DW Community Catch-up Thread

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    March 11, 2019 at 12:40 pm #836464

    That cake is beautiful! Wow!

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    March 11, 2019 at 12:43 pm #836465

    Oh bridal showers. I was the maid of honor for a friend last year, and her soon to be MIL started messaging me about how i’m “required” to throw one. I ended up hosting it at my house but the two bridesmaids and my friend’s mother also assisted. It was a brunch theme with a mimosa bar and ended up being a lot of fun.

    The only ridiculousness came from her soon to be MIL who had hosted her own surprise bridal shower the weekend before mine (which she was invited to) and then brought all her leftover stuff and tried to use them at mine. We kindly asked her to stop rearranging our stuff to make room for her additions and she huffed and took her items to her car. Oh well.

    March 11, 2019 at 12:51 pm #836466

    Your cake is beautiful! But, you didn’t get to eat at your own shower? That’s some kind of awful. And sorry it wasn’t a good shower for you. That sucks.

    We are having company this weekend…I think I’m going to make a cake. Maybe. Or homemade ice cream. But overall been doing pretty good on not having to much sugar since going off W30. I was hoping to not like it (sugar) as much but I just really like sugar.

    March 11, 2019 at 1:43 pm #836482

    That is a beautiful cake…

    Now I want cake.

    March 11, 2019 at 1:55 pm #836487

    That is a nice looking cake!

    March 11, 2019 at 2:22 pm #836502

    Beautiful cake. Husband asked me to make him a cake soon but it won’t be decorated. Ha. Or maybe I will for anniversary. I ended up getting him AirPods. He wants them, will use them and frankly while at Target today he mentioned wanting some and I just finally said “I thought about getting you those let’s just get them”. So gift pressure off. Not quite what I had in mind and i still got him a small sentimental gift but he’s happy and it’s solved. He listens to music all day at work so he will use them all the time.

    He took today off after working 53 hours of overtime this last week and something like 43 last week. We had breakfast, ran some errands and he took me to a new store he heard of I might like. It is nice out finally so it was a really nice day to hang out, get some stuff done and sweet of him to want to drag me shopping. Usually it’s the other way around as he gets bored. I could tell he wanted to do something to make me happy since I do get a bit frustrated with the lack of shopping options around here. I found some much needed fleece line leggings I’ve been searching for, clearance for $10! Woohoo. He also wanted a picture frame for a pic of us on his desk at work. He’s too freaking cute. Nice day after not feeling great lately. Still don’t feel super but surely this glass of wine will solve that! I just am pushing through it at this point.

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    March 11, 2019 at 2:27 pm #836503

    @Rangerchic Ha! I know people who, after cutting out sugar, find their past favorite treats too sweet. I wish I had that problem! I’m cutting back again after eating whatever I wanted on vacation (and the week after cause my tired brain won when it came to food choices) and accepting that I’m someone who really needs to keep sugary treats in my home to a minimum.

    March 11, 2019 at 2:45 pm #836507

    @Copa – same for me! (on keeping sugary treats to a minimum). There’s a few things I find to sweet…soda being one of them but I never really drank a lot of it to begin with. I still love sweet tea though! Being from the south it needs to be sweet (though I do actually like unsweet ice tea and I don’t like it to sweet unlike most people I know from the south).

    – glad he got a day off! My husband has been working 6 days a week since December. And this project is not set to be done soon so likely to continue for a few more months at least. No weekend trips in the near future and I’m itching to get out of town for at least a weekend. Guess it’ll have to wait.

    March 11, 2019 at 2:49 pm #836508

    Thanks @rangerchick. He is happy. More will come with this but at least for now there’s a break. We aren’t upset about the overtime pay though. Woohoo for working for government where they have to classify him as he is, even though outside of government he’d be salaried. Big check coming which is always good. He’s exhausted but at least there’s a positive to it.

    March 11, 2019 at 3:08 pm #836511

    Another really sentimental thing that happened was my mom. My grandma, her mother, passed over the summer. It was very sudden and unexpected. She was 93 years old, and I loved her very deeply. Mom got one of her rings that I loved since I was a kid. Mom tried to hand it off to me after her death and I refused to take it. Emotions run high and I wanted her to think hard about the decision.

    She gave me that ring this weekend. I refused a couple more times, she insisted, and it’s now with me. When I think of my Grandma I think of 3 things: her love of poinsettias, her love for her grandchildren and that ring. It shocked my mom when I told her I was going to take it to be appraised so I can insure it. She said that the ring meant more to me than it did to her.

    March 11, 2019 at 3:11 pm #836512

    I actually like bridal showers more than baby showers, because at bridal showers I’m excited by all the household things I wish I had! I’ll be having a shower, my mom and aunt will be throwing it I think. Pretty much every wedding I’ve gone to, the bride has had a shower, so they don’t really seem to be falling out of favor from what I’ve seen, even if people are getting married later. I haven’t registered for anything yet, and there are definitely things I don’t need. But there are some things I’m looking forward to upgrading – like I’ve never had nice towels, and my dishes and glasses are mismatched.

    March 11, 2019 at 6:39 pm #836544

    Fun ideas your husband might have. Stick your arm into this hole since it fits and see if… do not do this. Sigh. So we need some drywall repair and i need less fiberglass in my arm. We still do not have a cable line where he was attempting to bring one. I am starting to think him being busy is better. ??‍♀️

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