DW Community Catch-up Thread
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Dear Wendy.
September 23, 2015 at 1:02 pm #383615
@money that is awesome!! Congrats on the sex and the talking 🙂 also cheese and salmon, because delish. As far as the not as touchy feely, I wouldn’t take that as a sign of disinterest on date two, maybe he just isn’t’ comfortable being that overt with you since you are still in very early stages! I would pay more attention to his actions and whether they are backing up whatever he is telling you. ie- if he says he wants to hangout again, does he actually make steps to make that happen or whatever it is!
KSeptember 23, 2015 at 1:37 pm #383627@kare, the guy I lost my virginity to got married this past weekend to a former friend of mine. We all worked together, and the former friend knew how into this guy I was (in love with him for 3 years and we hooked up on and off during that time), and started dating him behind my back. Of course, 5 years later, I wonder what I thought was so great about him. But they had a short engagement that apparently nobody knew about, so I was surprised to hear the news and seeing a photo of them on their wedding day still made me feel a deep down twinge, for old time’s sake I guess! It’s nice to look back and know you’ve moved on to something better, or dodged a bullet.
Also I’m happy to hear about everyone having great dates!September 23, 2015 at 3:35 pm #383641Thanks, you guys! (erm, gals!) I think you’re right. My jerkbrain sometimes just kicks in and makes me doubt myself. For instance, he said, “talk to you later,” when I left. Which, most likely means, “talk to you later.” But then my jerkbrain goes and thinks he means, “talk to you later (but really I’m being vague so I can avoid having to talk to you and am slowly backing away because you’re a weirdo).” Because that’s happened, in my past experience. So it’s hard to put that aside and just go with the flow. But I’m trying.
September 23, 2015 at 7:26 pm #383658Ahh, thanks! True, jerkbrain is a bitch!
So, I sent him a short thank you text at lunch, only to say last night was great, and it’s been fun getting to know him. And to have a good rest of the week. That’s all I’m going to do for now. He can reply if he wants.LovelySeptember 24, 2015 at 12:14 am #383668Went on a really great date tonigh! Everything was a supeise. My guy said “come over at 2 and bring a swimsuit, and don’t ask any questions we are going to have a fun day.” So I played along. He took me to dinner to a place that had calories posted on the menu (he knows that I am counting my calories), then we took Cheerios to a coy fish/turtle pond and fed them, he has apparently been listening since I love animals. Then frozen yogurt. Then to a pool/hot tub spa place (my muscles have been kinda achy from working out so hard. Pure bliss, a man who pays attention to what I like. Feeling spoiled!
LovelySeptember 24, 2015 at 12:19 am #383669@moneypenny cheese, red wine, salmon, sex… Sounds like a good night to me! Keep us posted!
September 24, 2015 at 12:43 pm #383741So I am jumping on the bandwagon people! I am not dating seriously, but rather casual, like FWB kind of stuff. But I signed up for OKcupid and after making the poor decision to list my interest as casual sex and short term dating, I sorted through the ridiculous amount of messages, and finally hit the jackpot with a guy! He is a bit older than me *cough* 10 years *cough* Is a police officer in the region, loves the outdoors (has a conservation pass, which basically sold me haha) and is very fit. So let the games begin!
I am going on a third date this weekend 😀 It’s mostly been good. I like him, and he seems to like me.
Saying goodbye was still really awkward that last time though. It was the first time as well… I have never kissed anybody before, and it’s just how does this even work?!
(Plus it feels like every other person in the world got the rule book of dating when they were in their teens, and I missed out)
Yay for new dates across the board! Sounds like a great date, lovely. Hope it goes well Cleopatra and emsz.
So I finally decided to tell Tinder Finance Guy that I wasn’t interested in him further romantically and it was ok and he was ok! I know I could have decided earlier but I also could have kept on going too trying to convince myself I liked him so I’m glad I stopped it now. So now I have a little more perspective into dating sort of. It’s nice to have this forum to get things out and have some advice from more seasoned folk.
I do hope I find someone I genuinely like and who likes me too. Until then, I’ll have fun dating or not dating!
And happy two month anniversary, thread 🙂