken with me. I got booked in a comedy showcase for this Friday, so he’s coming to that and then will take me out again. I will have about half the amount of drinks that I had last weekend! Then Saturday I’m finally meeting another cute guy from Match who I’ve been talking to for weeks. He travels a lot for work and I thought things were going to fizzle out from lack of momentum but he finally asked me out at a certain date/time so we shall see.

    Copa, I got on Bumble this past weekend b/c of your success with Bumble guy and a 40-year-old man cursed me out when I pointed out him telling me he wanted something “just casual” was inconsistent with the fact that his profile said he wanted a long term relationship. Good times. But I want to hear all about your next date with Bumble guy!

    August 1, 2018 at 8:51 am #783396

    Any of the fellow crossfit people watching the games today?

    August 1, 2018 at 9:41 am #783400

    @LadyE that sounds like a fun date! What do you think about him so far?

    I’ll be watching the weekend, hopefully this will be Sara’s year. Surprised to see all the people that tested positive on drugs.

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    August 1, 2018 at 9:48 am #783403

    So our grilling date didn’t happen! On Monday he texted that he had to take a work call on Tuesday evening, asked if I could reschedule for tonight (Wednesday). I couldn’t, I have dinner plans with a friend tonight, so instead we decided we’d keep last night low key and explore a neighborhood in the city and eat ice cream or grab a drink. His call was cancelled yesterday afternoon, so we figured we could meet earlier after all. Then it started raining yesterday as I was leaving work. So we ended up going to see the Mr. Rogers documentary. After the movie we walked around my neighborhood for a bit, and then grabbed my dog and walked him. My dog loves men and threw himself at Bumble Guy. It’s silly, but I really had a lot of fun walking with him. He got his hair cut and trimmed his beard and it looked so good. 🙂 So he leaves for a vacation tomorrow and is back middle of next week, and we’re planning to do our dinner date when he’s back and hopefully trying paddle boarding together in two weekends. I will say, it’s really, really nice to meet a guy who actually wants to DO things. I’ve met a lot of guys who don’t seem to want to do a ton (like the ones who quickly start defaulting to Netflix together, or who always default to the same date activity like grabbing drinks). He’s a consultant (though changed roles because he got burned out on the M-Th travel schedule) and is out of town quite a bit for work this month. I don’t know why, but I’ve dated more than my fair share of consultants since moving to this city. Which is fine, but in the past I’ve had a hard time maintaining a good connection/momentum because of the travel. So we’ll see. But for now, still fun.

    Also, I know we’ve discussed who pays for dates early on in this thread. What about when you’re dating? I paid for last night’s date — it’s the first one I paid for and it actually felt really important to me to get to the theater first so I could be the one to grab our tickets, snacks, and drinks. Because I don’t want him to feel like he always has to pay. Obviously we’re not exclusive, but I guess I feel like we’re both happy to see where it goes in the short term (famous last words?), and am curious how people split the bills when you’re past the first few dates.

    @LadyE There are duds and great guys on all the apps/sites! I’ve met more nice non-matches than anything else, but there have been a handful of guys I would’ve committed to over the past couple of years who things just didn’t work out with. It’s possible that guy changed his mind but never bothered to update his profile (couldn’t tell you the last time I updated mine because I don’t keep track of that) and it’s probably not worth your while to call people out on that other than saying you’re looking for different things.

    I’ve never watched games before.

    August 1, 2018 at 10:02 am #783405


    Anyway, we just basically started taking turns after the first date.

    One of us makes more than the other one, so our living expenses are pro-rated for that. However, one of us eats a lot more food and drinks more and pricier booze, so we do tend to split meals evenly.

    August 1, 2018 at 10:16 am #783408

    After the first couple of dates, we took turns. He usually ended up paying more, but he also makes quite a bit more than me. I always try/tried to pay my fair share though.

    @Copa… don’t overanalyze or compare the amount of time spent with Bumble vs. previous guys. It’s a really good sign that he’s continually making dates despite his work travels. Just take it day by day and see where it goes!

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    August 1, 2018 at 10:30 am #783409

    Really liked it! The documentary was well done. I remember watching the show as a kid and being kind of scared of some of the puppets. I don’t think I ever realized how Mr. Rogers tackled current events with his show, or how much he was mocked for qualities that are admirable (kindness, compassion, and teaching that everyone has inherent value). Almost cried a few times and probably would’ve if I’d been with someone I know better or alone.

    Anyway, I have no clue what he makes. (Nosily tried to ballpark it on Glassdoor.com, but who knows if that information is even accurate.) I’d guess he makes more, but suspect it’s not a ton more. I can think of plenty of cheap or free fun dates in this city, but imagine dating gets really expensive for men.

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    August 1, 2018 at 11:52 am #783419

    @Copa I actually disagree that it’s not worth my while to call them out – I mean, he’s obviously an asshole but I swiped right and talked to him BECAUSE he said he was looking for a LTR. If he’d said he just wanted casual I wouldn’t have done that. He wasted my time. I mean, it was only a minute but it still wasted my time because I had a ton of matches to weed through and I picked him to talk to in part because of that criteria. It’s not being honest and I’m sick of it. Plus I’m sick of 40 year old men acting like assholes. It’s just not cool anymore; you’re middle-aged, dude. Grow the hell up. Saying “fuck you” to a woman on a dating app when she did nothing to merit it is really immature.

    It sounds like Bumble guy is great and it’s so nice to hear a positive story! Please keep updating us because it gives me hope. And I know what you mean about guys actually wanting to do things on dates, and even more so taking the initiative to think of those things – that’s really important to me, too, and an indicator of our compatibility.

    , I liked him but I’m not super twitterpated yet…I think because he wanted to go really fast physically and I wasn’t feeling it. I felt pressured. He (eventually) listened when I said a firm no, and apologized later for pushing things too far, but I didn’t love that (he definitely didn’t listen to “no” right away). So we’ll see. He says he “isn’t in a rush” and is fine to wait, but we’ve only been out once and he just asked me to come back to his apartment after the show Friday. I said I would rather stay out in public. So we’ll see…now I see why he has 3 kids, lol. He did show me a very good time, though, and paid for everything (refused to let me pay at all) so that was nice. I thanked him several times!

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    August 1, 2018 at 12:21 pm #783421

    I mean… you really don’t think it’s possible that he wrote that “about me” and things have since changed? (Pretty sure mine says I like to run by the lake, which I haven’t done in almost a year.) And it sounds like he was up-front quickly once you started sending messages notwithstanding. IDK, I wouldn’t feel misled at that point. No, he shouldn’t have been so rude to you, but if you don’t want your time wasted, don’t waste your own trying to put strangers in their place. A LOT of online dating is spent briefly chatting with people you’ll never end up meeting. Also, I wouldn’t go out again with a guy who didn’t listen to “no” right away. If I’m labeling either of these guys an asshole, it’s the second hands down.

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    August 1, 2018 at 12:24 pm #783422

    @theHizzy – I’m trying to stream the games with no luck! I was in Madison last year and IT’S KILLING ME to not know what’s going on (dramatic a bit). Our gym owner’s son competes in the teen division and last year my friend and I live streamed the events back to our gym and no one up there now can figure out how to do it!

    I’m sure I’ll just download videos tonight when I get home but the crossfit site and facebook have had some serious streaming issues. Like, y’all have done this for 12 years, get it together.

    August 1, 2018 at 12:32 pm #783423

    @Ale I know, and used to be coached, by one of the females athletes. I’m currently rooting for her.

    I just hope it’s all fun to watch! Glad I can have it on FB live, on silent, seeing it out of the corner of my eye.

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